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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Dec 1932, p. 6

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There is sewing for- the Red 'î'l each Tuesday at 10 o'clck ;t th, ehurch. Ail women are invited to hlî out, in this way. The Wedne.sday evening serNice ,,f pellonwship. and Praise will hbe omlit ted thiswek There w'ill hbe no regular Girl cu m11eetings: 1t thIlcchureh during veti, week, The 'Girl Scout Leaders',asoiation~ Wil IIIEet Tuesda y' evening, Decemnbe r 2,at 7 :ýi in the. Girl Scout roomn. English Luthera'n Crccleaf avenue and Sevelnt h 1, ê~ WilImet te A House- -of WorshlJ) Rev. DavidR; K.tbýele, l)attir CHRISTUMAS SERV-ICEFýs 6:00 a. n.ErySrie il1:00 a.n.-Mýor'ning Wor'shilî Tonlght tt--,7-*30 oelôÔcK the ç$ujj(.t sechool ivili present "\%hsîîa el- corne." Ail departînents of the Sunjj- da1Y achool ivili particijiate il, this pr- gram. In fcodîc with the. tradition of the Lutheran chIurc'h We wili hav,,an early Chrjstrnas s;ervic-e at 6 olook in the morning.. Oco j et Ils worsh,)il Him.' The regujlar m jjornlinlg wrhj ev IN-iIl bu vl at Il 'l c .oil(hritîs day, e lv erlilet's ý ill e rceve t this service. gram as arrangea .ny Emily iRoberts, rganist-dlrector, will be: Prelude: ".oy to the.World". . .emare Anthemi: "Christmas. Day"' ýHolst Quartet: '4leep, 0 Child. Divine". Thee ~io:......Maur4-Cottone Cbffgttrtc,voi "No -Candie Was Thëe. nd oire" Liza Lehmann b,.%-b Ethel Heide fWishover, Antheni: "The 'Babte 0f Bethlehem" Potinde: "Hallelujah (horuùs" froni "The Msih.......Handel The- Board of Religlou' Pducatioli will mieet Monday, December 26, a-_ 7 :4 p .,ln the church office. Our' weekday activitiesý. for boys ,angl girls l meet as sqcheduled: Tuesday-3 :15 p. .Bubr. Tùesday-4 p. m.--irl Scouttsg, camp Pire. Girls.ý Tusay7 :p. ni.-Troop No.. 2, Bov Scouts. 'rhursday-4 p. ii.-'Junior choiIr ri.- Thuzrsday-7 :15 1). m.-Seniior choir, *rehear a 1. ».-ro Nf.I B3oy Scoutis. Friday-3 :15 p. nm.-Browniies. .Friday-7 :30 p. ni.-Senior Cm Saiturda>-4- :34 a. i-Cb. Nq -. 63. St- A1 ?dgustinp'.ç The Chriistmas ervcesat st..2 tieshegin wththe Chiiîdî'en'.s ' sericeChîistiaseve, saturday, r ber 24, ilt 4 o'clock. Thle nmidnigh't Our Christ mas wor-ship servui(e iil1 1e held on Sunday morning at l .o'clock. Special lnu.sicl by the Chorus choir,_the newly. organ :izèd Child ren's chorus, and the Men's chorus, wilI feature û.the service. The minister wil preaech on the themé., "Unto You, Is Borni." We cordially,ý invite you to wor.ship with The musical program arranged by Mi8ss Erma Rounds, pianist and dirtce- tor, is as.f;llow: Prelude, ",The, Moly N.\ighit," Buck ; procets'ional by the choruses and congrégation, -0(> (oînÀ Ail 11e F'aithful"; anthèni, "hit DaY," Holst, by- the. chorus; ant hern iuarol '"Har-ken, arken. Mother Dear,- asenEurope, the C-hildren',s choir.; anithemi, *'March of> the iVse Mein,- <lTaul, thé M en'horus solo, "0: Holy Nigt,"AdasMr, Edward Otis;- an- themi, *Shepherds, Now Go. W,"Re- manu, the c-horus :, postlude., "Hallelu-9 jah Chorus' Mes.ia-, andel. Thte cilIren of the .Junio r echurch ivill atteild thle (church service until the children's trecessionil isusng: after 1iiiat Ihe3t wtl-m b itýiéd fo., du î'i ng fhý renainer f the srie in Juniior chuiî'ch. The Sunlday' solool N011 tacetat the1 11îsual hour, 9::,0o'cl(-ock. The Bld classes ivili also inett' at 11the sull tille. ' The Christian go out singing C sick and shut-, l)roniptly at 5:9,( roo0nis a"Iid aIl for the tour of -a vor ssi-cty -,%ili 11a1S carOlS to the They wili imeet he WýNoman',s club) The Christmas eve seervices this yeai' wnill lie (uite different from anv 1-w-- halve &e had at St. Jonîs. 