B:;4:19; $17118:14;1:1 *Stafte Bat, 1:0; 4:8-:4; 8:83; 10:3e «Eook àA Ladder"-Our Gan»g Snow ErsSotIh Bat. Matne 2; , o uthé stagre A dellclous pleee et eanly for ail the -kidulies attendine the Saturýday Matinée ~ 'tat Sauda atlnee--Chatpter 16 «The àJungle Nystery" With SUNDAY, MONDAY. TUESDAY., NOVEMBER 27-28721 A 4 01 lO D starNs u».2:09; 4:08; 1: 14;, :2;10:32 - Starts Mon*., M ov é' m v"Flit1nlý Fins" . . Just THE C9F<FDY SB!AION O F THEPY Sa 4*jgolo -1SoreJ p4Song" . "l(foflywooa on Parade".. CONSTANCE CUMMJNGS Latest News P«oduncd Sy HAROLD iLLOYD tmp .4 Parmoin Release. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30--DECEMBER 1 WALTER HUSTON, LUPE VELEZ, CONRAD NAGEL rolescame, it :s said, as a reward for splendid work in recent successes. Miss Nùxon, it will berclld ,scored individually opposite C harles. Farrel. in "After Tomorrowv.". then repeated ber success in ber brilliant performantce with Warner Baxter. in. "AaturDaddy.' Bellamy, wbho until..now lias had the up-hl strug- gle of establ.ishing himseif in untsymi- pathetic, or "beaiiy" 'roles. vas given the romantjc part cf Dr. Adam Ladd because of the capable, maniner in which he portrayed the German of- ficer in. "Surrender"; bis important character study of the, Juvenie Court judge, in' "Young America," and bis depiction of the, incorrupetible 'police captaïin in "Disorderly Coniduct."- Briefiy, the film story.recounts thle main adventures of Rebecca, as 'ni- mortalized in. the,,.book, .revolvin.g around her intense desire to win the regard of her spinster autits: bier 'l- terest in obtaining a wedding ring' for the unwed mother of Jack'-O- Lantern, and her romance ivith Dr. Adam Ladd. Mae Marsh, as Aunt, Jane, and Louise Classer Hale, as. Aunt Miranda, portray the aged spinster aunts of Rebecca. Alfred Santell, wbose "*I)addyiN Lonig Legs" was one -of Iast season's tri-,, There isn't one turkey in the picture, but it's a Tbanksgiving çvçnt for the, very reason that. it will appeal to the entire family.'. Te atro del Lago patrons-and tbey. have a reputation for. knowving their enter- tainiment. value s-will like George Arliss better than ever for the wvay he sm;rokes' a pipe, slouches. in bis. but-, ler's easy chair, and goes to sýlee*p while a guest of honor. at a "màodem. Witc" Piano recital. Further family> appeal is fouind' li this film because it tells the stiorv of a wealthy man who finds a recipe for re-uniting a faMily that bas beeil caugbt in a dizzy s ,ocial'whirl. Mary Astor, Evalyn Kn 1app,- Hardie AI- bright and, William' Janney deserve a.large share of honorsfor .the suc- cess of this film. T'hey're in the Army Now! On Friday and Saturday oi this w ePe . the 'Teatro del Lago preseits two of the most popular comedianis- Laurel and I-ardy--in a featture- length cornedy. entitled "Pack Up Your Troubles." It is difficult for a critic to colnvev the enjoyxnent this team affords the fans with sixty minutes of hilarity. Their antics, thouigh withini the bounids of propriety and reason. are in theniselves so, simple as to send theater audienices into screains of Starts 7:43; 9:i2 "0strungt Innerttnbc"-Comedy . . . Football Classle... Latest Nems FRIDAY end SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2-3 Her.'s Harold Lloyd! Who Says Chimpanzee Movie fans will welcome the news that Harold, Lloyd is slated to ap- Ispn't a Noble Creature pear at the Teatro del Lago in That monkeys have a sense of chiv- "Movie Crazy." Sunday, Monday and alry was demonstrated during the Tuesday, November 27, 28 and 29., filming 'of "Kongo," mystery thriller In this, the bespectacled comedian's of the African jungle, in wbich first screen offering in two years. Walter Huston is :now beirig featured. Lloydl cornes through withi just the One of the cast is Queenie, the closing gag lie bas been seeking for little chimpanzee that distinguisbed a great part of bis if e. The gag 1-- _ r - 4.ý -- -- le-.- 1 4a m .. àc "f n; " - . -C ance, nas a sertes ot shortI romantic jin films which are winning theJ and C. Heï interest of movie fans. J Flint is scu Aon as the man trap. le