De j't aI IUVC. Always cQflsid- ered by Lutherans as an outstanding date in cburch history, Reformation day, October 31, bas received in- creased recognition in recent years by Protestant churches throughout the world as the birthday of the Reformation movement.. On that date. 415 ycars ago Dr.; Martin Luther, monk, scbolar, uni-! versity professor and priest, ,posted on the door of the University churcli in Wittenberg, Gernmany, iniety-fivc r theses or statements of Christian doc- trine and practice, whicli were thej resuit of long years of reAé~areli on bis part. They %vert his Stuggesions for the improvenient of conditions Within the churcih ýand'it was, bis metodin the absence of, fw aprs, i rîî,lie<î 1er the' Wilmette Cro ht of 0ofeing, these questions. tu bis lîcaltht Cetiter> dues hlot?) shoui inakc. it Our moral friends and fellow-workcers for dis- -tho spsig sdpe- biaint r'idc these lielpless in- cussion. Little .d id he dreain of the lie dep)resslgl psi p s I I)e-olgtnt r.!cdliro vast reforin, movement which bis actt aws<> ilynh erfnswt h ee~r ie i awknean fth retcbrhVon wiIi h)e, it p.111 neglectti- do some- t(S armor thein against -an otherwýise orgaknzatindbicf thed ring iflchth ing about the 1 inîderprivileged bahies losing battie. Iii a: slort tine depression, existence and multiply wihsart ling wtst11. in Wilmctte. A large tnuniher have wl be forgottten. .W\e will neot be proud rapidity -ttil their far-flunig activitie, joineil us ini the past thret' years. to have these tînifo-rtîtîtaite childreni wan- encircled tbe globe. Many of theni arc îiialnutritious. dering on \Vilmentte streets, a living t)r. uthers îî .\i Many of thenm have ri'kets. Nfany cf mnumuent to pa:t 'hard tumes. b ae fiveThees"%vee tansate asthethemi will incet de(feat \vhen nmaking H-eaîth is one. thing that ntstbcar' fieTheses"nine rce tslatf ste hclcontacts with isese.The da3-s arc kf nlly guarded today. Toinxorrow nay "Thirty-nineer Articles.s of thr. S.Churih of England, anîd became tte.basis ofgtîgsh eJnI hre. siybe toc late. t 1, int c heaper te pro thecofesioal nddocrial tae-heurs are'ý gettitig fewer - iid fewer. lwll.tait>atténîpt to restore ments of nearly ail of the presenit Sni. 1< lravoe ry r so-called Protestan t dcroinxinat'ions. be*hest frivnds. Eîeîlyduring Se tat Y( ')li oîtt Ik îrry, send in The heated iscussion vhidî fol- he winter iîths, thev' iieed a substi saîltt h imtcHat The eate dicussiionwhili ý,l-tute for sunsh1iie. 04d liver cil is that a-snl i ofi \VlitcHat lowed the making public cf Dr. j usitt.îlerprnsacot Center tue enlivet the Babies' Cçcd Liver Luther's concise statemients ikewîrce sti(lyeinpu r ent aiarct Ltt 0*Ouf i .Be an active unit cf the' group brought abou.t sweepinig chag iiîl ~wich is going tc) sec that every Wil- the Roman Catholic chutrch, some oif teer-iincreatsuig o provid- Met te baby is gvi en is rightful héritage ing the bare îecess tius <e lite. Moey HN wbhich are still adhered to at this day. srecesjts s fr N fater Mn Tecerain f.Rfraioiof the- nmothers arv 111, sC1p olcd in t Funds miay bc >sent te Mrs. Donald *Sunday at the WVilmette Etigili rearing of babies. and have never I Maxwell, chairinan. 1414 'Forest ave- Lutheran', churcli, Rev. David R. learned the value oicf cc iver ouil. nue, MWilmettc 29M., Kabele, pastor, wvill inchide al) ad - Those cf us whte have N- thies,' and Eve\-du iv ill inaîerlailv s-wçll the,' dress on "The' Cause and Nced cf the' those of ns w~hü love l'aesancl îviî Babies 'CCod I Ivtr (liifnd. Reformation,". as well as speèial mn.- --,-' ,Henory Beach Elccted> Chess Club Presideiit' Henry Beach, 1114 Ar-hland Iai enlie.' was elected, president cf tht' Xil- mette Ches sclub at a meeting. hcld last iveek. NMr. lBeach bas been acî-f tive' in proin&ting the play-iig*f cf chess in Miinett.e and ibas given1 chess instruction te the school .cliil.