prano, ýmrs ÂV. rr a I OIfl .-vv 8tiiiii '-J *.oi Kenilwôrth and Millicent Chapman Çooke, pianist, (Mrs. John A. Cooke) of Evanston will be the soloists ini a musicale to be given at Club Vista del 1,ago this Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. -Mrs. St.' Clair* Carver wvil1 accoînpany Mrs. Whiftmorc. IMrs. Whitmore studied l i I ew York with Frederick, Bristol ani.lbas been a memrber of bis musical colony at' Harrison 'for maniýy suniers, wberc such, artists as . Ma rie Sun- delitns, Charles Harrison, Theodore Welbb, and others from: New York Art institut e, wil ave MaciJowewrs 1 ""4' ....-,...... "Woodland 'Sketches." The concer.t coiling Sunçlay afternoon at the is given at 3:15 and is repeated' at 'Kenilworth club. promises to be- an, 4:30. The programi is as f ollows; enjoyable one, .%hat mith the entire 1. Trio, Oipus 72 lunaluin Giodard 'Quartet ini C M inor" by Brahrns. AIle~o modratoThîis is to be the openiîlg of a ser- Adageri) i, cliamber music concerts pre- llgovivace sente(I by the North Shore Chamnber pliano 1, VioIillî ati Vlt iivlt. e 1 M usic association, whîch %will begin 2» IFrom iho Woladis et sao. (i Pihrnoi Sketces . ..Edwa î dMiu twitstnhsao.Th.Pihrlt (Ariîîged by Adoif (à., îpliiuw> s') tring quartet is conîposed .of ineni- ",To ailWild Rose.", bers of theý Chicago' Sy hn r "Prm ne eHenîns" ceta.Alhvelen poinnt or- "At an Old Tî'ysting 1>Iaet"'hve enprmiet 'o "nAuituinn" a mniîber oft vears as' soloists and Two Violins. Viola and ùî.t't chaniber inusic' players. Their reper- 3. Quart,-t, F Major u.>ns 96*- - . toîre i, iiiost extesie, nîraciig the "Thle rliiirican: '1bes t iniclassical a iîd moderniiuart' 'Quarltet" I. ý r ure .AllégrIl ia U1t14PII <,literature. .'Spécial consi<ieraticin has and. eastern states spend their' vaca- i lso eten IýeIt tion -tnder -bis tutelage. She.lbas also .%lolt6 vivaee gtiga iis-of a lgto h studied with WillIaiamShiakespear of Finale ar~ais talgi London. . [j T%%-tb ins, i.îaiViî'mlh character. ()lie Chlicage Sâd - **I'(rather beai Mrs. Cooke studied at. thc Royal. ("L la,ý7d as itwas'Iast nigl Acaem ofMuic iiLoîdo. Ste Katluerim' Ilanîflto,,of tWîiinet- i SC1fS~41Ut ert given l byPlîilhari becarne a popular pianist iin Boston k a, vivlinist, wavll op/'ear in a joint INIe n Wilmette. quartet) andtl le inade1 and New England and bas inalian- rcta jdêeog Ioetron ine' sWnidalir portant ,musical affiliations. Shie ,'s oqttcuhhir tp ~ l"?usa fen o ere, ms al wc alir orii. n hordrco f h owr.e coining t(; ah -. eîbrOte R . R A.onon -- gand ( .' cîjrcî, "le oth'Sor uscinscIl )tolitear thie finest 1)ossil the . R. C M. o L o . o ln, E ngn on iVne a -ouvgcVjatwin il blave a prograni T uiesdav. No- alnce il, the purely acot The .artists ili give tc'lil~în er 16, ai fthe church. Tlur ec , venmber 1, atlthe home of(ri . fi er. 'l'lie Philliarnics numbers : 0hfich is to bc ' Opei'to tte pue/s- Dbs 10jcîiai vîn sthe sort co hin tlîa *'So Sweete Is She"< lic without chargie, 1il41îi e as mte h lv. English Air of the e *alv 1 1 tiimett. Theassistiling 'ostesses wil1 "My Sweëthetrt Now ' S) Long ~ its /'atronesses tt e>iilnebesof lte 1rsF Weum î. r: leiielier t i ...........Paln" J1iiutka. Mus1,iec tlb. Tite concertiloht \eicîFr."ol1'. ..E (at DeRs il ,kig"iimr 1isla»itnsWolfe, and Mrs;, MiIc Grîgr..11 oliniî \'atr Hancock l ..... al Ifîi o f W iimettee Hncck Theicharago agiter, iolti "Hark! Hark 1 The Lark- iciih aa'arfcrsîd lW -eanf ~ Te\Vmns~Sî Mr.wi-ou!i OS fstuîd('. abroad. . Cîao.