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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Nov 1932, p. 21

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T.yphIg: Charlotte ia rvey. SPORTSMANSHIP WINS 7Vliàt is real sportsmniisip? il, one sense of the word it is'gnrs îtil of prt \7e*,%%'.rier bas ,long hiad a- repu- tation for, unusual spoýtsmaîîlsli> andl keenness 0f spirit. Such aàrdor and * enthusiasinîthat, came c froini4î b1eaclîersli the final gaine pro«ve(l to the tean thie ,f&leings of thie, schll * *and reassured the. plavtsrs that the scl)ool rcally. lîad .'go." t brouglit. inspitration and higher, amis to t hose gridders who were ini the fray for the tilor and( glory of -evTrir Thle zeal. ardor and frenzy tlai relit the air* witlî evcervcheéer and veli ;.the trust and faith tlic .school, lîad in its teain could 0111Y he ex- presse(I h the tiit and efferves.- ~eieon the part of thespctr. 'Fhrills' at(1 exciteniieùt xxerc i)('tifil. etNew VTrier 1)uIl togetiier litia N\ax- wich iade -ail of us _;av uc wert prourf to eoiig.to htcr. *\Ve lost, vet that is InQt tie pint. \Ve plaved the gaine, and yd it 1.10t off to win., but also for the glory. 0f the sport. Whlat more CoUld we akfor- thant that glo%\iig feeintg of' * lavingdonie our tnîost. "It istu't the fact tlîat voui're hurt that cotunts, but only, hoxv did vou take it?"lJocs tinot this. apply to our situiation Lý t was, a hard hlow for uis. vet we took it like sports, andmillii never be ashanied of our action:. "Lt isni't the fact that vou 're dead that coutits, Iut otily, *.how did( vou die _' New Trier, %we are proifftohelong,1 to voti. \e are proud, to 1,e consid- ered one of v'ou. for v-otr nainec car- ries prestige, honor and faine. It is our duu< to uphold titis, and wc xiii -do it earnestk.v and sincerelv. \Ve are proud of our displav of sporismîan- >hip and \vili jpiedge otirselves to uplr- sue the start and inake ouir basket- bail season bigger, better aîîd pep- 1)er. \Ne'll pull together atil ue, as our motto." DiVided \\e fali united wve stand." Practicaliy ail of last ye:ar's heav.v- weighit regulars were.'lost l)y gr adua- tioni. Dick Joslin, high ýcorer of the ~Suhurban: leagiue ,IÀst season. Fralil UhTju-rch=, om Siîîding, Leonard Wo"l f e and Bol> Gordon , wîll îîot appear in N~wTriei uniforins this season. Cecili\\'illiamis, W'ho piayed ou ýtuie first teain last yIear, xviii, be itieligibie for competition. thîsvear afterthée lhoiidavys because of the age liîîiit. Mein>ersof last vear's* varsity squa.l %vho did not plav reguiarly but wîo, are -conisidered,,ikelv pr ospects 'or places on tlhis year's team inclule Dick Preston, Allen Rossinaàn. Sain Lueus-ý mari, Albert CiaYfon and Victor Han-, son. A new sudu v the naine O Scott, a tali, siender lad , is expected to àae. strong bid foir *the reglar dirolI in flour," and when "dr.opp)iing in fat" .vas added, she begani to weakeii, but the thing that complete- iy capped the climax and drove lier froin domestic science back to plaN"- ing the stock market, was the final commnand--Turni into a frying p)an." Teenî: Ginger aie." Pop Jünks:"al" Tleein "\(o, just agas" Times have speeded up froin th e days i0ien, if oneinîissed a stage- coach, he was contented to wait two or three days for the next' one. Now he lets out a squawk if lie misses t).ie section of a.revolviîîg door.. That brings to mmnd the two of our .