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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Nov 1932, p. 37

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r 1lrnproVemients amountilng to '$1,960 A new plan of individual service w ere isstied in Vinnetka during the to buyers and sellers of real estatel past 'nonth. .called "The Xhitaker Plan" has just axEse,91Seidnrd.s bé il anîiounced hy the- R. B.Wit building, a root cellar costing "$1,000. aker company, of Winnetka. XVhile Teohrfu priswr o it includes. several new ideas in reàlirmdîn os estate rnerchanidising, the chief pur- Pautl X. Leeci, 1513 Asbury ave- pose of thé plan, àccording té R.ý B.' nue. is cre.ctinig an addition to ýhis \Vhtaer pesîen ù te cmIaiv.residence, at a cbst of $700. -.- 1). is to place real est -rce na oebrg 15"Towcr. road, took sou(le baIl out a, permit 'for a porch roof. costing -In the pasI," said -Mr. WVhitakcr. $95. johin A. Bloinidahlis making[ ~real estate prices have, beeii deter- alterations at 841 Elîîi street. costing mmcÉd in the main »y an --unscen t itic $90. Paul 1. Ramisey is spending $75 an(1 uneconomic practice of iggling ili mov.-ing anid repaîriîîg a one-tari and 4argaining on the. part of- the aae buvers and sellers. '1'le. Whitaker Plan atteilpts to rcmcedy this situ .E '- ation by i'introdIcitig expe rt. imparu- Ea LU1ltS pany tial iuietas toý value into the Meges Tw Ofie transctn , E. E. Stuits -Realty company basý Three Main Divisions just consolidated its Evanston office, - Thie three maini divisions of thé!C11I08 Davis str'eet, with lte Wýinnetka rDian are called the service for buy- office w.hicli is located at 460 Win-I e ,rs, ordinarv service for sellers and netka avenue. Frank Betts, manager * sjieciai service for sellcrs. l'lie seller :.of the Xinnetka office and formeriy holist., his p)rop)ertv in 'the ordinary manager. of the Evanston office, w itl serv cu classification receives al of manage the erttire north shore dis- the real 'estate services whiclh are trict for the concern. H. -C. Clover ordîniarilv' rendered. The special: of the Evanston office, formerly oi service p.ropertics are accorded B. B. Clover & Brother, will be Io- these ordinarv services, plus, how- cated at the main office of E. E. eVer. ser-vice significant additional. Stuits Realtv company at 1901 MUont- Chief. anong, the,ýe IS a disinterested rose avenue. Chicago. auplraîisal of the propertv by the , t ,ai V ,ill'g i I'LL l'..L i...l11)letelv rebu,îlt and Iurnisfled by a buyer and seller. A smiall charge in1 ieading interior decorator and fur- advance. to be deduicted later f romi .isher. so that it gives the impres- the stand ard commnissionl when1 the siOni of a series of living rooms. propertv is sold1. is re(Itested for aIl There are no. salesinen evident h.>tlîgs :tnuder thte special s'ervice. when onie walks into the Whitaker Protection on Price office. A youing woman hosteýs "In the case of a bmycr who is in-' greets the incomer, ascertains bis ii-m terested in propertv listed under the terest and projects for him the ordiniarv service classification, whereli "Photo-tour.", SalesmIen are not there is nlo appraîsal, the Whitakerl called into 'the transaction until they conipany acts as his, the_ buver's.1.are. uested by the prospective 'ne aPPOiutnlernof Xlokanson & JenIks, bIc., as general agents.' in discussing. the. appointmnent, 11r. Ho.kanson of Hokcansoin & J'enks,' Jmc., stated that they weére very well pleased to receive -the appoittnent, especiallv in view of lincoln's stand- ing in: the Insurance field, and their strong position aniong companies represented in Cook county. "We have' enjoved a very, satisfactory businesc ini out. iability and casualty. departnments under the managenien t of L,. E. Oehrîng,", he ýstated, "~and we, have decided to -adil a life insurance departmient after miany requiests for this service." iE.\V,.-Reddawv, iho' has been connected ivith the Lincoln National. for sonie tineme 1vil e in charge of the nev departmient. One New Residence in Wilmette Permit,~ The total estimiated cost of buildl-, in g construction authorized in th e eighit permnits issued by the WVilmette building departinent during the four- Nveek period ending Monday, Novem- ber 21. amiourited to only $8,850. The corresponding figure for the previous inonth was $16,035. November 12 The remaining seven permits werei for small building jobs, such as pri-1 vate garages, and for alterations ort additions. A permit Was issued to Svenson and Peterson to build an addition for F. G. Salerno, 501 Lakeý avenue, at an estimated cost oýf $1,-c 00Q. A frame porch addition for E f D. Yarian at 1228 Lake avenue tot cost $300 was authorized in a permit "Our' sales departinent bas ex- perienced a steady and -conservative buying dema.nd for suburban homes in the last four months,"1 states Stew- art B. Mfatthews, vice-president of Baird and -Warner, in charge of sales. "And what I like about thi ex- perience of ours, in this particular period is the fact. that the..purchases could, hardly 'be considered. of a speculative nature. On the contrary., they were made: by. conservative and* 'deep-thinking.business ,men.who,, be- cause of their -particular position were Well acquainted .ith .current economic conditions and yet- saw the marvelous opportunity of, purchasing, with cash, homes for, their families. "The action on the part -of such buvers is even more interesting when. we consider a few of their vocations: Th.ree of our purchasexs were .public,. accountants; several were doctors, an investment broker, a Young executive in a na'tionally known advertising firm, a very prominent Chicago architect and several men engaged in the manufacturing business. .. .. . These men to me represent a fairly accurate cross-section of opinion as to current local conditions and nat. tional business affairs and when such men becomie ourchasers. nartirîilarIv oy arius eV oiLJ'UIL and uiusiness tycoorps on the increase and revival of general business conditions. *"Our records show more than $600,- 000 worth of suburban home sales closed in the last four months, which figures also include the purchase of three vacant' homesites on the north to personally inspect the properties estate in the past h or will maàke appointments for himi impartial. scientific and give him letters of introduction basis for reat estate as al Kenilv cash equity cons Ltion." . a1

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