I dcsperatcly. to a, thouiglit wvas the or, relief at state Mr. Travlor. sai, ine uuuran uvibiii. vir.musin grade ptpils, a schiolastic average of entist, educator, was the medium of appointment was announced Iast "E" (excellent) is necessary., revelation. A fine-tonied, welI niodu- week byv Philiip W. Moore, gencrail The. honor roll is for pupils f roin lated, cultivated speaking. voice and chairnian of the suburban divisi01 the. third to the eighth grades indlu- apt, fluent words describing and ex- of heCallain.sive whose grade is "Fi' in effort otilv plaining his travels, bis discoveries, bis lit making annouinceient of Mr Following is a list of thie..honior miciety pictures, brought into clear mental Austini's acceptance of this respoti- and honor roll puipils: view that vast plain ôf the nortbeast- sblty, Mr. Moore- stated that for ilonior society-Jeait Dicktýl1.tîE, l r erui section, of Sotith .AtteÉica whicb, the purpose of building a thorouigi thy Hiendersoni .hirlýy .Scarrtt tand f or many bias sto0d shiroudcd, in the organization for: the ErnerecyW- Bud Stiliman,- sixthl grade; iN grthz o coyo cho a eg Boozer, Janet Colvin, Patricla <rier, fare campaigiu in the commullitlc. Seely Ix)dwick, and. Ruth Siprllger ap outside of Chicago, the countty h js*etîgade, anid Jane Krau,,«., Heu- Largest Junigle isi World been divided on a township basis iii- jamnh aè. ntn Jeanette ]Ribettoll IiSuhAieià.,eSekrpit and I)oîmnýld Stifimani, eigbth gi*Hd,.7L> nt meia tesekrpit to svensubrba disrics. acnHonor Roll c out,,lies, the Iargest jungle-land in district wilI- for organization purposvù is Léah Cia rkis third gradh ---Kath-ý the world; jungles so inipassable'that be ini charge of a vice chairmani. Dis- eriné Fox, FrZink Ketchalm, <nv ectbey' stand virgin and primeval, in that trict Number Oine, for ýwhic h 'N11 RNan and ToinK@-tchiai. p art- of the continent. near the low Austini will serve. as vice ch airnian MISS Neli M. itier iy J~rj I- ying coast of the Guianas. Abuindance comprises the townships. of Nev. Filli'igan, John flartshorn Iloil%, Kuby, is thère, in, plant,- fishi, insect; and Trier and Evanston. 'Martha' Lo)dwI.ck, l)oluglas Ulrey, BilIy animal. life, - most of 'the species> of Maekifl, Dudley 'Orvis , Sally I1brt., 1 Mr. Austin., Who is a menîber'tRne nal acy8ari n~<;1~.ich aefrig ,Nrh9neia the law firni of Cutting, 'Noore fii, riuî0 ridernan. souL and waters,, soine ff whicb. are Sidley, of Chicago, was chgàirman of M iss Lillie T. Iitting's foarth grade- forieigi: to other parts of the world. In * Nanicy ('iaar, Nancy. Fox, Jo)an Ro.s-s, the wilds away f roti the coast cities,, the lence Cmpaiu cmmîtee Jolnson an ChaiesStilman wandering native tribes o'f nany kinds during the Joint $mergcncv, Relicif Miss Bes.-sie S.tark's fourth gradte--o; .maylnuaeoar utm fafilainnCanîptelilJ Don cànipbeii,,ryalck ~.dIIiJJgItd.LWake.~y Lilinu WnIi d luiIlîyare the only inhabitatits. The general drive for -Cook cunîl.i- j Wrtgit. iesaepatclyteol i ty's Emcergency \Welfarc fuind mit- 1101-t ornc~ end r fifîh grade! iesaepatclyteol ih side o unemloviient aI dBarg tra Bell, CharIot1t,. Huck, "Mimi îvays; rivers that tettpt by their beauty sid ofunrnpoyicn ai duin tIC treed, Betty Jordan, Vir-ginia 11jck: and defy by the impoiîetrability of, their coming twvelvé nthfs, ivili be, starte<.l Paul Kelly and Joan Ki iier. i anks and -ail that lies belîind them. Ani -oiaNovember -14, it %vas ain- Miss Eînma W. Blliington's tlfth grad, . -Kenineth Criicker, letty F;itÀlti,.kda 'ntesthrts xrme noutnccd by Robert A. Gardner, ge1-ti- - orothy Hlendorickson, Charles di, la ranging f ront 90 or 92 degrees at its1 eral chairian of the',car npaigtu, at z! hai>eIle, Mar-y Lldecker, 1egg y Ma Ih.hittcst, to 72 degrees at its coldest.. ditnner imeeting lheld 1Mondav of, th;,. Nanc(ýv MCod oetUtnan reevvd 1 ýý-ek ai th'Chiago:clu ofgl0cRothermnel, EIizà'l>tli Sîmon 1ýDclighttul l eevvdcoorîb,,, wce a th "rcag cub f ueRalph $ tarrett, Dan Sullivan, Nancy strange and cturious mnaminals, beau- preliiniarv gifts division of t1ew. eisliaar and 1I)oro(:thiy MiWil. utroiaiddedyisc caml)aigil. . Mrs. Mol1ie K.Foremnai,îs and is u toialbrs,-a.l 1scs diis>î. oita fiansoli's slxtlî g'ý;a<îe _. .j1 beautiful plants- bloonig in tangleil 'fhe preliiuiary giffs dvii i ke on