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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Oct 1932, p. 46

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Comparative score>. indicate tha 1 Ringlev, commander, American, Le- tueîeans re venlv atced.Newgion, Departnient of Illinois; -NMrs. P. Trie in rderto emai in he mi- Gebel, director of the Auxiliary's 7th ing for the Suburbarn leaguie cham- 1 district ; Grover F. Sexton, coin- îiioship mus- . mander, 7th district Amnerican Le-. M$~ns rcor t i,, ~':rtii~ ,~ gion; Dr. and Mrs. Hubert Carleton teats. QuOe of the defeats ivas adi- AtradneMsFa J ,inistered bv Harrison, champion o! Dowd -gave. a brief resumé of the the Chicago city lea gue lIast year, ..past year's wÔirk. M.%rs. Gebel then hyhighly. conmnendec Willet te Unit 46 a score of' 7 to: 2. Evanston, n10w for a very successful -yea àc h Idig the- Suburban league,- beat Morton. 12 to 0. However, the west gavel .was turned over to ..Mrs, Kel- siders have to their. credit . to ioslgg Who iîstalled the foh.lowing offi - ovrRiverside, I,aGratnge. vctries .cers.: Mrs. 0. 'G. Dailyi î>esident; anciProvso.Mrs. C. A. Petersonl, second. vice- Recods re ompredpresident; Mrs. S. Vanlnw,%agetn,,treas- Re ofrheetns A Ne.Com. rer li rer; Mrs. C.. B. Cochran, lîistorian. also met this season, LaGratîg-e andiIOther. offi cers, andi chairmen for the :'Proviso. 'New Trier wvon from La - comîng year are as follows: Grange, 19 toý 7, hast Satturdav, and Mrs. S. C. Warden, first vice-pregi- Morton beat the gaine team, 6 to I dent; Mrs. A. Rodenkirk, chaplain --j rs. A. Heerens, sergeaîît-at-arms; carlier in .the season. La.st, Saturda îMNi Normnan; Deno, secrtary;, Mrs. D. the Cicero . eleven dcfeated Provs 150 C.. Leach, Arnericanism;. Mrs. W. J. 14"to 6. ' New 0ýrvsi Trier lost to Proîs enner, cblld welfare; Mrs. G. Ebbert, 7house; Mme. F. J. Dowd, press. A; rs. 1B. 7to 6, in. its irst Suburhan, league 'F. MeNaughton, p)rogram; Mms. T. L. D. game, then came back thc folhowing Hiall, rehabilîtation; Pr. . Kldd, eew- %veek and whipped Oak Park, l eague leg; -Mrs. R.- dbbert, socil; -mrs. E. H>. champion last vear, 18 to 13. Myrland, communîty service and unit scsnactivities; MNrs. R. C. Johnson, junior 'In its gaines thus far this sesî ebershp; ~Mrs. G. Stone, vlsltlng; New lTrier has scorcd ' 2 points té .Mrs. y, Cullison, Fidac; Mî's. B. J. its opponenits' 27. The:teai.a ak- j McNaugýhton, music; Mrs. G. Bassier, contnde fo Subrba leguePoppy D ty; Mrs. P. J. Dowd and Mr,-; îng C. A. Peterson, delegates to Cook coun honors. is noticeably weak. in addinigi ty councîl. the :extra point 'aftcr totuchdown%ýsi. A past president's pin %vas then t Only twice has Newv Trier heetiabîle presented to Mrs. Frank J. Dom-d iii to cor th exra oin Onte~appreciation of lier efforts in behaîf r chances. Failure-lu, the Proviso gaine 'of the unit during the year jnst coin- cost New Trier its onhy defeat of tht. pleteci. * Srt Scom Tau After an annual report by Coin C oach Walter Aschierbach startedî mander George E. Leal, James T. bis second teain in the gaine wit RiiigleY spoke. lncoming post officers- LaGrarige last Saturdav. AMter re - were installed by Grover P. Seýxtoiî. covering a fumble about twenty iD1. C, Leach, the new commander, of yadsfrm ewTrersgoal the La- th post, gave a brief address amit Grange bo],s pusheci across , a tomc-h oe meeting was adjourned. The rest J downin he irstquater the evening %vas spent in dainciug'. f New Trier's first teain ,.cort-d w touchdowîxs ,in, the. second, quarter There wilI be a scwing: meeting at giving the north shore bosa, 13 1 the home. of, Mrs., A. Rodenikirk, 309 2 to7 ledathaftie.Ablckdi Sixteentît street. Tiursday, Novemi-ti punt 1ehind LaGraî:g esgal eber 3. .:tëconnted for the first toutchdownývi. Seller threw a pass' to Norclberg for Cook couinty- counicil vwill hold ilsm the second score. A LaGrange pilay-.