Trc o Ev ns Since th weather has been scold The î ClàSS of the Stopschool ap-V le alT l Track of Eventswe have flot been able ta play very pears to have miany good poets. When V le alT l Read WViLNM1TTE- LiwE, is my i3rrst mucli geedb.all, so we have decided ta the oral thenies were given in our com- The girls in the sixth, seventh and thought on Thursclay evenings a*'d I play volleyball. We play that inside, position class on Thursday and Friday eighthi grades had a voltey1ball game, advise ail other students ta do the saine., Sa it's lots easýier. In gymnasium we November 17 and 18, a large .group of W ednesday, 1Noveniber 16. I -am on YOU canti fnd out what is going on. in played our first game: NLIst of :the gvn h-grs xe h - àd-epae at u e lyd eur owf onthi pae. Ve indtheboys dint nowhowto.lay goMr.boys greatly in origifiality for writing longer than we were supposed, to and news of our schoois, aind a page on Stone showed us. :That night after.p 91s h amswr ilgvnb had a :very Ilood timie. I got to serve theNewTrer activities appears i col ehdganes nte yua girls. Good staries wvere also pe twice, and there were nine on teý team. each issue. siumn. Then *Mr. Stone. and, Mr., Davis. sented. sucha s. the historv of - iy first Some Of themn are Edna Baughrnan, More ipotant you. perhaps. aire said they Would.'stand. al of us.: ec anDrty avs oieSheb, the pictures which appear of -,tamous tha ught we wvould %win easily but îost Thank-sgiN-ing,, the. autobiograph ivaof, a ptiorhyDvsLuseSreb h ya hae fot 15ta . Ten.we ot iseand turkey. and celebrating Than-.sgiing. er, Betty Jane Hens, Elizabeth Eld- musicians nd artists fired j ' ejoyed'greatl loe w eiods ridge, Beatrice Leal -and a few athers, already f aund sanie of these articles, ail but. about nine playvers., Then it, I hallenge you. ta look through yvouri was a tighitgaie but we' lost. 1 >5 fitýand hope, ta. have the original and en- The score was 60 ta 19. We1 played cop o WLMET~LIE ad av th I-Jck areg Hoara .juyable staries ýand poeiiis. prcscnted on a gainst D-2. future th'iedy.Jli oz tl After the gaie ne. ofaimy girl pictures. 113 f riends and I went.ta aur lockers and Mirs. Clark, aur musi ecer sC3 il onq e ere going ta walk' home t(ogçete. glad ta sçe articles an Musical events * When w'e were ready ta, go w'e w-cnt happening in aur v'illage in, aur note-1, D«2In vo11ey Bail Some Puis Shed'Tears an h alltath ynsu nd books. Ii yaýu are willing to sit dowvni Wdns ay. vember 16. C-3 girls WVhile .Snow Meits -Awa epsedtekt1n. W oî and enjcy yursf r eadnofn avng Ilôward, plaed D-2. a 0t'w-s au n g ausdclcrnedtheome wornen working, sa we dÇcided different clippings, I am, sure you cat i frst ý,-lleNyball gaine, thîs seaso7n. At no. cgtotaur e(sorele it Must be a parent-teacher meeting. plas rs lak.M'sD, nly1il irt1t as,. rather close., but aiter a* littie brother and sister get out theirs.' We went up the steps* just for fun e4ioy art nçws foun~d ini this paper. whiie. C-3,ran -iavay 1t t )ponlts. ray~a h4PflRd and ,askcd anc of the wornen if she had Mak th bet o yur ssu. wllThe reason for this was thie iact that ýy.ç nmen and %,what f un tiey. had.i anythn ecol aecadt u teachers will appreciate li and %oua11 l D-2 didnt have a, înany pla\ers as NoNv 't looks as if the is 1an surprise, she gave us ea h a. big piece enjoy yoursclf. -Itnogene Katimati, - u1 iw~ ~y ~ ae~- S g ~o f hcltnck irinGoe Stolp 1C . a stronger teain. *D-2 \vas allowed ta, do se ' Still tiiere are sine vha are HoNvard 7B3. hielp the hâall uver the net and , -C3 glad ta sec it go but 1 think that we Thanksgiving' Just -Ruins w-.asni't. C-,3 ývoii. 6W to 19. CSscap- have a right ta think as '\ve Sant to Seek Vollev Bail Laurels Plans f Turkys, Duks tain is Edna Baughnian The rest of abou1t it.-Eilen ons.Howard 8C.. fe ikalTim h Turke'-! Thanklsgiv-ing, is alniost here Davis, Jceanie .'Macournald.4c1ol ganes we hav and. WoIt it be f un? Saiepol r *lrdeMconl.Eiae Asks Students to Submît j1 u rt. fin.ser linlg kickball avae having iurkey. Sane are having duck, Lucille er ,BtyHn adLus rpso G m A tvte rçicitig volcybail. In kickball G.3 w-an and others are havintg chicken. Isn't, Schireiber-Loise Screbr *Hwad t the heginning of ùnc cof Mrs. ail but ane gaine, and wýe would .ail i a. shamt to kili a noor fat little tur- SA. .* i. S ý shcti-ld uswevlike to be together in i-olleyball (C-3 ing ecase ou îgutgera souwn- tolp 1BBlias started its oral cati-, ache and then ycu would have ta be.pozition for iss Pe'rring, composition thankiul for that.-jean Louise 'Mas- teacher. The subject spaken on w-as ton. How-ard SC.. Thanksgiving. 'Miss Perring chose two judges f rom 1B. The judges selected LONG FOR SUCCESS a persan who wiIl take part In a con-. Howard school started speedball ofl teszt for the bcs;t Thanksgý talk in-ý November 10, and w-e hope ta have athe eighith grade.. That persan wl successful seasan. Mr. Stone, cur gyrl- speak i the asrbyclub. The judges nas uni teacher. antiounlced that the are Bill Spiliney and Ruth Ebeling. teams %-ill be the same that we had for The talks 50 far have. been fine.-AI- then carne back to school 'at the usual much less haNing to ask for mor titme-Dorothy Eilier, Howard 8A. IGlor.ia Gonzalez. Howard SA.. classes f rani fotirth. ta seventh grade,, fot tink ai rîght nowv.1 and this year w-e are going ta put our tunt ta play after-stchoal eighth grade records domi. 1 ihope trice Leal, 813 Howý-arcl. itxil e ýii z lionvrovenient ov\er ls .th .bie It isalot 0ai ~ar asocvevbdvhid butte'r bring GIRLS PERFECT SPELLERS lem in, or it w\ill be just too bad.- In 8A Howard ail af tîhe girls got ertrude Koplani, How,ý-ardl SB. 100 percent in spelling on Wednlesday. Thev are as f ollowvs: Grace Certifantô, GIRLS CHANGE PLANS 'Marjarie Hill, Edith Bartlett, Loise Last Wednes4av wlien w-e\vent dowvu Schreiber, jean -Macdonald, Gloria the p-mnasiurn for aur weekly gym -Gonzalez, Darothy Eisler, Alice Xag: Speedball is HERE'S TIMELY WARNING d rather play No matter Iîuw guod .1 the turkey is ili play foot- or how 'red the crantherry sauce, don't their games eat too mucli. R(-ettmber we ail have e rest-Bob-- to be back in school next Monday.- Edna, Baughmnan, Hwr A AI - I