Suzaniîî& Erivin, Mrtl places protecteci by razor grass that which wýill precede the general pu j ýHale, 1Dor4-thy J iendc-r.son, Mri Ht> can cxut through boot leather, make lic solicitation in Novenîber, got iiia- loay, Joan Keteham, Elcanirq ori der way at this diinier. Gifts total 1s-11, Elaille otrel Shirley Sc-ar- of this particular section of South ý et, Natalle S.,niiih, Bud Stillimati, Ruth' America a natural sciecec laboratory. linig $435,000 were aiiiÔuntced b)efo.', Stroýe i Sirley Wagner, Phyl-li,,Wh.ee-; the clo>Se of the mleeting, which w\\;i>ICIock, Suisan W1f and Phyllis Trunîp. . El Dorado of Old NlMiss Ana. \r. Prnbexrton,'s nd MISS. uiina. called uf oh! tlic ELDorado, attenlded by two huindred bui1c' Edithi M. Stryker's seveili gae- heSans ord îenn the Gilded« andl civié leaders of Chicago antî margiiret Booizei, Janet (CoIthe a- la lre ian xlrto xeiin Cook ceunty. tricia G,ýrovfir, $eely Lodviick, Nlai 'neth ineth. . Esofis-m- XVlf, Ruth ieris jm I,, tetty snetet1 h lgnso t a Mcl1eviii A.. Traylor, presient of t1w sc'hrei .and Rluth Sprenger. tives decked inËol indý precious. Firs. National :batik and ail associa Miss Pemrnl-iton's and sMiss Sea t teryker'd. ûlm- dcreegîitîî gradie zi (le la haeî. î'î stnssrdtot l wrdCou- chairnian of the campa ign, - e aéi lene Dive-r. ....argaret uItTn)rd, E ttibsfr icvrdtue îothohe that $7,.500,000 wasseasagl aft,.r;-'Iil, 1i, ja- Krause, i-jn, M- Orinoco, one of th onaies of the an xhustvestdy f heactalre. ~""""(orlHtlhLNoycis, Ji1tte*jý.)"-extensive plainis witlî forc st and jungle; lief needs.of the county ; tuîat raisin. n idlrnl tlmn Sir W'alt.er Raleighi took ant expeditio the futînd is as important as carin,, ~. here in tlie sixtcentlî ceîtury. From fortheunmplyedths wnte. D 11 ~then on tales (if fabulous wealthi havé ycar ago we were ail strivùa . ' s1Vll. eipedepdti."iff93: eti 338 Woodstock avenue. ICliIfford Ives,ý 1630 \Výiss1îigton ave-, siastic interest aid 1 hght- the clui>.j members, was thîe appeal to support -- nue, Wilinette, ieft sundav on . ainiembers and guests lîcard Mr. Fish, the Corner Cupboard, a Woma' x Miss Helen Seàrs, 4117 Warwick usiness trip to Granid Hmavçu, Nlicll. who makes of bis exploring a school change scrving a two-fold purpose, to road, Kenilworth, is now homne aftem -0-- to aid and encourage young scientists. aid the club building fund and to help a s«umumer spent at the MacDoNvell Mn. and Mrs. Robert, O. Law, Jr., 78 Mrs. 'Herbert Mulfbrd, prograni club nieimbers. Othèr announcements colony in, Peterbomo. N. 1-l., and ini RGIsart road, nturned to Kenilworth chairman, introduced Mr. Fish after of 'future iiîtercst are eisewhere in New York, City., Sunday f rom a trip to NcwYork. ithe business ofthe, club ~a vr hsise Contains ballacis and rounds as weil as. songs. Shubert's Songs Translated-Strange- ways. Words and airs. One Hundred, Folk Songs of Ail1 Nations-Bantock. Book - of Shaties-Smhith., Ail' the old favorites- with itnteresting and authoritative introductionis. Americati -Songbag-Sandburg. The pioneer balladry from'al localities. David Bispbamn, Songbook.-A1 good, songs for'group slnging. Oxford Song Book-B*uck. Old songs weIl ,arranged. University of Chicago Song Book. Book -of American Negro Spiritual.s -Johnson. MinstrËelsv. of Ireland-,Moffat. A- bookwitb ail the old favorites. Fifty So)ngs of Eduard Grieg-Finck. One Hundred Songs by Ten Mas-, ters-Finck. Modemi French Soîîgs-Hale. Mfost Popular Drawing Rooni and Concert Snngs-Olds.. VISITORS GO SOUTH >Mrs. jean H. Kempner. 834 Six-ý teentli street, lias had as bIer guests' for the past mnonth ber brotber-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John R. O'B*rieil. Mr. O'Brien plays in Ted Wlei's orchestra. He and Mrs. O'Brien left last week for New Or- leans, la., whîere they will join the ,orchestra. GUEST OF HONOR Mr. anîd Mrs. David Balaban, 804 Cliestnut avenue, entertained at a bridge dînner Tuesday of last week . in hoîxor dif, Mrt. aind Mrs. A. J. Balaban of Gcncva. Switzerland, Who are stopping ;it the Sovereign hotel, in Chicago. Mtr. and, Nis. Kingsley B. Colton,* '54 Kenilworthl avenue, are giving a b>uffet suippter on Sunday evenhing, ,No- ~eîe ,for* aboutthirt y guests. They pisc entertaine(l at a small dinnier last FridaY v ening. *Mr. anîd Mrs. Charles B. Ofi<c'r-