hati been i grlhood pais anti later, bites ? '-- which Nfr. Hurst wishes to express- after eacr narried, tlwy agred on "Ali ito do. P.is'ii Brown! Ai hs'Vite ChriIsyu av ritel ýtas pryh24 b. ro môost natters reiiuing tO eldl(ren. ) knows (le proverb ail rigit; but de but didn't get a prize, don't be dis- l'i hita at edb ro de24 o audv eeqe 7 a And thien. steady association and Ille dog, do lie knows de proverb?" couraged. Tr% again! iauuy ~ceur1,ta Saine slnrrounldinigs PlaNed a part in \Vcil tliat -was a liard oun for tlle ]Boys and girls. read the "Deeds of lefotesier. ehara(- the developiiemît of,,tie boys' intual R~e~î akrBoî t~a uiDan:" .They are fille, iîîteresting I'ýr1arationîs in, the inorniing, and thé- interests. Fach i dsîlayved a Jbaghly sc nînokdfo nwra uistories abot ithe -problenîs encouni- sotroiloe eyatatv tered - wuth fo aswr.atsuliour Chri stinas tree and other- deè'e1oped sense tif buturWilIanforesen nt, Seat. Il 1Ierdb"- a real I .You flnjoy vt san li)Oy. ivili deenoraneionu. cornietdyeven mn the rottragîc in- hri ai ii o oig e eryeisode and. biesides.. if 3l hegéorainsi 011nt ( Oce tbe alilîost went itb Twiîch %tent1 is plot is jaw amiîdet a ltterý is: pubiisheda fine- award j I einng the party, we, sang a hysterice. w'bemîthe sclîtool.principtal iv fsildlugtrfoi*b n-a awaits vou., Besure ato iollow tItUis, Christmas round. Then each-girl shpptof otialeakeaof itap and tu-the tird Slied. piw tke o stelîs tuib-tire congrégation. serual' because Mr. Hurst tvili bave brought the sister she had ritten to. 'ain! 1-1-eave the roont !" .stut- a', iuteresting annuneuen t adiiitroduced her. Ms sie ingltl.tqrel%. into tihe jaitors wasli b iîtr ik i eysottne. te-gv alk, about scouing., The scouts ail tered teniise.nae-i eNsot ii 1hrgv pait. tant snort vas ba rd inIllet di- 'Yery iïnteresting prizes are to- »iw bad iade upaà play which dernonstrated 'lucrt %vas t'ie thuiiiinpartit-ular 1r'c n. fIb - tn c adaoffered soon and. of course, von vil1 rslogan by bringn orgr thlat I)ai and Carl ýtlht)1ugit vrvft- diiii echo resounded front a'far wvant to ji in the, comîpétition. mb o our scout room. The motto ivas mmN a ild wî M ore thaan once got cornier'of tlic auitorium. Two. heads Read the *Deeds of Danil* acé denonstrated by, having .wo-od prepared thei mi iotwaer l 1astîat iun- bbe piplieY and, to ered %îveekand tvr'te us, ete\tlIng r. for a fire. wbichb bought in firebid fortuniate iîwiîtcli -of the lZReveretîd for a moment above. the congregation. Huirst w vbat vou îvould doin' DanY ng. Handicrait and nature sheets were Parker r %%,a anti bis inchun- Tble, gigglers liad nmade contact, but Pillce. also shown.ý atiOmi 10 stlittecr during. bi% Suindav as sudcîetî hot -l r aeteýrz-ýin" etr: A. e lgcrm , each girl was the brun ouIof ig1îsHeriaronspriz-wini1gYetgr . i erag ceremonveSa.e uurnngsemiois ~peîlwlien lic' as four (ieterniiited arfis o h0111. gvn arsbnàIlow ib ie ae becafitee citt-vd. No uîttrer bow bardlà sides of tbern jcrked -tire bovys back 400 Eighth ,treel. on.tht- side and a red ribbon holding it. tlîev ried 10 h lold bac-k. once the nlii- into tthir seats. It was ju5t a 1110- Lf-a- u-rHst Wilmette, MA.1lighte d green candie vas on toip of ustr ictatsunîîîliîîg tner I luS "s men ecg»tio2.. ,c4~4g ad 1b iTi lis~a~eT~-m~each *mrshmilow; Wen"Taps" was 01VlloS were off on a s 'cein ire the spark of ernotions pelit up hav irtetted and sheltcre (d th,- iag. snng. we blew nut thcCan în ari %r '*had sàt in mxortal dread of the ex t)10 ,ep " ur flag front harin. 