Grade Separation Will Save Life' Let's H aster, the, Dag1 oneeasago ) we were àa memiber üof a groiij) (>f carolers, N%-iîo went about the north shore on Christmas, Eve sinigig, carols. Ext renie age was C'hristmas -Io >rrer o articipa- Carolsn iion oil 1ur si.nging.11Ex - treîulv VOun1g Or Cx- trenielv old -it imade , w)difiereice,. Xblt.v to carrv a tunle and interest, in ehleerilig*,Ip )townIsJ>eoj)e wcre the, orily req uire mient s. ()ur favorite carols wcrc y(od rest yoti nierr y, geniteicei.' "'~e threc kinigs of Oriciit," "I lark thei herald angels sing' .and "0 littie tow~nof etihn. For a few vycars we. tried to rea(l the words 1wy sinîple caîîdiliit, but in course of timle wec learnie(1that whilec aflls werc tra- (litionlly more correct, Spot-lighits inade the wod more easîlv rca(Ialle. VVhen the grouind wvas %\vhIite with snow the caroling wvas .specially effective. To ,ence. Mlaniy have spoken of tbc sinùgIlIg as a delighiful way of uishering ini the miost festive. of ail hiolidays. Another forin of Cbristinas caroling. that no north shore village votid care to lose is tlie aniual Conimunity Carol sing. around the community tree. All tbe good. old Yule songs are biere sung by dozens of villagers often supported. by orchestral econoin. \V e rnust bUalance buudgets. We inust decýrcase expenses. Butt the economy Faise *mtst be truce economyv, fot FaIse the false1 economv that is Economy short -sightcd and r e aI1y Nva ste fui. Suipe rin ten den t Gaffnev o f (Airto- sbip high séhooül, in. a, recent sp .eech, cmn- phasiz*ed the danger, 0.'t'cutting down -the subijects taught in-scbool uintil there !ni9htý be litile more left than. tbe old three "R's",,, 'riting, 'rithii.etic...I-Ie-,indicatefl that there'were neiver subljects ithat wc%-re at.lcast equally> ind(ispeCnsab)le.. Shoppers are being 0offered, surprising 1)argaiins. Although mnian\-,,of >these bar- gains are of surprising valIue, st.ili it is flot always truce t. onozny to select'the lower-, riced article simpiy. because it is lower- P'riced. WiIl the cheaper. article suit yo,ur peeds as nIcely as its higher-priced corni- niodity? Will it give you the same last- ing satisfaction? If your 'answer is nega- tiv'é, why nlot inake a good. investrnent, csp)eciatlly If voit bave the price. While tbe needy are clitmioriing at our (Io'ers we cannot refuse our belp. 'To do so when wc igb-lt by soine self -s.acrifice biellp thern would be false ecoinomy. Per- liaps our lielp x\\,Ili tide. over some unfor- tunate fellow man. 'lrue. econornv hids lflOfl1cy to spen<d, we can -at lieast throw economny t(> the winids when' it' cornes to givinig_-of our sympathy and sharing our Jîappiness. \\7e cati bell) to lift up the fallen and chieer the (Iepressed. There iccd he 1no econiomv .inthese fields. Charles F. Anderson, builder of inachini- ery for the printer's trade, wvas summoned. by death r tly at the Though the frost was cruel, 1l/hen a poor mail camene iin sighit, Gath.inq z hitr'sfuel. "Hitlîer, Page, anld stand by, me. if t/îouit kowst it, telling, Yon»der peasant,.w/j o is Ilie * (lireanýd wlîut his dieelling."' "Sîic, lie. lrtves à qood leaque lience, Lndcrne thet/wmoitain; R-ighlt, against the forcst _f ence, By .Saint Agiies fo. itiaini." 'Brin9 nie fies/i. and 'br-iingnie zwi,ne, B ringq me pinic-loqjs hither; Thoiu and 1i will -sechint dine IV1cM heu webeasr them tither." Page and inonarcli, fori'tlîcth (, ent Iôr th flic'v wcîit toge ;...... ThIro-ugh t lie hi de wind 'S wld liet A-nd tw ith e îwcthcr. 'irc'. he îiqh:is darker îIoZ'. And the ~iî grozà-s stro;iger;, IFils i~llîlcar, I.I kjlow iiot /lîw. Icun go vîo longqer." "Mark ny footsteps, îny good page,. Tread tiîou iii, them boldly; Ini lis îaster's Ste psl1e trod Wlîe-re the siio-w l as'dintcd.; lieut was ini te very sod W/udciithte Saint hiad priintcd. T'izere fore.. C/iristian nli cii, bc Sure, W coltior tank possessu>îg, H1ew/ now will bless thec poor, neighborhood store. It rni pen that near borné vou wi corne across,. get somlething to seli to the jeweler. <Reprinted fro Publicity ln Iast art. In in CAild WeIf are'. Central-Laurel P. T. A. e Of WILMETTs LiFo.) -MIQUE-.