- Garden Th e rooms with the five highiest per * capita sales and the amounts in each case *follow: Mss Ilingt0à,s, $3.85; Miss* Stryýker's boys' rooni, $3.25.; Miss. !Florence Allender's fifth gËrade,,$3.04; Miss Anna M.: Pemberton's seventb- and eighth grade girls, $2.91, and Miss *Lillie T. Bitting's fourth grade, $2.63. Toôtals per roomn for the roonis with the 'five highest totals. were: Miss Stryker'Ssésventh and eighth grade boys, >$149.31;z Miss Pembçrton'ls seventh and eighthi grade girls,, $1 13.32; Miss Billington's. fifth grade, $77.03; Miss Bittîng's fourthi grade, $71.68, and Mrs. Mollie. K. Foreman's sixth grade,> $70.69. Second place ini individual sales went toCharlotte Wilds,' who sold,$25 worth of the seals. She is in Miss Bittin's room. Bill 'Powers of Miss Stryker's eig-hth grade was third with $20.82, fetty Jordan of Mis, Alle nder's fifthi grade wvas fourth wvith $16,35, and Barbara Wakeley of Miss Bessie Stark'*s fourth grade wvas fifth with $15. l'he Christmas seals are sold for the heiiefit of the Chicago 'ruberculosis ini- *stituite. Miss Aitha. A. Lyman, a registered nurse. is the institute's offi- ciaI representativ~e in Kenitwvorth. She makes lier headquarters at the joseph, Scars school. r ila., wnere they wii spend Christmas and the New Year. George H. Campbell. is returnling fromn the Evanston hospital today af- ter undergoing an operation a. fort- nigflit ago. He makes his home mith bis ,daughter, lMrs. Saîa Deùnns,, 328 Oak circle. .Mr. and M.%rs. Williamii Kix.illeri 789 Michigan 'aven ,ue, retuirned Sunt- day fromn Battle Creek, Midli. M rs. KixMiller had been away six ~ek î, pir lf is uv s yo AimeBoom '&Poo" THE BROADMOOR Cor. fHoward and Bosworth A*eu. READW THE WANT ADS Photogiraphy. tnd Floor W lme.tte, Th ear e Bld4,. 1122 CENTRtAL AVENUIE ]Pbb»e Willuitte est8 L~. iinger, 1520 Spencer avenue.1 Tie group collected cigarettes wbich ivili be distributed to the veterans at Great Lakes tonight. Carbon P. Dubbs, who is a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, wilI spend the holidays with bis parents. He ill ar- rive in W'Iimette tomorrow with. bis sister's faniily, the W. H. Mc- Adaimsesi of Boston. Ladies Dresses Men 's Suits ents, Mr. and Mrs. P 1130 Chestnut avenu. Posi*iwelv <theFINIEST Dr, ýCleauiug FOR ONE WEEK ONLY ogssmd