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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 32

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When meinbers of the \Voiiain's club of Wilmnette assemble for their regular clulb day. on Noveniber 2, thev NviIl discover tlîat the 1rogran, planned, for thern will include a -book book review, coiiinents on Chicagg authiors, and à amusicale, given, re, spectivelv. hy - Dr. lorace Greeley Sinith, -Mi ss llzlehkoeandl The. . hitmeys, clhanber iimis I plavers. The one o'clock .iunclicon cones as an intermission Ibetwtýeen nnor niiig and afternooni1 sessîins Onîe of the important annioulîce- nients mnade for mienmbers at the last meeting (if the Club concerned lunch1el- emis, güests, anîd reservationis. .Mrs., Arthur -1. Dixon, président, made the annouîîceient for .Mrs., George 1.). Conîlce of 84Linîcoîn avenue,. Vu onetka,,thie social cliairmian. Týhe pricie for lunichetnsl is rediiced tlîis season1. Meinbers itiwitinig gtiests for tliî hincheon aiid aftertioon prograni Nverc asked to note thiat the huncheon fc( for. the guests does îlot inchîde th(. guest fee. for the afterniooin progra., An urgent reqnest, vas nmade that al! luncheon reservations be registered with Mr:. Conlee hy the Tuesday. nighit preceding the meeting ini ordc;- that grouips wýishtiiîg 1to ha\ve tlnclleuîî togethier nav hiave tlieir pilaces s'. arraiîgedl. As ail those bavinig lunch- eon at tlue club arc seated I1w rlac.* card, ilt % ill. facilitate arraiigemeni, and siînplîfv the wvork of thec social Collmîtee Mii chari-t 0f the lunch- eoils, if MIrs. Conece is ntîtified etarl. Dr. Sinitlu bAsm.', emas t lie 111) ject of biis..review, at 10:30 WVvdnes- day miormnifg, **ThIund(er andl Dawn" by Glenn Frank. -The cliub's ."XVhIo's Who on Our Prograrn," empliasizes the fact that.Dr. Smnith is one. of, the ousanigchurchrnen of the Ch .Î- cago. area, and oie. of NWilmiett's own citIýzens. Ile %vas l)astor of the Wiiîette Pirish, Methodist churchi of Wiliiiette froin October 1-926, until Julie 1932, whien lie was electe. De i *ng an ii UILInegectea cnurch, ýold masters and thç ministeý variety of instrumental confere over a1 Th,, -uçsguPrin.ccss :leaRos- fisiav ,is on the. 'Pro qrantof tte Il o011wilts C.,aholic club of I'fil- nmette m idaOctober 28, iii the> lsrffi, dîorumof lte Woinan's club blomse at Tc>th- street, and (;it"il<<ifirene.T/e meetbtiy * i ilsirt pronzPfly at 2 o'clOck. Th'le ccasion I wil be an Open . neet- iiîg witb the tîsual guest privilege, and the. club urges each nmeiber to bring tu 'n r mo(re guests. .Ihc elaborate. fashion revue will., Portray modle, for the club wvonian at 111odKerate Làc(ist, in large, mediumf, and inîalI iinodels. Enîfati Akely anîd \Winifred Towvn- ývid Cree, Weil kiîowni north. shore imnsicians, will l>ç the guest artists iii a pianio an~d violini duo. M rs. Charles Broad is prograni chair- mati and the bostesses include Mrs. Cookit .\Irs J. 1' Normioyle, and Catholic Club Seeking Gifts for Sale, Shower The, e philaiitliropy -deliartient of theç Woînaîms Catholie club of XVoi- muette %011 hold *a ruiiîîiiage sale. on October 28 and 29, at 1123 Central avenute. Donations oi t i rnituire, dishçs,, clotlies, andI shocs will .l>t» gla(lly received. the coîîîîuittee an- vas electeci presîclent of the of C ;wives of the Rock Rivcr Dici. e. Mrs. Smithu will preside Wili 'oup, Of two hundred womnei,. ess. the junior auxiliarv of the Wv\orani's (.111b of Ximette ; hlursday evelnîng. Nýovemnber 3, at the club. Dinnier vvil!l precede the programn. Mfr. Kreml is a gradtiate of North-_ wvestern university and is.a.*pioneer. in. his. field. He organized the Bureau of Safety and, Accident Preveîîitioîî ini Evanrston, the result-s of wvhiciare successful and well known,, lie wa., appointed by,,Ma3or .Anioin Cerniak to organize the Bureau of Safety i CÇhicago. He.