second of a, series o f musicals spon- sored by' the North Shore Chamber Music association, Sunday afternoon, December, 4, in the Kenilworth Asseni- bly hall. A. new« member of the quartet is Samuel Thaviu of Wiltnette, ong viOlinist, who is ever gaining promnin- ence in, the music world. Anotlier1 new memfber is ..Milton Preves, wvho will play -the, viola. in place of Clarence Evans.ý That leaves Mr. Mischakoff, first violinist, and Daniel Saidenberg, cellist. The quartet is believed to have the youngest nieMbers of any quartet of ýits kind in the coùntry. Mr. Mischakoff is 35;, Mr. Thaviu, 22; Mr. Preves is *23, and Mr. Saideîiberg, 26. ODlY members of the Chicagoï Symiphony orchestra are permitted to play in Mr. Michakoff's quartet but Mr'. 'fiviu ~has "üofriited special perm' mission 'from Frederick Stock to do so. Mischakoff, f ormerly an honor stu-5 dent under Korgueif, is a gold medal2 graduate of the Petrograd Conserva-1 'tory. He was concert master of the Petrograd Symiphony orchestra under Albert Coates, also of the 'New Yorkt symphony and Philadeiphia orchestra. Hiis attainnents as a soloist are of an unusuallv high order. tion. lC wa.b a iiIiAUeUUI oi me rL'iu 'deiphia orchestra for four years undt Stokowski. His playing reveals an e., cellent, refined' technical and thoroug musicianship. On Deceniber 4 the quartet %ill pla the Quartet No. 1 in G Major by' Moi art and the Quartet in A Major Opu 41, No. 3 by Schumann. The coi cert will begin 'at 4 o'clock. -making of the whole'a lovely harmfony, never-to-be-forgotten.. Miss Hamilton has, an unusuallY rich tone for 'so younig an artist. Her extensive'study in Paris has developed a, splendid tech- nliq ueý and a' round, full tone. One of the numbers Miss' Hamilton played was the entire' "Sonata' in'- D Major" by Handel. For an encore she gave the "Air for G. String", by ý Bach.' Mr. Howerton's organ prograni was verý- satile, ranging f rom chorales and can- tatas t o several lighter things, one of which was the "Song of' the Basket- Weaver" from the St. -Lawrence Sketches by Alexkander Russeli. The "Reveryin D.PFi" by Claren ice Dick- inson was . given as an encore. Mr. Hlowerton -is the. organist at the Win- netka Congregational church. 'the re- citai was sponsored by the Winnetka Music club. Leona Kruse, operatic soprano, pre- sented a very fine 'program of songs 'at Shawnee Country club during the hour of music last Sunday afternoon. She. opene4, with an aria from Mas-' senet's opera, "Herodiade," and con- tinued with a group of Gerrman songs, among vvhich were "Ein Schwan" by Grieg and "Heimliche Aufferderung" by Strauss. Two groups of songs er V. McD. ~Youth fui Orchestra lyMem bers Pro icient z-The Çivic orchestra* began its e ùs hearsals October 14 with a larger en-' n- rolient than in' any pre vious year.' So great wvas the number of applicants in ail sections of the organization that The String quart et of 'ivhich Mischa Mischakoff is the leader trill play compositionis writteii for quart et by Mozart and Schuman on. Sitnday afternoon, Decernber 4, at thec Keinilîuorîlî club. The con- rert zvill 'be given iinider the aus- pices of the North Shore Clianiber 11usic association. ers of the Little Symphony orchestra of Chicago 'will give Compositions by J-aydn and Grainger this Sunday af- ternoon in Fullerton hall of the Clhi- cago Art institute. The prograni in full is as follows: 1. Quartet, D Minor (No. 41,. HaLycln .Allegro Andainte quasi allegretto Menuetto -Vivace assai Two Violins, Viola, Violoncello Dusolina Glannini,' popular Amèrican soprano, will give a concert at the New Trier high school auditorium 'for north shlore music patrons Monday' evening, Decemiber 5, under the auspices of the Winnetka Music club.' The following is a description of the noted singer by. an admirer Her face, ivory tinged and f ramedi in straight. black hair, resibles 4 madonna. Her dark eyes -constantiy, flashi with eagerness, aJnd-there is noj doubt but. that she is, f ull of the j oy of living,. A genuine artist, a. wholesome young woman interested ini human thingÉs., She speaks, five" languages-Italiani, French, German, Spartish and .Englisli, and is now studying Russian. Yet she needs. no language to express herself. Her eýyes, lier gestures, hier facial expres- sion are a lagaein, themselves., Shie is devoted to lier family-the mother and -father, who made possible hier musical education, the sister wvho is also a singer and happily inarried, the brotIher who,tmusical tiuthorities predict, is dcstined to become a great composer, a younger brother now in ýcollege, and a talented cellist. She as- sumes the world is as 'mucl ini- terested in hearing about thieni as about herself. Shie says she has no time for hob- bies, but she likes to dabble with brushes and palette. Also she finds re- laxation in a good book of biography or travel. I nternationaI1y Known Violinist in Concert Ilza Niemack, violinist, wvill be heard i11 recital at Kimbaîl hall, XV'edniesdaý- evening, November 30, at .8:30 under the. direction of Bertha Ott. l'le career of Ilza' Nicmiack readn- li-ke a draina. Out of the, couiitrv '4 ,nicago cnaritL is interested. and Or- )n Rapids, f eonard Krupnick of Wilmette, cell- ist, is a member of thë orchestra. Camp Song i(Water iBOY) --- .~C. C. White ScherzoôTarantelle........Wieniawi