ý dren cf the village for several years under the auspices tif. tue Xilmnette Playground and Recreatioji bad Other efficers elected uwerc. C. N ;Harvard Club A warýd Goes to John Hellmuth.. tîlu I llîîîtlî îîlii ivsgradtnated frojî Neîv I'rier 1-11gh .school last J îin. î> cICe of fort v Harvard fresît- mni wlio are holders ,f scholarshIP'. frein Harvard clubs throughiout tîte cotintry. This anniouni'cenlient was miade this week by the :Coîumittee ori Scholarships cf Harvard coliege. SThe total ameutnt ofthte IarLsi us statud, -is $17,325, or an ave-(rage .of .$43.3)lper sciîolarship. I-ellnîntth'*s .St.. Francisç-X.avi*er P. TA. Thec l'àreit - 1teacli',r ascain t.Françis sýchool h M: its meeting last Friday,, witlh a large tnumber at- Broadiway suCc5ses, "'Adamn and .v rates among the best. Its co-author. Guy Bolton, also collaborated in the creation of otie of the best and miost ,popular musical revues of all tinie, "Rio Rita." Here, then, is a reai comiedy of proven quality, pl.aycdiin Wilmette f.or the first time. The Lake Shore Players -,is. is"- tinctly a civic group, organized oit a noni-profit basis and- open to veung people of. character from Wilnxettc and neighboring villages, the otnly grotil)Q' its, kind and one dcserving of the support 'and encourageme .nt . f ail civic-niinded citizens. The club's. policy of preseniting: onlýy plays c'f. estal)lishie( and recognized, quality wilI be continued' throughiott th' seasoi., Seeti in the. cast of 'AdIam and Eva" wl be players remern bcred frein the club's signal succesS of last season, "The YelIow,$Shadow»* James King, a self made. business niman,- bas amassed a fortune in thc.' rubber industry. Burdened by a waste.- fui famuly of in-iaws, King piays Santri Claus until desperation caus;es the.wornf ,to turn. This character, taken by vic-- tor MeKeiglian, fihoiitd atrike a reç;pon- sive choî'd in the hearts of the toril' portion ot the audience. .Ki g's diaughters, Julie rnarried rtni Eva uîmîarried, are a constant ,îourj-. of worry. These parts, are played witl peculiar 'fitness- and talent. by PeggY Stackhouse and Marion Nettieman. on#. sonln-awCllnton; DeWltt, taken ly Eddie Ry3erson, and tw poseti%' s3ons-in.7l-iaw,. Lord AndrewGod.. taken by LawrenceLangdoi, :and Fr 'i, Brotightonin rthe role of Dr. 'Delama ti.r. add te King's troubles as -the' head. or an incereaslng famlly. A itrn-u. Aunit Abbty, in the person of Suc.le< contributes lier bit toward proinwti,> fanilly squabbies and adding te. iiir.r of-.the-nionth bis. And thon tlietj- Unclù IHoracpt- a fussy old mian affliieted1 w.Ith i"nridistemper and gowt. or whatrvvr it is that. grips old metu ;0M niakps thein fussy, portrayed by .Jýwk Eddington. -7 Adain i nith, Kinig's business rai ager, iE3veips in o seething m<>r tItan a businless, manager, andgie *King flriiuyles4-sons on .Joyto, liv a father. This part ls the male lead, var- rieui by Lloyd Onion. Corinthia , a îiid( and' iousekeeper wlth qualities nîni <apachGes of which ail were unawlUý.['- is played by Betty Ryerson, complti.1irn the cast. Cormblniing the, merits or a pri-i stonally ,ucces.,ful conîiedy %vith th.- outstanding abllty and wlide experbeiç,. of Allen Leibcî' as director, theloI.ik.e Shore Players nlay be confidentiv cx- vected te present "Adain and Ev .a" ili a mnanner cioseiy appr@aching pro':-- isional abillty. In dlrecting Lake Shore Players 11lr. Leiber brings to Wilmette a weaitb cfý eK.nerienct'irterathrnozh à Williamn Sprau, a stiudent there, Wei*( Mrs. Irving G. Jackson, 10 8 Fuller bouse guests cf the A. G. Philips. 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Oleson, lane, 'Winnetka, Mrs. Harle A. Chan- 625 Brier street, Kenilworth, this last Jr., 318 Sunset rcad, Winnetka, enter- ner, 402 Willow road, Mrs. 1Ralph M. week-end. The Philips entertained tained at a sinaîl tea last Sunday f rom Gately, 435 WilIow road, Winnetka, at luncheon for their guests, afier- 3 o'clock uttil 5. The guest cf honor and Mrs. John Morrow of Chicago, ward going to, the Northwesteru- was Oscar Shaw, one of the rtars in. rcturned Iast Friday f rom a ten-day Purdiue football .gaîc. «'0f Thee 1 Sing.", motor trip to New. York. On Wednltesday, Novemibèr 2, àt i o'cloèk in the mcorning, an exhibit cf lingerie will be beld at the home cf Miss T-elene Seibold. 522 Forest ave- nue, for the benefit cf tbe Kenilworth Infant Welfare. Menibers cf the' or- ganih;,aîion 1 will model. -lo t'