%ell known sei gan going, aroutid togeth( ct tiîat ors be- x wlienl week Coach Grater bad reduced the number of boys on the liglitweight squad to fortv. Another cut wiil beý made, briniging the number dowîî 10 about: twenty. Richard Flynin and Richard Sýteen. two miembers, of last year*s light- xvei ght teani xx'ho are stilliniiischooi. probably xii be ini the first teaînî iine.up-again this season. ,ew Trier's scheduie calis for eiglht garies on, the homne court and, five gaines away from home.. Besides pia- ing each of. its Suburban league op- ponents tie.NwTrier xviii rneet Lane. Techi andý Hyde Park schiools of Cicago and , Maine TownshnI High* schooi of Des Plaines i r seasîon .gaies. Schiedule for Seàson Tfhe complet. %seedule follows: *Decenîber 2-La'ne Teclh at, New, Trier. Deceiber 9-Hyde Park at New Trier. Decemiber 16-Maine at New Trieç-. Decemiber 23-Nevv Trier at 'Mor- ton. January 6-Evanston at New Trier. January I3--Newv Trier at Proviso). Januarv 20-Deerfieid ah New Trier. January 27-Qak Park at Nevw Trier. February 3-Morton at 'New Trier. Februarv IO.ýJNew: Trier at Eivans- ton. Fcbruary 17-Proviso at New Trier. Attend State Conference of High Sehool Teachers Four mnembers of the Newv Trier High school faculty spent last week- end at the regular state conference 0of high schiool teachers.held at the Uni-( versitv of Illinois in, Chainpaign. The1 teachers Who drove (0w n ini theiri This -Year's crawl and relay i' ii be especiaily strong with six swimmers of nearly 'equal rating: R. Palenskî,. N.ý Sbàpkéer, J. Weckier, P. Leach, W. Happ and J Conrad. B ol>, Seile r, aniother fine crawl stroker. will be lost forthe season, due to a 'fractured knee .suffered :in the iast football gaine. J.. Weckder, a- new student at New Trier wbo beid. the 1 Countyr back stroke champion sbip wbie attending' Senn last year, wiil be, the mainstajy ini tbî§- eve nt, Four other, swi-enmers, J. Luke, E.' Banining, M. Bryant and J. Byrne, are runninig a close race for the second -pos ition in the saine event.' B. Heyn, B. Rosenberg, and, J. Pearson will most iikely be the swimmers. in, the brèast stroke. Weckier, wbo is also a fille 'diver, and Jack Davis are expected to bring inmlany points in the ta.acy divng, On the junior. teain, R. Watt, A. Schuman, D. Patton, and S. Fitzhugh stand out among the sophomores, whiie J. Springer' E. Simon, and B. Rich seern to be the niost proinising freshinen. The Suburban league nieets are schieduied to begin the second week after the Christmnas holidays. Three practice meets wlii be beld at New Trier during December with Engie-. wood on Decemnber 3,. Ienosha, the cars were: Supt'. M. P. Gaflnev, Miss L. F. UlIrick, head of the social science department, Miss Alma Hurst, also of the social science le~- partient, and Miss Eleanor Libbey, librarian. They ieft Thursdav and returned Mondav. Aithoughi they en- countered severe snow stormqs, tbey report that a most 'enjoyabie and instructive time %vas bad [,v aIl."p Children's Matinees Radio A rtists Give «One of the girls told us that, shie able to k-cep Dora oui t1t biad thought of adoptjng homne eco- this week but on the wa *nomnics as ber career, but upon at- printer with our copy we tcnding a. ciass. and hearhiig somie of and stopped to ask about the dii'ections, she gave up iii dles- on ber forebead, She sakd * pair.. been. struclc Ibv a thought! She said it was b ard enougli ho 1 joseph J. Bildi .Rox.ý 1 bostesses w itb. ýhe schiooi iast Friday. if e are F f Wilîmetka and Mrs. Corréil;. of Wilmette were co-- gave a re rs. Ostermann. * their ..serv «., 'ine gratis.

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