ý animal meeting and lunchecon on Sat- î er, atternpting to knock tlie pass urday. Novemiber' 5, at the Midl.andl fi clown1, batted it k m Nordberg's amas,1 club lu Chicago. AUl those %vishing to h San Smale, New Trier cai )tian 1- make reservations please, call Mrs. 110Mf. jL. ivaci 011.Niondav. wa S.1 wnîcn wmill onset imost of'the ïaýN appointed to rganize a ViInetv reductions now being secureci Junior Chess club>. It m-as decided int throtigh efforts of: business and civic meet at his home, 1507 Walnut street. organzations in this city andi state."' at 3 o'clock next Stinflay fir ralz4 This warning was issuiec by Chair- ing purposes. Man Fred W. Sargen.t of the Cook- 'l'le restits oi the ianiî(* îhav<,i Counity Exnergency -Relief Bond L, Mtmd<av art a.; fnllows sue comnniittee this week. 1 ilMreu . L. Béac) Oi, Thréepoints nust bc clear lin he, 1-iMrr Hargis 2Dick 'More-au 0inis of the voter," said, Mir. Sa;-- (;>donl WeIIs 1 -1. L Beach get Hary Hrgs OFl.f. Btivl I This le unlikean bond, issue ever, (:<ruon Weih' t0) I>Iéki -ai 4bc-t'ore submltted. Its adopti .on' will fot loward .Tonet-> 1 .Jt-rry, 1 niiQncrease ntà buwl pen a li4iward Jéine>, 1, Hariry Hârgis ayt01u wl reeta Jerry BrmOH. ïBewj addîtîonai tax on ail real and personal 0' H. L: Beaeh property,: which otherwiise must be col- Any Wilmnette mnember of the %Vw leeted in 1933 to repay state relief funds Trier Chess club or. aiy 'boy or girl Iaiready borrowed, and spent. The bonds. themsý.elves wlll be financed by with- interestec inl learnifig the game an'il holding proportionately from the coun- wishing to join the, Vilmette Junior 1 ties whielhâhve used state relief funds, Ches clb i invtec toatted àe.apart of their share of present ga,- tax meeting Sunrday afternoon te help î'2. The bond Issue will appea .r upow decide the following. ques tionfs, it is a separate sinali 'ballot, entitied !Emcr- annouinced - 'Shal w'e ineet at the geney Relief Ballot.' homne s of, the mn>embers from 7 to .9 . Anfyone who fais to put an 'X inte'Yes' square and deposit this bal- o'clock, in..the evening 'or in '.the lotinfi the ballot box on, eleetiemn day afternoon alter, schoolP Shall-we wiIi'actually be votlng agalnst thIe bond hav ~iplerefeshent siila toissue and for the increased tax. This have i zlrý tobond issue, muet be ippro'ved by et Ma- those served by the Wilmette Chess *jority of those votlng for inembers of club?ý Sitall we challenge other junior the Illinois (jouerai Assenibly. Evùryý club in thersububs ?onle mho votes a 'stralht, party ticket rlubs lu ther subrbs? Sha votes for this office, and noarly evteryone have any rules or dues? Ho-,w ofteiî wvho votes a 'screatched' tiv-ket fmarks shalI we nieet? 1ap(eciftcal1ly for- this office. ThorIiefor-e, 1Practiealiy every ,voter ffiUst reinembér to vote 'Yes' on the ecmergency relief CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES ba]liot ,if It, le b .carry. "Everlasting Punishuxent" 'vllbe "Thère ,is mnooPposition to lii the subject at the services ini First mneasure. Taxpoayers' organizattions,* Cliurch of Christ, Scientist. in WNiî- civic, comimercial, religions, labor andl mxette, in the church edifice ýat 1003 political leaders: are working for, it . Central avenue, Sunday. October 30. The danger lies in,,forgetfuhntes.s,, a 1s t. Il. o'clock. Sunday schiool con- is evidenced by the' fact that since venes at 9:45 o'clock. 1908,' only three proposaIs requiringp thIs large niajority lhave been adopt- CLASS TREASURER ed. James Enright of 488 Park, ave- "Every citizen. who iuiîderstaindl nue, Glencoe, was made treasurer <>i this seri'ons situation shlonic educatc- :he freshman class of Loyola univer- at 1lea st ten* other voter>.het<e sity lin the elections held, recentlv. atl,110wý. anciNoveînber,,8."* ne north si.de campus of the-sýcho!h. Mr, and Mrs. F. Ji. Budinger oif 2219 Estes . avenue, Chicago, annouince, lhe birth of a son, Tom, Francis. October 25. Williani F. Williamson, 324 Sheri- (ait roaci, Kelnilworth. is coinvalescing rom a hîcart .attack wihcarne tupon im six nîonths ago. within, the means of th(- district or the HOME FOR WEEK-ENID Th"feoB.' R6bertson, Jr., .süo of Mr. andc M-rs. Theo B1. Roberîsoni, 215 Fourtli street,. returned - home the, week-end. of October - 14, 'to attendi'I theé University of Clicago and Kieox( college football gamie. Theo . wheo is. a freshm nan at Knox, lias bteeîi pledigec to Phi Sigina Kappa frater- t- i tv. airecuy iI*jSt LIIVI. Dis trict -CI 0 ,. nvestigatef Mme. Earl Uhl, 1619 Elwod ve districts, obi nuehadas ~r uest a eekagoVeterans' et nuehadas er uest a eekagoand send all Sunday ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. be placed c .G. We-sterman (4f Capron, ,11. 'vhatever a., Lto the departmei l'hey ehalli rE ice is fleessary* 3'ru'q ue nere.qt lnie n lui.t eûnunt. t or'~ ohe b te guest of his f rienci, Charler, Mont- à 01. qd goiner:. commit- Mr. andi Mrs. M. L. Minor, 929 shalfeel 'Sheridan road, heft Sunday to visit their dIaugbter lu Los'Angeles.

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