'UINDUfffM, "TeHuse of ýPersonal.Service"p7 1118 GREENLEAF .AVE-. WiLMETTE, 654 554 CENTER ST., WINNETKA 404 K ta the spe-cious home grounds. The facilities of this beautiful home are yours in time of need. Our Mortuaryý is Equipped with'a, pipe Organ The -Oldest Establisbed Undettakers on. the Immediate NorthShbore Superior Ambulance Service Licensed L ady Assistant "The same coalý you delivered last time» Housewives like Consumers Coal andi Coke. They like it because it is cdean- bec. use it burns witli a uniform, listing warnitl and requires so- littie attention. And tkey lilce Consumers Service-prompt.. courteous and effi- dent. That's wky they tell us year after year-11just send the same cool you delivered lest time."1 You, too, wiII fAnd it economical and most satisfactory to burn Con- sumners fuel. Why not try a load when you place your next aider? GUARANTEE FUEL E SOL VAYý HE ýR E' S 71 nsumers lmpany COKEc A 0ONSIU MER S Y AR D IýN YOCU.R WILMETTE 1300 WINNETrKA 3386 GLENCOE 7,5 NEIGHBORH OD u -~ ____________'I w w 140 TweIfth Street Open è7 A.. t. 9 P~. M. Let's Go to Sweetl&art Towni Phonme Wilnette 691-696 I N E 0 DI-