'-,hist'mas coming thîs year on a Sunday, the addre'ss iwill be appro- priate to the season, an4 wiIl bc given by Dr. 14rnest 1Lynn Waldorf. new bishop of the Methodist' Epis-- copial church ini the Chiicago area. Mr. heelw ight 'is well known as, ail organist onu the north shore. hav- Ûîng substituted at 'several churclies.: and p'Iaved for three, years at the. Wilniette Masonic temple for the W\"ilniette chapter of Roy.al Arch Ma- s(iflS., Hé is engaged 'in ,his> seventl'. seasou. as organist. and director.0f thejnir and senior, choirs of St. Patil"s Eniglish Luiheran churchi in Evanston, and bas or'ganized nutner- ous choir, festivals. and coimmunit.v services in, that Ichurch. -As choral secretary for., the Chicago North Shore Music festival he is well ae- quia.intel with the hundreds of north shore singjers ,%-Io comprise that great chorus. Graduating f roin Northwesterni unviversity with a major' ini organ and cburch music, Mr. Wheelwrighit coitinued with graduate studies i education, and also succe'ede&, in passing the associatesbip examina- tions of the Anierican Guild of Or- ganists. He is secretarv -of the Chi- cago. chapter of the National Asso- andi s affiiated ,vith the clhurch choral miusic departmnent of theI vers itv. Settiement Children to Be YuIe Party Gucý Hleadmiaster John Wayne Ricli and '. Mrs. Richards. of Lake Fo 'acadeniy and thirty students wl homnes are on the north shore wili aisoI uin hir important missionsin Persia, India,; Burma,' Indcï-China, and Tunis, aswell1 as ini Egypt where they paved, the, way for freeing* the Egyptians' from the yoke of. Islam. They also' accomplished miany. mat- ters in the Holy Land, aIl of Which were; done at the request of Abdul Babia and after lis passing. The public 'is. invited to hear Mm1eý: Dreyfus-Barniey's lecture. John T. Booz Heads N. ,S. *Abatement, Board Th e three newly appointed trus- tees of the North. Shore ýMosquito Abatement district,.Thomas'J. Lynch- of Glencoe. Morris. K. Levinson'of Winnetka, and John T. Booz of Wil- mette, assumied office Tbursday eve- njng of last. week at a board meeting held in1 the Wilmette Village hall. They. succeed Paul A. Hoffman of Wilnette, F. Y. Streed of Kenil- worth, and H. C. 'Phillips of Win- netka. Two other members of tbe board whose terms continue anothcr year are M. E. Nevins of Glencoe. and Arthur Stringer of 'Evanston. At this meeting the board was organized for, the coming year by the1 election of Mfr. Booz as president.( M'r. Ly'nchi was made. secretarv.. ands adparents, IMr. .and' Nrs. George' E. i"'Shipman, .432 Warwick road, Kenil- wor.th, for a week. George Shipnian anid'bis wife arc coming from Mus- kegan, Mlich., to join the Christmas ~StS party.-o ards orest rhose Il he ýubert E. Holdoways, 723 For.- ue. -NvillI bave as thieir guests tmnas day, 'M r. and l.Mrs. Zimmermann (Mrs. Holdo- sistant to Rufus C. Dawes, president of, A Century of Progress, as principal. speaker, will teli ,of, the,many 'itrest- ing ;recent developments on the'lake front. 1Dr. Albert'S _address. wilI be followed by a brief program to include inlforii talks. by Robert.J. Thorné, president of -the academy board. of trustees; Cornelius: M. Trowbridge, president of the alumi association, and Headniaster john. Wayne: Richards. William G. Strong, , will preside as 'J. R. Harper to Attend Session-'of Educators Supt. J. R. Harper of the Winmette public schools bas been appointed a delegate from the Lake Shore' ivi", sion of thé 11tn<ofg tate Téacbers Il association to the association's an- nual Deceniber meeting, next week. The meeting wvill be beld at Spring- field.. Mrs. and ber two Y., arrived in y' to be with ho is ill. Tbey. ni Tuesday to Lue Bediver. ......AIbet Akerman Gareth Robert Harper Tiatram'. Todd Wheeier Percival .. Winfield- Ro r Modred . -George Wa Jner La»ncelot ...... Arnold Linstromn Galahad- ..... . Te Oson Maldens ...Lîla Johnson Hazel Kol Mary Waldner Margaret Wegner Page .......... JohnYOison Jack Brown is the .director of the pageant, assisted by Maryr Thaleg. The costumer is Poster Gilgis, and the nàrrator is, Dr., OIson. On New, Year's Eve there will be two sereices. The "New -Year's'Eve Communion Service" will be hèld at 9:30 ýo'clock. The New Year's "'Fes-ý tivalý Service" wiIl begin at 10:45. o'clock. Dr. Oison wvi1l deliver an ad- dress ou. "O1l Year Wisdom for Ne~w Vecar Living." The choir wîil render the followitig special program of New Year's Eve music: -God So Lved the World" .. Stainer "*Unfold Ye Portais" ... .Gounod "GIloria" (Twelfth Mas.) ... ... Mozart ':Ring Out, Wild Belis" , Gounod "Sanctus'............Gounod -HaIleIulah Chorus- .Tandel Five minutes before midnight the churcb will be in total darkness, and ther.' 'will 1hen held a ýeitf isLeanna Orr, daugbter of MNr. gramn of New Yeai and Mlrs. Lea J. Orr, leaves tomorrow 'include "Ring Ou to 'spend part of the holidays witb Gaunod, and "The ber aunt, Mrs. Archibald McNeil in ing," by Haydn. Bridgeport, Conn., and mwill later be the guest at a bouse party to be given -I.' and Mrs.« by' Miss Jenne Lawson at the Law-Kis son's beautiful estate at Southiport, E. vleM. Conn. E.B. Belshe of Conu' .will spend Christir ents, Mr. and M Air am Air.s. -W. musicl Wild1 feavens se 'r Robert, Travers of and Mr. and Mrs. Forest City, Ark., nas with their. par- Mrs. Edwin Luther 'est avenue. Mrs. 0o lin at Sulliùs college, E The Ke i lworth afternoon. bridge arrived in -Wihnette last'ý club met Tuesday witb Mrs. Walter spend the Christmas hol F. Shattuc'k, 755 G;reenwood avenue.' ber family, the Lawrence Glencoe. M 0 Washington avenue. wîrn jof James, be ti Keni -o- Edith Clerk of Ludlow, Mass., for- 1merly of Winnetka; left Tuesday af- 1ter a visit with Ruth Johnston of 321 Meirose' avenue, Kenilworth. 1