elvenV Ipile Up two toucIIUowns 1i rapid succession, the Wildcats staged one of the most remarkable cone- backs in football bistory to wrest out a victory ni the last quarter. Almost equalling this perforniance was the fourth. quarter offensive staged by the Wildcats against Pur- *due last Saturday in ivhich the Pur- pie tied the, score ati7 to 7. As in the- Minnesota. gaine of a vear, ago, Northwestern ,entered the last quar- ter on the lowv end of the score but, staged a concentrated 67 yard, drive that terminated in a touchdown and tied the score. Hopeful for Titie Wildçats adherents have not counted the teafi out of the. chami- pionship runniing,. and. figu re *that a ,win over Miniiesota will keep North- western.. verv much in the thicki of things. Minnesota, naturally, bas the same aspirations, indicàting that Saturday's contest will resuit in, an- other of thosé: typically. bard fougbt engagements. that usuially miaterial- izes when Aiese two teamîs get to- gether. Ollie Olson's continued improve- ment-as a uniie smashier, which added ta bis, kicking and passing abilities joins with -Rentner in providing NorthiWestern's major threats against the Gophers. The fact that this pair is dividing the passing duties has given Nortbwestern's, aerial attack a deceptiveness that nearly proved Purdue's undoing and did avait Northwestern of a chance to tie the Boilermakers. .Mus.t Stop Mander. Against Minnesota the Parple wili encounter in Manders a fullbaçk of the same type as Horstman of Pur- due. This latter indlividual ripped the Wildcat line for long gains -until the Purpi e was, forceil back against its goal uine wben a. sturdy defense avertcd al ,b ut oile of Puirdue's thrusts., The manner ini whicb Man- ders tore thirougli Nortbwestern -forý two toucbdowns last, vea r is still iresh in tbe iminds of ail the. Xild- cats who .played in that gamne. Northwestern's line will be bol- stered up for tbe Minnesota gamie bv thbe return of Bab Gonya. sta i MLviriam nrubakcer, airector of the Nursery school, and Miss Martha Fink of the department of parenit education, bave opened a series of conferences with tile 'mothers" study groups of [La Grange, to be held on.i Tuesday evenings dùring, the fa. Miss Brubaker mneets with mothers of children of 'pre-school age, anmI Miss Fink with those Who are inter-' ested -in th é probleis' of adolescence. Miss Do.rotby Weller, also a memn- ber of, the.Children's school s'taff,lis giving a course of fiveé lectures oýn "Methods in RZeligious'Education in, the Primary Grades" in, connectiot' with the Institute for Church, SchooI Teachers which is bein.g held by the Episcopal churches of the north shore in the parish bouse of Christ church, Winnetka, this faîl. Miss Violet. Rush is conductinga training class for teachers.. at the Rogers Park Congregational ctiurch. and is supervising the program of. re-, igious education there, and in t he Wilmette Methodist churcb. CHARITY BRIDGE TEA The Evanston and North Shore alumnnae of Delta Gamnma will have a charity bridge tea on Saturday, October 29, at 2 o'clock, at the homne 'of Mrs. 'Ivan Rachiff, Happ road, Mrs. George Wallis of Rochester, Wis., spent several days last wveek with b e-r son and bis family, the George E. Wallises, 1612 Forest ave-. nlue. -o- Mrs. A. Fryar, wbo makes ber bomne iith bier daughter, M rs. G. E. McCollum, 427 Greenleaf avenue, left .Sunday for \Vichita, Kas., to visit bier tvosisters for about'two weeks. Courtney FOR The Chicago Bar Assoeiati.oni "Commendsbi, public carcer. indecpendent.?' The, Legiui' ative Voters' League gays ofhm "Senator Courtney. bas shown unusual abiîlity, cour-ý age and dependability _and b._as been consisteniy. active .against undesirable tax in- croasese msures." The Chicago Crime Com- iision gays: "The, present, State's -At- torney's administration of 'bis- *fee hot nsot j,... uk as to menit bis return. "'The best intereuts of 'the public wilI bc served by the election of Thomas., J. Courtney as State's Attor- nev." gays: Capable, vigorous, courageous and Former Judge Charles M. Thomson, a republican and chairman of ~the Country Towns Courtney Republiças Club sys: '*Thepresent State's Attorney has signally faiied. 1 pannot support hiiu in view -of the record lie bas made. 1I amn for Senator Courtney." e.VOTE FOR e FnI Thomas J. Courtney DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY Prevent an Increase in Taxes ailoi prig Zelle carne to son, Kane Zelli Lake Forest a( his parents at1 the week-end. Dr. and . Mrs- it also withi their ho is a stuident at my. Kane joined Doering hýome for Remember, the proposition the G enerai Amac carry by a FaiIuTe to va of all votes cacwt for membara of is a vote for bigher taxes. vote "YE S"--' It w'iIIýsave you 40, Cents out OF every State Tax Dollar,