1Io ISHmhis ahgv ak e ..\\. itis t. tj't lcil, lie I,)k-, t) p cted witc bfoysiiiuldsth's "vv. elies thHboysr,.ec)eac ave gaveit haita-l.. c jst aît biliitlieloo..so eced ~~ichof ue muîiser' jw -îuking tar on Dani. as th,--% -would pi rts Nwere ziven from the secretary, iuutni !" w as ttir ploor bult hloest Dant poked Ilis bandkercliei fuîll in- realtze Ilhe barn it nlight int1iot. I ain treasuirer. and scribe. dclin c Amii tcaue r ue ouîiîitto i~ muîbanilburcd is fce n ilemi wttuld t %vi ei the lt gt Refre,1MÉnt, were served, thus end- lieli.t lp l ve rhii the uinister was1 lis cap. SPasnis Of Ilalihter beav ed it. , nwanS at 1 ,1- aw-e woket oY Me21 a Verv- iapChits rt- uiu lvu Ili o %Nbat %%vas L- witliiiiin i, bt'ltas vet îlot .a uîd tu11(î'li et w!tthht1ifag "f "11-rlàJane Ethel Nwa.scribe. 111g 011i aîmmiîd hiit,\ \\ere pro- hadi passed is lips. Ile Colli tel oît~.Tanfhiwn hs ed -Troop - hîibted front aîreidiîîtz chli-t-h -v the eves of the Con- regat lirtirttc n r He'ttr e> nch Thu - 1a t-eeing ,.f T-r>ct 7 i j-- oni tChristmuas, Faster antd other sac- tci hint and the Ibeating of() ihis* tn a1 - U! itihliirgne ftr.-c- , t d litlidatt s Thv - were t-'.ctevl. uotlîer%' beart -agaiîist hIl;elbow~. -an-d cvil and the dc-nke,.**Attý-r * -htitîùu~stind 1> role-t i '-rouiîc and thbe cb.îîrch %vasîtiîd .to tLietlast ac, t;n a i l n-i both %\Cr(, Zlîcrc w-ah ltiteir r1,11~ mnles lC Newutoil Ind 1',*Irttt t rs[,. h'.- lias coî sjec b cacw I't:ecauCe11 thi-r solis pe%-ct ir wuke ~t I occup I .eas soIlle (1.tIitance par t. The titit wshto bere.oîil for aîtv more vautit-ville otuzturs:sth colild the belpe& -It îîeed 1bard!ý i l ti le î t ")11ed that b [th ,\bo; u ere %e% erely cautt ored -bv rt'e i ':rç,i-t 1;- tine -C\Ctamnîieu aiter a gelitte bt-ttIde- ternin.ed -kick iroint b5 h oter which , sIte gave inti. hpn chalnge lus togîs I alîv en: Dan accepted it as a tiiirelv at'tg forit rouliîback tOl:is tnit:d tt the re'lto ha nce tieprive hIni Lof a po::.jtrip t..' New \\'rk it nJeeai twc- wveeks oît*iuî i : e xor ,cca oit innrnor Isart, Fere eh.îJee btezi1alk- of a~'it-~ m i Car' t-t- l ouiza tie -,.t un te r~-d - t'. the r c ou g -, i r i!av.,. I"Ded of rîtsr tDatn"ns B otn,- Chrate.Stays-v Lhader: an,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & .-tüliinl- .ut us in.t-s:- tt- '--' att a,.-M:s Chris-m - t-' ltýdu.ittS Tgig e Cr' Tap-. Et-'tvD(-dds. rie Troop 23 Tr -t' " l~id.s :-s -hri: .- - Thurd-dixnizht f h:s.ek * Fan'. cbcdh,-,'. There w;-'. hr-."~t'-ee. ,,d -ah s' l.rfn- a -jj-tii gi-f:,n p*a-ýe urde.- asiia-i'nt:?::-.orf f-ocd fr th- astoe bîsmschte- h -h- wrn ti i vîe -h '-ear. The .gî- *reh n.- 'd t. a .-. :r addirîin t'he'-- , I - ' -trîu-"-. c *gt-:- a spec'al Chi-i-n-t- t '.'-- a-Al o trie Iultttt t'.t a -- calledt5lte t .10 thte e- hat the dog, Idet entruinct grcngea 1.. Waulwaîcza. \V-. iU arrive Fr- dav to sp<rtd Criînas-w:hth mer Claars, of IAM Chestnlut averue. .r.Claiar is atte auhe *M'.A I. Sn EIîab&h FKinniea:r T-s- Men Whî~ clb oEr:-rep2 Nýo7nman F-ess, son cifMr-. r M, HiirnF. Hess of 132n. ahngc- aVenru, h-as gone t. eAbu2 W.where !-e wili pdChita ardt-eentire winter thisra-