for ailwho attend. Miss Janet Radie, a graduate of Mallinckrodt who was awarded a four-year scholarsbip at St. Theresa College, Winona, Minnesota, last year, received the additional honor; of. being e+lected, president of her * Mallinckrodtý freshnien left the *school highly elated last Friday after experiencing -the -customary ordeal of initiation. Dressed in therwht aprons, tripping, along with their 1 dolîs, and conspicuous for the gree~n bow. that was neatly perched on their heads, they bravely faced theý faculty] and. student body throughout the day. They displayed real school spirit wheii they readily complied to various dernands inade upon, themt, such as: 7 reciting nursery rhymes; kissing tht fllarney Stone, a contrivance con- taining a, supply of flour; imitating a dramatic musician at the 'piano, the instrument being a chair con-, taining a large basin of cold water. Bl.indfolded, and, thus leit to th'e mercy ,of the seniors, they providcd many a 'hearty la ugh. Finally, while marching through, the audience, thedisplayed their array of doils. and thc prettiest %wasvoteduioni. Miss MNar- gerita Janswas the possessor 0f t1ic most beautifuil of the group. I Christian Science, h CI*urckes J "Probatin After Dtath"'ý was tht' suibject of the lesson-sermon in alil Churches% of. Christ, Scientist, o1n Sundav,. Octolber 23. The goldenw text was "B3eîh oId, now is the, day of salvation" .(Il Cor. 6:2). .Aîxîpg the, citations whîich coin-. prised the lesson-serin%,vas tlic following froin the Bible: -Bisc is the mnat that cndureth t 'emptation: for %,whcn lie is tried. lie shall receive, the croNviu of life, which the L.ordj hath pronîked to thein that love himi" (Jamies 1 :12). The lessoln-sctinon also in1cludedi the fnhin'Lvie 'i)assaLes froi t1 fi;f. program .<of I for children S; tôber 29, at F~ ural History. no tickets arc, threnmotioni pictures aturday mnorning, Oc- ýield Museum of Nat- Admission is free, atid, ,necessary. PRIME RIB ROAST 0F, BEEF, -6tlh & 201/2 ri... 201/2.C ROILLED SIRLOIN, BEEF, ROAST, I9A ... . i NATIVE BEEF ]POT ROAST 14Iz lb. . YOUNG RIB PORK ROAST, 9j ..........IJi2 C TENDERLINE35 CUBE >STEAKS, lb..3c LITLE PIG PORK SHOULDERS9 lb......... 91/2 C BEST BRICK BUTTER, 2 lb.. for. .45c 1 IATHLETIC CLUB~I ,OFFEE, lb. .. .. 29c ALOLA PEACHES, 9 N o. 2 . .... 9 MASTERPIECE APRICOTS,19 No. 21/2 can 1c ALOLA PINE-, 19c APPLE, No -2V2C«Mn c t!DADE'DIJIT- %aJsaNÀ% r 1 l9c ICHICKENS ni lb . ....... 2 2C1 HIND QUARTER SPRI14G LAMB,7/2 lb ......... WFr«h' LaIce Trui< Fpet. l . u ff White FiaL, pri. -, Freea Salmoui Steak, 2 per M ... ...2 St a er b . pr F r e s a i H e n g per lbý. 1 WHITE WIS. POTATOES, pk., HONEYDEWS, Medium Size, each. SEEUED RAISINS, 2 pkg.s. for . .... RED CROSS MAC. Or SPAGH., 3 for...., VIRGINIA SWEET PANCAKE FLOUR, 2 pkges. for ..... KELLOG'S WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS, 2ke DkB. ......... ....... 't 1c lIENS, 1811 'b......iC FANCY LEG 0F, 121/2c LEC, 0F VEAL i~ ROAST, lb. 1J1C ROLLED 1LAMB.15 ROASTI lb, .OA....lS MILK-J,'ED SHOULDER, VEAL ROAST, BONELE.SS,:ROLLEDi ,, VEAL ROAST,lM... > 121c S LICED BACON, 59C 3~ lba ... ... ' 55C IBEST CREAMERY BULK BU-1TER, 2 l>s. for.... 41 c PURE CANE SUGAR, 17c10-lb Lirmit, ? 10 lba. for 3 tc 17lcFRESH GREEN ...15 BEANS, 2 qts. for *lcMICHIGAN CEL - 15C ERY, 2 bunclles for.. 9C FANCYIEER1 E'ITUCE, 2 la ai15 9C RANBERRIES, l OnIy -~ ~. ,, IFresh Laike Perch, per lb ........ .. Standard Oysters, qt... . . I z5c il