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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 34

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Fis Meetings -as Hallowe'en'Nears This is a week of Ifallowe'eni parties! for Wilmiette Girl Scouts-Troops- '7,1 23and, 24' arong those ce!erai9. 'l'leîi. too,. because MNrS. Juliette Lowv, the fonder of the Girl ýScout move- ment ini this country, wvas a Hallowe'eni haby',. it seenis espccially, appropriate lbat scouts celdirate lier birthday withl colorful festivities. lu addition tu holding a Hallowe'*eii prty an« rebhearsing. ýa play to be giv- en in. honoiù of Girl. Scout week at the Howard schoùol, T roop 7 elected patrol leaders - Ellen joues, Evelyn Schuher and Priscilla Pollock. Their last meeting wvas. made particularly '.scouty" by the awarding of nunierous badges which .the girls bad won in thé, past month-the cooking badge -w'ent to Ellen Jones and Priscilla Pollock, and the -s econd-class award to Elizabeth May Dodds, Ellen Jones and Priscilla Pollock. >"Natiareing" With a Vimu * Tro op 23 is "Natureing" with a vim.; At the last meeting Miss Matalea Brown, nature instructor at the Cen- tral school, showed the scouts hiow to' preserve leaves for their nature note- * books-and an observer wouid havet seen fifteen girls sprawled about the floor on newspapcrs,, making spiatter prints, ink blue-prin..s and smoke-ýprints1 of leaves that they gathcred on their1 hike last week. Miss Brown also brought cocoons and tr.ee galis,' and- ex- plained -to "the . scouts how these la14tter-ý came tobe. 'he girls*.conisentei to .let Mis s Brown leave only upon her pr om- iÏse to. retUrnl next month and'take them:î on a star bike. Troop 24 also bas new patrol 'leaders -Adrienne K avanaugh, Jane Ethel.î Newmaiir Rosernary Klein and Mary Janet Lerch. Af ter the important. busi- ness of elccting thern was over, the I Troop News Troop 18 iWe arrived at Wallon -lodge foi our over-nighit hike abouùt 5 o'clock and everyone selected, a place for lier hedd got it fixed. up. While the fire-builders and cooks were getting ready for supper, the recst of. the troop played.some games. After sUP-: Ller we had an outdoor campl fire. iand.somie of the girls in1 the star class todus.about the stars and constella- tions, shioving us where they were ini téskY.- We also sang some. so iigýýs and learned onie or *two new ones. TVien we veii i, washed uIp and got into bed. At 10 o'clock, "Tap)s" 'Was Sung. the next morning a' littieï after 6:-30 o'clock, reveille was sung, every- one got 1up, and breakfast was' started. After breakfast, everyonie' made ber 1-ied and did sorne tidying sothat, by theý timie Mrs. Clark came arounid for inspectiomn alniost everything wvas i good order. Then we played a nature game. Each patrol hiad a list of things it, wasý to find. If you found one of the tig on the list, you could eat a piece of candy corn. Each p>atrol ate as" many kernels of candy corn as things were found on the ist. Lunch was cooked and eaten out- doors. After luncheon we bad rest; everyonie laid down for an hour. Tater we played a game called "Pio- fleerq .and Inçdijns.ý." One of the pio- neers would stay In the Indian camp and the rest of the pioneers wouid try te get supplies to lier. Each suppiy would count soeniany Points, and If the Tndians captured tlin they got the points. At the end of . the game we counted up te see WhIch team had the most points. Then 'Borne of the girls passed tests and the, rest played "dog and boue,- a stalklng game. While sone of the girl'- weire gettlnig ready for supper, Mrs. Clark read US SOMe in- teresting nature stories. Then we ate supper. Mrs. Clark had a distance- gauging game In which ,each girl tried te kiss a, book whil e blindi-folded, and while shA wïs blinid-folded, a platter of' powered sugar was put In place of the book. The scout finished with bier face covered witiî sugar. Each patrol then gave a stunt and we liad songs before "Taps." . xcept for- one girl out of Goblins Decorate Partyf Is Being Marked 011n Monday. October 24, Troop 3j Throughout Land (if il r e njoyed its first party. ltnrdtosi neia r l3ack, cats, punpkiins and g6blivis filled "ieŽhnrdtosù reia the wvalls and curtains. Wc bobhed f or girls, ýfroin 10 to 18 years of age, are, Capples, had 'a -mrsil1ov ac ad aticipatin the national celebra- ipifnncd green paper eyes to, a ppr tion of Girl Scout weck, October 23-29. Mpumlpkin. The Deer patrol wvon ail the 1Wearing the grey-grcen 'uni furm o 1;games. Wbile we played, a. witch, Dor- tbc7r organization, they are-giving daily othy \Vilsoii, told our forue.Te demonstrations this wee ftevre we had ice creain and puinpkiin-facc features of the Girl Scout prograni. cookies. We bad a good tirne and every-I The observance of these "Seveiî Serv- one wvas bappy.