liaving a niew type of report card. I-nias tree. There are six inithe faiii, stead .of being graded with. "e's," the two parents and four chiidren. At "vg's,"- "g's," ý"f 's" and ,"p's,," each first *7B.,,was guing to exchiange gifts card is .manrked te, tell whether the- but whell'Ile ak M.Tud csid pupil i.s doing excellent, average, or' h .wouid he hetter to liei1) peo )ple. who unsatisfactory work. ar e iess fortuniate than we. At. thé A mark- of. "plus" mneanis that the Itime of' tliis writing. %vc have, begui chiid is doing excellent work; no, mark to bring. the :food,: because wve dont igiven wben the child's work, is aver-, want te be iâte in gettiug it-te h age and- a "pinius" is, given if 'the fàmii.- Dudley Yeoman, Howard 7R1 Mork is unsatisfactory. On the first page of the card, the Chooses Girls' Te s cbiid is graded on bis co-operation e m With the teachers and the child's cla ss- for Inter-Town Rivaley mate. On, the. second page,, he M Dvsha eice a Yopc graded on. al the, different subjects gMl romDaishase sixte ena, g and hihare_ dividdntoeorme eighth grades of IHoward schooi to sections..Ter s lQ 9nug pacepv haskethalli vith the towns arouind for. the teacher. or parent* te gîi'e any'~imte epatc vr fna sort of remark or suggestion, . ani Vee.,Wda frie 4 :30 onda Trhe purpose of thiese new card& is oacodk.Weshh sa rt pa4:0the 5 te show the chiidren and their parents teanisaiter Christmas v'acation. 1 <~~t~t ~rksteng dtTe ~ think the g-irklslI trv their best to is aise easier for thé teacher te grade heat these teanis.-Lorene Richards, the children., 1I hope eervbod% v w Hcivard school. StolplB. _________We're Ail Having Fun, B-1 Boys Are Champs Science Pupil Reportsý in V~olley-BaIl Leagdu.- Th'e pupils oit th sevenith grade ini The volieybaii gaines ended for the flic Stoip schouu are studyINing <ifferctît B-I's.Tuesday, December 13.- The first sciences ini otr gu -nerai science ciass. gaine as piayed %vith the A-I's. T'l'lie V w\rote a definition for.the 'vordi *only teain te îose one gamie, the U-,i s LUNSIDER CLASS PINS won the clîanpionship. Phil Rogcrs The eighth graders of Stoip are nou, led the teain te first piace.-J in Bad- deciding about their class pins and ger, Stolp schooi. . rings. \Ve hope te get them righit af - ter'Christinas vacation se we cati Wear Students Learn More1 thern the rest of the year. We are considering severai rings now, but we About Hawailian Islands, hope te get more se we shail get what A. ' M. Janmes gave a very intercst- xee want.-Jane SomnSlpM ing talk on Hawaii and somne of tie SopI isiands arouind it. He-l gave thec talk SING FOR PARENTS. te the -seventh and eighth. grades Tues- - -ý e-n,,Iuesdayr of this wveekin the auidi- toriumn of the Howard school: "The jAngeis and tihe -Shepherds," three , Verses; "O, Come. Al Y e. Faith fuip" tI ,w verses; . Silent Nigbit," th 1ree verses;, "Angeis We Have .Heard on High," four verses- "The first-N e)l," verses one, two anid fivie; 1"t Caml e Upon the ý Midnigýht- Cléar,"ý three verses ; ."0 Little -1Town c f Bethie- hemn," first and fo-urtli, verses.-., We wrete the songs iast week by inem-ory. -Grace, Winkle, Howard8C Hi ghcrest Game Loses Cage at Nules Cent -r The i>ovs' bàsketball teani of iw.., Hligi.c-resi schlooi iost to tie Cleve- land qchooi of Nutes Center hast. Fn- (iay, 9 te 3. l'le gainie as piaved att MiIes Cenfei' 7A gafriesChedtiled Witll the Coliege Hill, schooi for \Vedesd~-of hast week was post- polied Ieas several of the C'oilege, Hill bovs lhave the iiiiiy. T'rhe if iglicrust girl.,' teai w~on 'frein thu iuna îi a practice gainle hast Pupils Make Costunwes for Their Indian Pla Y tuûmes wi th tempera viHnt. 'jlibè j-- a is te bec alied : ;Htu n Inian Bo, lecourncs a mici1ne 'Ma'," Corne to -sec our play".-13iol) Dodds, Iogn 3r( grade. LIGHTWEIGHTS PRACTICE.I Mr. Davis, is coachimg lightweighits i in hasketbaii. of te' oy 1h were on theifootball teain are eout and -I are going te have a good teain. in Volley-Ball Tilt Howard 5BW had its first battie of voileybail of the scason, on a recent Friday. We pifayed a fast garne against 5A, but ths teain eat us, 21 te 14. The most exciting part was in the iast few minutes of the fray. whew a boy on the. other side hit 'the bail over the net .to me. 1n 1w I oid be un- abieý te bit hack, su 1 kn(ckled the. bail ever to another feilow. IHe bit it te-. ward the f iowiext to-hiin -and hap- pened tu knock h t t me and I hit it over. 1t vas great set even if we lest. Y-01, have t> have at -icast. six per- sous to play'- or vou lose by forfeit. Vou cati have as niany 1)ayers, as you caft get (out te pay. Robert Ccderberg î's our captaii.-J3ili Dodds, Howard Players Finish Season Wkth OnIy One Setback December 13, B-i woni the champion- ship ini volieyhaii. \Vc uwon every gaie except unie. 'l'ie membners of our teaim are l>hii Rogers, captain., Jin O'Neil, jiim Badger, Cllunton Carpen- ter, Charles NMoiln Carl Lane, John Sauv\ag«e aiid DianSucie. Thurc -%vas ahlost a fuil attenldance at cach game. \Vc were verv 1 'iappy to hecar that our teain liad won the hnp nhp-a Sedn th grade, Central schooi. mit a a av saU il on UUccrnber 8and made a p)roCit of S3 m' e had th e largest attendance 'fer the P. T. A. and' won the prize of $2.50. We are guing to give l)ruscnts an(l mToncy te twoj famuiiles on 'hîrisùulas wIthî this i one.v. Onle famiiy ives uon the South Sî de o>f Chicago andj the uther in iiVi- înettu.-Peggy Petersun, Ilejward 5A. ENJOY CHICKEN FJGHTS At recess wve have a lot ef ;fui. the, champion: Hioward 7B. marVItiIn oge tmat everybodlv N I Juis Kaspar. Hoivard 8C. happy.- >te gjve them a -fine Christm;asi-. j M ank Brum'b6augh, Howard 5A. Gec gand rope cl me girl made, tlit i., -Howard 5B. * e top.-