-bas Iecturcd *heforc, business,,ien's organizations, %voi - en's. clubs, Chamnber of Commîerce meetings, Pareilt-Teachler as socia- tions,ý school assenifflies, ani vari(.iti other organlizations, sgo that lie cou Me; to the auxiliarv at an opportune tiiiic. As he' has, just returnekl froiîî tlht National Council meeting in Wash- ington, ý D. C, he bas.lots of non. IIi- formation. Mr. Kreml, the junior auxîliary miembers wvill findv is au iii- teresting and wvorth lyhile speaker.. The juniiors -are reminded to make reservations for dinner by TFues(la\y" evening, Novemiber 1, witlîNfiss jan., Owen, 725 Greenwmood avenue. 'l'lie dinners are proving very I)o1ular and< they are delicious, it is stated, andi if the mem -ershave uio C vt --tric-1d i them they are asked to betlere iiwNt Aiiniual reports were gienbytu 'rhursday. president, Mn_ Clarke; the recordrnî1 secreary, rs. A. I.. Fuller. anI the Program chiairmùan, Ms evsB. Catholic Club Juniors Ermtieli'ng. New nîcinhers ece- Plan Musicale, Bridge ccivcd and given their col)y of thie eect ion issue of the "Illinois V'oter," The Juniors of the \Vmii Mrs.. Ira Reynolds ttl mu>i- Catholic club of Wilinette, wvil1 iv licity chairmnan aiîo(UuIceS, "' a a benefit bridge party and musicale *Illost. coniplete handbook for tht ii Oin Tuesdav evening, Noveniber 1, at tel]ligent, interested citizen, Who cares 8 o'clock, in the Womian's club liouse. to 'know whiat lie i.s doiîî oro - Xtelisive plans hiave heen made for against bis United States, wheuî lit- tluis c%-vining vhichi will include amioîg casts ]lis, vote in the )rc.sidceiitial, the Irizes one for ýeachi table. re, election on Novepiber 8. "lIt ýis, sht freshiments,. and a, musical prograrn says, these. interested gop fii at'a nominal donation. formed. woinen who, inforrn. thern-, MNiss Dorotlîy B ichi1, prograin chair- selves on, public- issues* vho vill mnati is i il charge of the music. 'rhe--e-entually mnake woman a 1 pOwver- for refreshments %vill Weserved by. Miss:ý: good ilii civic activ ities." Jane. Nemrton, hlouse and social chair- mani, andl the hostesses, the Mise Philanthropg Dinner forý Marie Purdin, 'Mary Patterson, Výiv- Cu c.2 YneMorini, Eileen. Q'Conneh1. Nort bridge Cu c.2 "Th'îe îroceeds are. to be uised for Nfi 1p : êtffl. Clear Mirs. C. L. Carke, presiderit of the Wilmiette League of Women Voters, began her second terni ,at the an- uual I lnlieon- meetinig.,Ield in MNrs. Weeks' Dining room' on Motîda ýof tluis week. Trhe officers of the .e*aguie for thle coniing- year are: Mrs. Harry B. . utrnside, first vice-presidenit Nîrs. John D. Kinnear; second vice- I)resideut; Mrs.. William H. Relifehi. third vice-president; .Mrs. A. 1.L. Fuller, 'recording. -secretary,: NI rs. Murdo Ross, treasurer. Mrs. He rmaàn B. Reiling. chairiîn';1n of the depatunùent. of eficieîîcv .il] government, presented Mrs. \\alîer L.% Benson of the state' board, as speaker of the afternoon, lier sparkle and' enthusiasm enriched a iîost Ii- teresting and 'illurninating talk, on inesurs prtinent. to the c oinin- election. Te importanée of tlic1 Gageway uenmn to thic Stan' colistitultion xvas made clear, and the reason for the particular conicern to ;ýIl real estate owners in the stati- ini votiîîg fojr the Special Relief Bond i.ieto k~îco'îtertaxvs. riar- il.le(i for .aIl, present. i allifi . attw i *4'ne ielUieNýil ment; Mrs. W. W. Wheeloc, sec- department of the Universitv ond vice-president;- Miss Barbara ago. His subject wilI be "The Irwin, secretary; Mrs. Alex Josliiu, rship' of Mussolini." Mrsý. treasurer; Mrs. Harry Weese, chair- iA. Moulton will be the bost- mîan of. memnbership; Mrs. D. J-ovve, progran chairman. j n

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