-Betty' Afnu Faulstick . ice Days" is. in confimemoration .'of tlic birthday of Juliette, Lowv, founder of Girl Scouting in tbis country, and usiî- Winnta Girl Scouts -ally includes that date, which is Octo- ýPlan, Safe ,'Hallowe'eni ber 31. This year the week closes two days before Mrs. Low's birtliday,* î Last year the W\iiiînetka Girl Scouts whzich' falîs on Hallowe'en, but many, Made a very. conscious effort to co- troops are, planning special parties for- operate with the village ini having a safe that day following. activities planned for Hl'llowc'esn, the leaders recal.* Mr. Girl Scoutwek Moulton bas written td the Girl Scouts Sunday,', in many churches tbroughiout again this year and asked for their the nation, special1 services- were planne(1 help. for the observance 'of Girl Scout Suni- "May we assure him that cvery Girl day, with. which the wcck is openied. Scout -wil1. do her bit int this project ?ý' Day for' Hornmking is the reininder offered by leaders this Monday ivas dcvoted to bornemaking year. . . ativiies. On this day. Girl Scouits shared the household duties, eithcr by GilsWllHodSevie devoting extra time tocaritig for their at Christ Church -Chapel ning and preparing the eveninig meal The Wininetka Girl Scouts will bave after they had corne home frorn ,a Scouts' Own service on Sunday eve- school, or by somne -other -effort' re- ninig, October 30, at 5 o'ctock, in the lieve t heir mother .s of somne definite ,Christ Church chapel. AIl Girl Scouts responsibility. in Winnetka will participate, -and ail On Tuesday exhibitions of Girl Scot parents are invitcd. This service is hiandicraft were featured either iiM part of the Girl Scout Week' program. school roomis; iii troop meeting places The Rev. E. .Ashiey Gerbard will wel- or Girl Scout 1ittie biouses, or WVonx- corne the group. en"'s clubs or in department stores, _______________Thrift day on Wcdnesday \vas ob- LEADERS TO MEET scrved by group visitations to batiks, b", The. Winnetka Leaders' association essays on thrift or by talks on thri'ft.to wiIl meet for lunicheon on Wednesday, Girl Scout troops -IV we!l-knowvn speak- Noveniber 2, *at the home of Mrs. 'Sher- ers. loýck McKewen.. After. lunicheon the Thursday, for Ho8tesses leaders will- discuss current- problemns On Tbuirsd:2y (toclay) toos ndin- ani cxcbangc ideas conccrning tbeir dividual. scouts will play hostc 1ss to. Girl Scout troops ami erowvnie packs. their f riends, to their leaders, to another troop, the troop comfmittee, or to somne wasn't all, In .sp1te- of the late date and one to whomn the troop may be indebted the temtperature o? Turtie.lake, the rec- for a good turn. ord nuinber ýo? dips was four.' (Dips not Community Service day'; which. will swtrs.) And al o?0 us -t-ook -ýat ieast orie, 1 be featured on Friday, offers the, great- est variéty of activities for Girl Scouts. In néarly every one of thý 4,000 com- munities in which' Girl Scouting is or- ,ganized, sorne denionstration fÀcern- 24 wil be on cuty the library to interes' i the scout displays sistance' to tbe libr, their. parents and f ru visit the exhibition. ls and visitors next Saturday mornîng, October 1 to be of as- at 9 o'cl'ock. All scventh. and cil a. AIl scouts, grdr be sure and register at are invited to ture, it 'is urged, wve are J1harvest chur6h, j who took the trip to the booUks aL Uese S1Ups. will ail assure you that it' )rth while. We are hoping- planning a pot-luck supper, in the scout, .trip In the near future.' 'ooôm before the dinner. Corne on, Troop jet durlng Girl Scout week, 1, let's see how much Girl Scout week inng to serve the annuai really means to you !,We want to see e dinner at the Methodist you al'at the dinner! See you next Y : October 28. The girls, are wieek !-Isabel Hasklnis, scribe. 1

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