The cooperation of ail 'Wilm.ette physicians lias beeîî secuired, and for parents, who cann.ot afford the serv- ices Of a family plîvsician freeïmi- nIuIIizaýtion il1l)be rovi(le(l for the children, it is explained. I)eceniber 2 lias been Set as the .first (IaY w'hci the diphtheria imiocu- lat;*ins il l)C egiven. T'[le eterfrom the ,Wilmette Healtli(lepartment. to Ille 'Parents$,follOws *You are living today ini a <-ýinmlun- tY whieh is relatively speaking, (1ite free froin preventable contaglous dis- ,élses. The incidence of* dipjhtheia fo exanîple is lory1w. This-is due,.h4oýw- (-ver, to the rather high percentage of imniunized children heLe, the resuit of a somewhat higher -standard of fiving than the average, and the.rather.albove- ave rage intelligence of the citizen, of smu<-h a c-Omml]Unit.v a--;this. -Our viszi. lance miust be contant, however, for w-, miust look with more or less fear ata reodof 541:1 cases of diphtheria, witli '180 deatiîs (mnostly young children> 1 i 19:M1,.in the siti,0ofIlliois. The- 1rec- ord fori. bis year- proinises to be mnuchl -osas the Illinoils Healtll Melssengu- of Notvenler 1, states 'Prevalance dur- ing Septenîber and Oc(tobeýr Nas nituch grea,,ter ithe state, than itli as been in these months for înany- years. In late Oc-toh-r the, cases repýýlorted %Neru, 4over 100 per ek. "eask you again te) have your chui- tiren i mmuiiiniz-<l against this killer (C0f youth and pro'(tect- them11 agitiflt-t it, sin(-e it cýan be donc so easiiy. The cool)er- oi<.no ail physieians in the ViILlg has IHetni secured and they ili be pre- partd to care for any: who ÀnniNý. WTe -d Jt'uu ud in IIthilaevork, anu LU A!-1 niunize the children, at a cost that will not *be prohibitive to you. For any v.ho are un'ible to peay for treatmnent at al, w-s'nlply 'i-k you to fMI1out au appflicati(on wihii< h wo iill furnish, On request jýtiîogllyoui' schQol, andi Arteitratmt nt w i lu l,éwovidted forpeulr * <-ildren l', Th is aplies t(>ail chli- *drv-n oPe r n letho youngerý oénts l)ing the inuot >usceptible. "The first day set aside ini local phv- sicians offices for this treatnient is IDe- cember 2, i the afternoon. and miay wve Mise Margaret iMcKec Walkcr 0.1f Il 'jim'Ite, vouing a rtist, wilI be' a sp.ciial f'atiurc in the' Studio, the voi np .t,;iz's booth Ia thte a;mualý 'C!tiistiiia. fair, wlîich isç bciing held - 1eccn!'r1 alid 2 mnder the au(s- piccs of the [Foinen's Aid society of ffié W1i tcPari<h Ifëthôdist ch le. îjs [Ilk!ier z('111 make iortrait da ofiqs.,thc vi'sitors at fie bazaar. iSie lias a display of lier work- in the United ExIhihitor's galleries, Chicago, which iý under the direction of Mrs. Frank G. ILogan, and also lias a display ini thc F'vanston Little Art gallery's, .Christmîas uxhihit , of paintinýgs and MORE CONTAGION HERE Five newv cases of contagiouis di-ý se-ases, two of whiooping couighi, îw of chicken pox and one of pnieu-, nmonia, xvere reported in Wilrnette by the local Hlealth d(ep)artîncuit ut th-e week ending Noveinber 19. cmuviual cxpenses were tascen care of l .al JVLb N '. arc0 Iu by Mr. and Mrs. Dubbs. The cakes ,ond, Ill., fôrmerly of Wilmette, en- were furnished by the.womnen of the tertained at a large dinner party for Baàptist church. sixty guests Suhday, .November 6,. in Quite ýas, prominent an, incentiveý forhorofterwet-ihwddn thelare atedane ad iteestas heanni1versary., The :guests. included thcar a ind efeshment vs te oppor-relatives and many friends from WiI- cars ad reresmets as heôýpr-mette and Chicago. tunity to see the beautiful and spacious new home of the Dubbs. Few, homnes can, accommnodate a hundred tables of bridge.. Those who chose rather to The F iniet Boucle' enjoy the view of Lake,Michigan f rom ohpo f an th mny -vantage points f urnished by - the architect iii thèt design of the bouse, IsrcinE.,MnaWd or who chose, to examine the convent-, nsa n rdyatron ences and beautiful arrangem ent of the nsa:adFia féàoi architect and interior decoràtor, appar- Mr&. A. W. Frank enitly enjoved the occasion équally with 136Hîghl.dAe those who preférred to, worry about Wlat.33 spades and no trumps. Wi et 3 6 Mrs. G. H. Weaver, 1020 Ashland avenue, elitertafied -imi bbridge cluib at lunicheon, 'Friday. SUE du B3REL x c WiII be happy to help yoii design and make your new fail and win- ter clothes or reuiodel yout pres- . WU t. cnt wardrobe. r51MiSt Vïnee 1135 CENTRAL AVENUE p.Wj,3 Phone Wllmette 135 hn e3 flonel Train $7 Large new remote control motor. 5 large freight cars. 16 pirces track and rheostat. *Ecnthe most; skep. tical admi1t they -s'a y c nî'oneY and pget Ucbest si'lqctlon at 31ILLE'N'ps,. Buddy "L" Truck, à8e End opens wben truck is dumnped. Rubber tires. Work Beach .... $875 48 inches long. Has spacious to ol rack. Even Dad cati use it. M einber Wilmette Chamnber of Commerce