lO0ST-4 MUNTHI S OL[>ID iiSl ST ter, white spot.:on chest. Reward. Cail Mrs. Morrison, Greenleaf 7272. 21LTN25-Itc 5 ANTIQUES OUSALEý-FRO)M AN ESTATM. 5EV- eral exquislte oit palntings.- Orienîtal ruKg«. antique hand:nmade patch %vbrk quilts. Wilmette 3023.. S.LTN25- Ite 7 BEAUTY TREATEWIENT -A(E11525e FINCI.FRWAVE 25é AH 4lnd *f beauly w4.<d( de, (ir 627 Eh1t \,nth St. ilttetttk 93-4 0 BUSINESS OSERVICE BJORK & LEUBIlR Car11petter's and.To1er WINNE'KA 577 Now .is the tinte tg- reýmnodel . i honte o)r mad 1Ilitextra rîsogn. vhiiê± labox' and natci ais are :k1t teoes rie WVomk (qine verv asfal1.Letilis talk it ()ver 'with you.' t.T2- \'erniin Exter'i i nat ed ing engine-et. 111. WN.'iitka t591 ut. *Northbrook 1*28. 91T'5f 9-A G000 THINGS TO EAT NEW LAID EGGS DIRECT FROXI farm--delivered weelly. Paul Deeni, * 3312 Emmaus Ave.. Zion. Illinois. Tel. 621-R. .9A-LTN24-4tip PARTIES - BIRTHDAYS Serve angel food: double lcing, largvc * size -$1. Sunshine cake 70 cts. to order. Ph. Wilmette 3407. 9A-LTN5-tfc 10-A DANCING SCHOOL, DANCING CLASSES FOR CHILDRENý *a nd( aduits, ail types of dancing in- ,.ludinz bhallroom. North Shore Diangce EXP. LA'NI>RESS to take lhone. Cà Reasonab1e rates. VVE DO WET WASE family finilsh. at a1 mervie. Wllmette 18 LAUNOR? EXPER-. LAUNI)RESS - BY DAY O at my home. Cali ýand deliver. N. S' refs. Winnetka 3112., îSLTN25-ltp 81 a-A CLOCK REPAIRINOi 'L.OCK EXPERT, CIIIME, HALL, antique elock repairing. Learned, tradt' in oldcountry. (Iormnerly with Tilfiuy *and Fields.) IM111i eau. .Free éxtîmate. David Johatsson, Ph. Diver- .sey: 2641. . 21A-LTN2.5-4tlp 22 MUSICAL,.INSTRUMEN-rS U1ý,IAI3ÈÈE COUPLE W ILI, STORE piano and pa cartaige for u.e thereof. (ef. (lncoe 1557. 221LTN25-ltc 22-A PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. U:jpright or grand; also' repair; Work, guýar.; 16 yrs. Steinway, N. Y.; 1-. C. Thomi1aq. Park RidIge. 877-W.1 22A-LTN21-5tp 24 PAINTING AND DECORATING Paint, Paper 5 Riis, $3450 SANITAS AND) CANVASING WOIITC, Iso -iîore and office work utrasn aiel, l 1ices. lt.lon, ler $4 and ut) rin. NaIlapur cle.aned 40c:; bathrnî. enaineled $3.50; kit. .paiinted $6 ; ccI-ý ing, al. $1 and up; 5 rmi. floors wmashed, scrubbè<t o(w vaxed $.Best lrif(er,-îw1es .and freu'etmtsfrî Ph. WINNETKA 1sUNIV~ERSITY 0944. 24 1TN2_ 5 - 1t j PAINTING ANI) D1(<RTG lîy local depettdant decoritor. Cefing cafl. $1 up papult, ltfed' 50c;. bath- rn. , enamni. $5 m. - pa pored $4 -up, %I.ttii. il(urni. Lewvis,, Winnetkia 2511* or ilînette 5034. 24LT25-Ite 32 TrYPEWRITERos FOR SAL1E- CORONA PORTABLE t yewrter xplendid for- cIbidren, $10. ('ail Wilmette 1765 .bet-ween !) A.- Mi. and 5 Pl.NI. 12T.TN25-ltp *WISHKS WORI< Loans on ./XtoflioDJ-, al for and delivur.. QTICK. CONFIDENTIAL, SERVICE Winnetka 291)4. under state supervision. lergal rates. 191,TN25)-i M T R À, ROUGI-I DRI' ,EM TO LOAN CO. special Prlep. Qtli'kl State Bk. BIdg.. Evanqt0in (Ire. 2?01 3687.. 181.TN257-Iti.:LT2-r< Winnetka refL (<ermian-24 yrs. oud, 4-va'. North Shortiý ref. Several others wlth 1- luIo 0-yra Nol'tla Shore ref. 'theirs' helpers $6 t., $101),l< CALL US. FOR (.k>.butiers, seco.nd maids, mnrse - nia ids., register.ednre,-etufus ea rdéners, etc. , 'n. Ie it*ae ,exPerienéed ltpoly I tonme .Witnetka, 2662, .3017 or 2703 afte,' 6 P. M *AULINE8 E.Ml. AGENCIES 5î22 -Cent er St. Winnetka,. ILI ______41LTN25-ite HOUSEKEEPER. WITE, EXP. AI trustworthy. (lood .'.ok.. ccoatoînit-:dl mgr. Prcfer adult faintly or with g rowît ehildren. (a'lhoetirstconI- sideatio. N.S. tcf. ilmette 4944, 4ILTX),-lie EXPE11. WITeWOîN WAT' Iaundry work .to do at honme or wiil go out by the day. But-it N. S.' I'ct*. Ç'al evs. ilmiette 4411. FwELIABLEI,. 0GOOI) '(1.N) 1- jeet ion to otIit-îr wfork. Wl htle*té 3,2111). Ph. ae nuniber fur mis.