a SENSATIONAL HOLIDAY EVENT which lias been statiotled at Pal-i the three Ifunter brothers wlio estab- Waukee airport for several 'months, lished< the 'worlds refueling. endur- left this week for Miami, Fia., where ance record at Sky Hfarbor airport in itwil ped hewite~ 1930, visited the scence of tlheir Captain Wilson stated that the blimp would refueI three times be- triumph last week. They- flew here twen er ad iam, t vas-from St. Louis and retiied to that ville, Ind., Gadston, Ala., and Jack- ct. so nville, 'Fia.. The 'blimp cruJises at 1 The two brôthers camne ere in a speed of about sixty miles an'hour. their famous sbip, heCity of Chi- The trip' from here to Gadston was cago,"àa Stinson powered %vith a 300- expected to take about fifteen hours 'horsepowxer Wnight niotor. 'fle saine and that from. Gadston to Mia i oQ hat wsue nteedrance about tielveý hours, Captain Wilson igh .isstillinii the plane. Since said. establishing the record of 553 hours At %,iami the ship will join an- ad4 iues i te-irte ship'lias' other Goodyear blimp, the Reliance. !toured thie co'untry and lias been in, and, both wilI remain at the sôuthernliuse constantly., resort> throughout the winter months-', The Hunter brothers' record. is stili for passenger-carrying .and(ohe te fficiai world's -r ituelin- endur- purposes. The Reliance bias been, ii ance. record. Jackson and O'Brin.e, Teas. St.. Louis aviators,- set .uofca About M\ay i1the Puritan' wiI1ner 'record surpassing tlîat oi the.,Ilûtiter turn to Pal-\Vaukee to 'be, lhere dur- boys, but their feat has nevcr been jng the Centurv of. Progress ex- recogpiized officially. ________________whom saw. "The Citv of Chicago" while it wvas settng ftie endurance Hal Roach's Pilot Loses record, recali that Kenncth and Johin Life When Plane CrasheS Hunter were in the ship while -Aib1ert Word hias reached here from \Tji -!reniained on the ground to take care toria Falls, Afnica, that Capt. James, 'of> that end of, the fliglit.* Jolîi lost B. Dickson, who lias stopped at Sky hslfesm onh acý le Harbor airport several times on Ii prpio trckhIn cross-countryv hops with Hal Roach, The Hunter brothers tarted tlîr the miovie comedian, 1ost his lufe in endurance flight on june 117,1930, and fài r:hN vei r17. I landed on july 4..ý Stock of English Bone Çbina'and Eý Imported and Domestie Crystal Stemware. What an Opportunity- to Give Fine China and Stemnware.. at Amazingly Low Prices! companion. Joseph Roscntbial." 1-o"' at Curtiss airport last Fridav for ard Rosenthial wvere injured. tlîeir private 'pilot's licenses ivas. Priu Last month «Mn. Loew took tule Myora of LaGuaira, Venezuela. South plane to Sydney, Australia. hy Anmerica. 'Myora lias been iearning steamer. Uc flewv across Australia. to fly at the F-lmburst airport. He then to China and 'Egypt. Whien the took bis exanihuation with tlîc aid of ship crashed hie and his comipanion an interpreter. H-e plans to go back were on ther way to Johannesbung. to South America. and to prornote Captain Dickson, *who bias pilotecl aviation in bis native couintrv. Halt Roach's speedv Lockheed across ukee airpont , is the Bel ibutor ini the Chicago area. iBoyd's Verville. Boyd kept the at Pal-Waukee airport. *