'i'he story of proîthecy, or the approaeh of the day of fulf1iment. and of' the birth ofà oui- "ýavior ill lie toldj in song, in .,whieh the childreii of the, Suflday school and Nveekdav classës, the a."sembled cc>nigrte- gat on ai't he' choir vil partivipa te:' SevraI slopatrts will also bee heard, the bariton'e soloist bleing Drî. M. Sei- fert andi the soprano '.N , G. F. SI- nions. Thle muisfc, will lbe nmacle mor-, effective' y certain lighting, effects to -;set off the'arou times, of .which the *hymns tell. You are invited to 4c w it h ue. 'I'he early ('hristnias!niorning sti-vici- w~il he held at the . usual tirnée 6 :30 <Vlc.B(ginning at , 6 oYlock the WEill-knowvn carols will again lie heard it th -hirc doori,lplay,%ed by sonie 0f oui- youtig meni and boys. .i'.,.Howard( PIlesýer will' he ln charge and assisting- himi are lloward Zi1bble, Hernian Myr .Jr., and Bert Simons-. The etarlv ebrist.nas sev4.ýe .wil .giy-1 tlihe conàgregati4,n ample. opportunity to unite in singing the tirime-hotnoredj Chrstna a rois. l'he Rev. Hlerrnan W Meyer flans to deliver. the sro both Pi this service. and at 10 o'cloc-k. A MERRY ANI) BLESSED CHRIST- M~N1'DETo ALL E OW T- The . orgiln ili ineIugl(es a prelu b)3 Mrs. Eet untar'y on *,"Von san 1>Buxtehi for (Christmnas c.xt on ('hristniascarl îstin-Garnron, ia vol- tt will icli nicht las- adthe IPostlude ili n 1"dy Dceibé 2, - .1 ý 1- n1 ov. ets C uitOftac M.ethodist EPis;Copal churc -h, nesay, eceber28, olyInncens' ho will give the Christmasç address. day, there will be celebrations ofth Thsi heCnrgioaeur t Holy'Comunin a 8 a m.7:30 o'clock. At the Children's Manger service St Our prayer mieeting will be held on urday at 4 p. mi., boys and girls of the %%eýdnesday evèning at 8 o'clock at the c'hurch schools xvill return the boxes in Woman's club roorms. We wlll continue which tbey hav'e. been saving mioney the study of the Psalm.s, taklng Psalm durinz Advent for the Epilscopal chu rch 24 for our lesson. We invite you to instituitiolns for chlldren In Chicago. in usI. They will deposit them at the foot of a great decorated cross in the chancel Tngt(hrdyeeig.Dcm .and will also bring gifts to the manger ber 22't 01wu'hn,,'h n , ecm varKitJus de] ýe essential inations. It às of Chris. A this inti, be si n«I W 58 ýstreets a ctions are; ig,, reflectir thne year andi Iworid stands i r vent' of a life. ethodist C/zurch clain-s this ,% Eieval carol service wlll be held mlemfbraynce. '1k turda3r evening, Christmias eve Out of the cal Ock. Trumpeters will play caro1ý heart of the w ýhurch towver at 4 :45. Carols will in the church by candle-light, We therefore 'e*will be a traditional -'Nativjty in December. T in th(,. transept. The minister could .not have e a brief meditation - on. "The amid the. dom tift."1 The orgttn mu-sic wi1I bi forces,, and gen ws: "'March Of the 'Magi Rings,"ý deeds of our r d)I and "Christmas Pastorale." 7no more fitting tUs" by by Gouniod I Storch, ss> by Mozart H ar s"by GOUM.o1dHwar -and the "Hal: jnue. till to celebratte thie ad- Onl1Y Jesus of Nazaî'eth *ord-wdeundying re- ou canncit eut hita lenda1;r, nor out o.f theq- world. %wel-ornie oui, his a 'he owrhî f hit «Ia better Setting thait nestic festivities, sca ne 'rous atnd man hielpîng rnl'rry Christmnastide. In w ~ay can wpe fave r. ana ,v.,a. mwéod. ave-. i &re

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