-. day îvork. [j1TN2-lte 'A-I huee.r.gond eoilk. #cxvullcît 11afiager, or gelernaI hueok es $t.y ighits. Write 1 -199m, Do 40, MjlDL-AED WOMAN W>1 lîePosition a s hoiusekeepi>.-r o'gene,.:. house-vork. I3ekst N. S.- Ph.['onte Wilnîette ,SW. I. 3L., *lhurIN25-11p> ('OMETIET WOM AN, (rII' caeof elde.R(fs. Ph;. Wil. -4203. bilifflowj1sh to 414, at hom,,, ' i' .1.y worh. N. S. î'ef. (rela 12 ci<'k; No latindry. $ta v onmi e Wirin. refis. lnvriy41 -GIRL, NGCL. lîE~ IN holswo-k;Whole or' hail'd R.ef- erne.-Ph.__(;h ---î.,'213. 11iýT:ý5-lIl)p il E 1 1A 11LE W I1T H W(>MA N,-\I 1 \V. mants bvrkly th(- dmy or jium'. fe lPh. Wiliimette 2774. ilLN5lî HOI'SW B 14\ Dy uniR 1101te HI-IlI S01100f,(1 UAD)IATle WANTS to t t,ke<cure of eýhildt-ct 1.3- Iii.- hour' Winnetka 21N71. *îî'~,n 42 SITUJATION WANTED-MALE MEN TO CARE I1Ol *vouUI,'UUi- nace for the wînter iti li-s. V4'.i r'asonahie. Write Njck NMovris. il 1) nir-'r noor. fam lapndry. A-I 'Uynnetka 262 y'.innetka 2,. 4L5-ti WANT EXP'IEIl. MAID FOR COOKINEi1 and umaiswork.- 3 aduits, iii) I;tuidrv. nmst be neat, under 30' and have nilee jef. $15, Pauiine«s. Win- netka 2662. . 4 4LT N25-1t e EXP. GIRL FOR GENERAL HUE work; help wlth c>hldàren., LOWw w.agex. Ph. Winnetka 1796. : 44LTN25-1ýt(, WANr NURSEMAID FOR 2-YR.-.L',' child, mnust be experieneed and have- long refs. Under 30 yes. and 1 estant. $15. Wlninetka 2662. 44LTrN2.7i-1 tu WHIITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HS9WK. JMust like children. $5. Ph. Wil. 488.'. 44L'-5-11(.. WANT GENERAL, MAID - FA 111ILYt of 3 aduits, must be good cook, unîler. 35 yrs. Good ref. reqý ,Wages $Ui.. Paullne'.s, Winnetka 2662. WAN TED -WHrTE GIRL1 TO »(' upstairs work and- laundry. eaî-ll Glencoe 1048, . - 44L25-ltr, WANT GENERAL GIRL IJNDEII 3<( yrs.. srnall family, no laundry. Ref. re.$15. Paullne's, Winnetka 2662. 44LTN25i-]tte WANTED- FINISHER, WHITE. ()N high grade zowns. Only tho..sewit1 ihop e-xp. nieed apply. Wixîntek, t ,1011i 144LTN2,--ll WANT GERMAN-BOR1>N GIRL, IN, faniil.. 1all 6 room- home.,$12. Paitline's, Winnetka 2662. 44LTN2;y--t. WANT REGISTERED NURSESi 'l'i registerý at thig;office,. No register fe, Pau1ine'îAý 5522 'Center St., Wininck;%, Illîois.44LTN2- I h( SA-LES'MAN - TO SELL RM1»K. aïble Iow Piced houschold liiity 1li1, to stor~es. A real chance for a rn:ai. ofenergv. For further infornmatbon phone Park Ridge 19'. or wi-ite il- &Matson Co., Park Ridge, 111. 46 HELP WTD.-MALE AND FEMAIR EXP. COUPLE-WHITE, 4 IN FAýýi- ily. A-1 local ref. re.q. $100. Pauilino's.. POSi1TIONS OPEN 'O WIE.E nerien<-eed gen., houseintids, niotîte.rs «-Iliir, am couples. Appiy in pel*'s..il Ahi1EPIOYME.NT îRi r 460 Vûrnoii Ave. Glencoe 2. Il 46LTN2.t WA NT FI RST CLA%SS WITE- COUP LE for cook and butler. $125) mo utit. IPaulinîî's_-522 Ceniter St.'. Winnetka., 4 'LTN25-lî -PEMALE Ilv. Gentleman preierred. Winnetke, OOKING AND 16«. 51LTN2.5-tfge f 3 adults. no -ROOM.% AND BAT1H, PRIVATE 'HOME': req.ý 1%ln's. l4 blocks 'to transportation. Pli. 44LTN2ti-l te Keiiilwotb -2640. 12.lî il1 Rates 15cents a lino ln one papMr. 25 cents a lino ln any two papera; Rates 3160 ents a lino ln ai] tlire papers, MINNIUM CMÂRGEONE IPOLLAIL Average ocf ive woI* to the.lino. Nlo black face tyrpe used. 10% diseonat en ail .sh wltb erler sdv.rtiu.epts wben broni8 te oour sUe. mI lus Central Av*" , Wlue@tte1,or 41 Lisein Ave,., Wluac$&a, fo Isetins Camiîned advertisemients *will be Xe. I ead-5snefo:I$OtnS cepted Up to> Tuesday- 9 P.,M.foi IWILMPCTTE LIFE or ail thréO papers; Wednesday 9 P.- M., for. IWINNETKA TALIK andi Thurgday 5 P.. M. '.for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wlmette 4300. Winifetka: 2000. Greenleaf 4300 oir Shei.drake 6687.j