îlo~~~ saîecne i -Nocurn inFWMitire cnr.' forchestra iwilI bceelit froîn.a«<-crt uktl ~'Netune n FMaor"......hîpim ---~ te Msicaîi cub s t g1e ont- He was ;torincierlconcert ~Impromptu in A-flat Iajor" .(Iloiptîhetiscin lu st g"Etde"........... .0ath itl Fîos instt ay, Nviî,r14, at the the Seattle SynIiphony or Mrs. Cook<'1 honte of 'Ars. Hcîîînaîî 1). Ptttibî<lie 'ih ocr uSna -n GdSiLtt( atii li'- 9 Bakhrnrai iîitk >en at 4 in okuthe, as ~~"The Creatioit" IbN fIddni lyinW n e kets98 ll k-he a.iirahl riîa ftiî fti cu.'lcpo 'Wtth1 i.Verdure CIad" A pianist of internationlfnemi lkts-vl i n-ia1l rn lul.o the as iu llews: ."The Creation" Iby bertheclubantoonal e. anined asfoiows Mrs. Whltmiort-e appearing i a recital a.t Newý% Trier l)rThe clograiîn oic> i.u ,iQtîaîtet li'Mini "Claire de Lunte" ... . essy.High school AMonday evening, Octet- .Tliepl! -a.\ro'ses-t1 b. a ".Riki, Tiki, Tavi" ';' "C' 1,isSege anna'nof,;lîms tunually tees (U, ie,.and i!! .; "ls -t ber 3,i eg- a lna iifN I '-' Front. "Jungle Book Sto. f heb gve IvDooti Puhd Klplingiiisi" bis atnmal 'tour o h egvnb ooh >uî.tai ~~~i 't il. Ail Rudyard uegînnîng . Marjorie Shecrînan. contralto,. Ei Aiegr-o.-1,i t.~ i- "Sheherd, Fenners'sDance" .... United States. Rachianinoff's con-ahti ielxioist;aelilei \vg. ........~fi'df GOnWim- cert is the first of a series b ainsiX<Is od orao n srmg- Cool;eWelso rn , a ' i "Rmne.. ........RisyKîra.wartists under thteausîticeS fthe trio comprisiiîg Caroline 1 lartnslcrtrer. fLet., elttts !if "In the Luxembourg Gades" . Vînetka Music club. seeSxiatanFrnsAde S(ti<. 115I ................aîii. T rograni -itRachîmaninoiiiffisn. Accoiinaut, an ill le ElNct 1)(1-11îailt. plins 10 .Frot "Sketches of, Paris"1.. . imia It.. Vivat-bet.. Onns, 61,i ý "[leSong of the Palanquin, Bearem-s, 1xvill l)lay îîext Ili-limgt is gîven J Austin, Miss Pound, and Fraie ......Maiinllw. elw.Anderson. . .acs- "Afirthd(ay" . . . Hutimigton \Wottdîîmn I fA t tergnaaeeigT Mrs. Wiior oaei'nast.oîm ~ eaji~tlie prograthe will larinet as i esdav Former Wilrnette -~ -Andante 1 ii Récital NOVI Pre>.t . Jeux d<nu........... lélène Grossenhbacher, N.U* rd ii ig oturne. 01).i31 Piernec N. GadWil in I4ntiie1'..~ajmi iimynEtîte F,0,1 d~oîeu'Vfe. an-iei former teaclier ini thes W'ith Sani Carlo Company Fnase... ~ .co~I *. Dorothy L. Poittie eighitl grades of. the B Fortune Gallo announices Hýe cil ..1. uP ,c, school, Wilrnette, mill gi ýinaking Of 10 critic lias ,rBeethoven, dit '(in a con- nlonîc String to. feel thlat iihwhicl cgrips tlîan ibc ieriorin- point of, view keepsnmuîsic quartet arc ol)ertQuick. ý, v-iola,, .aId oncello.Mr hle enisemblef.. t uxeister: oi )rclîestra. will be gv sseibly hal ,rani. 15 ail- ratai é iii4tt D-voiak fleger Teacher vember 2 tober e4. Miss Mar The otiier roles will be enitrusted a tour w to Mme., Hizi Koyke, the very charni- Opera co imîg japanese soprano, anîd Bernice ovet- the Schalker, and Messrs. Mario Valle, ail musici Amund Sjovik and Francesco Curci. of opera lthie i-ansel and Gretel .pany, and was ini towvu eek-euîd. The guiests were ns and incliuded mîemibers ists now n the city. J_ýTeIe ýwjgart, r rances A«î'n. Espagnleao Danse Espagnole (La Vida Breve)......... ....... . de Falla RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA GpyAirS Sarasatç Miss Lolita Bertling, soprano, and Mrs. Adolpheus Bertling, 315 Wash- weeks' sojourn on the Pacific coast ington avenue, Wilmette, her mother, whereý Miss Bertling 'conclude.d a have just returned froin an eleven successful seasôn. J