A itr o usa a antd01attended and tboroughly enjoyed. a word-canvas by Countess Alexan- With a lighted tree outside the door dra Tolstoy at the Woman's Cluib of to welcome tbe guests and miusic, the Wilmette Wednesday, afternoon Of spirit of .Christmas beld sway. last wëeek. It Was: a modern piCture hr business' meeting w as fol- of "The question of Russia a. ques- lowed by a propgram tconsisting of two tion. concemning not only Russ ia, but violin numnbers played by ý Miss al of us, thé speaker begn.,I is ,uth Bersch and several songs .by theý foreground was, ber, father. Count Kearsarge.qartet. This is a quartet Leo Tojstoy, one of tbe world's great of young men from .the House of ~gues on o it geatwrters. Rus- Happiness,, an Episcop alian mission sia's attitude towards him: bis atti-, in the Stock" Yards district of Chii- tude toWards -tlie. Russianexei cago. nMent of today were le alive; the Miss Bersch played "4Catiebrake" Ruissian 'people under 'the: soviet re-by arnrndAagobyFai stine, wbose failure she prd" Ries,, accompanied b y' Miss Mol. lie mad upthecomosiionof ~ ~'Mickey at the piano. mad upthe.,cmpoitin ohe.uiî- At the close of the program al ture wbicb she treated fromn a spir- nondi ign eea hita itua plne.carols and refreshments were served Poised and kIndly witli chiirity. with. b>yth stsasiedbjals distlnctness and fairne.,ý.-, and qu îetîv b hses sise y r, ae lmpressiveiy, and .eonvincingly, s.e H. Devine, Mrs. Arthur H. Menning, colored the canvas lier words created and Mrs. D. E. Johnson. ln te aginationof 4itr h4wMrs. The tanmmal -thildren's' Christmnas Prominent was ber father, the humanitarian, standing out. almost party -wll be held at the home of alone ln his Ideas ln the Russia of the Mrs. J. D Kitiear,. 2241 Chestnut czars. in the Russie. o! the Soviets, avenue, on Friday, Deciember 23, at Firmly opposed to the czarist regime. 4 o'clock in the afternoon. to ail nersecution. to lmprisonmneiit.to Consic agree On Music Pro gram at Wellesley Club Dec. In the spacious ,Cbauincey Cormick home in Chicago Iast Sa day afternoon, menubers of the Cf 1 7 mc- Twenty experts in various fields of .international relations will be. the s peakers. Included on: the list wilI bc Dr. Mary E. Woolley, sole womian delegate fromn the United States to the" Disarmament conference.1 at Ge- 'neya. speaking on "The, Status ofý Disarmament ;" D. F. Flemning, Na- than Peffer, Ralph -H.--Stinison. Vrosround, table disçussions, will be'heýld upon such 'subjects as "pThe Disarmament Coniference,*" '.Peace in the Western Hemisphere," "War 1)ebts," ,and "Clearing up the, CÇauses of International Understand- The eleven organizations connecte<I with the conference will be sending delegations to Washington, it is an- nouncd. Thiese organizations includc and Professional Women's Clubs, the American Association of Universitv Women, the Council1 of Women for Home Missions. the Federation o1f Woman's Boards of Foreign Missionis of North America, the General Fede- ration of *Wonen's Clubs, the Na,- tional Board o f the Young Women 'ý Christian association, the National Council of Jewish Women. the Na- The message of hope and solace wrapped into the beautiful story, "Tlhe Other Wise Marn," by Henry Van Dyke~, was the highlight of the Yule prograrn of the Woman's'Cathý- olic -Club of Wilmette last Friday afternoon. -Given dramaticallyv by a talented reader, Mrs. ýCharles- A. Broad.> it was ber Christmnas 'gif t to members of her club. She off ered bier: gift with, the announcerne nt of ber story, "Tbe beauty and, conisol'a- tion of wbich I arn happy to pasF on to my friends." Her dramatic talent,' poise, and expressive,. heauti- fulty modulated voice' camé' to thfe fore tO bring out with fullI under- standing and in completentss. theý grace of- phrasing and. the spirituial me aing ýof the story's everlaeting message. As a background, and on impnrtan une, was the incidentai music plavcd, throughout the readlng. With ais- ertfinttl!vr oirB MÉ. irrnaÜ ~1 chose music of c1as"ic vein de1el(atI' to support the thread of the story, i, ing wfth it in climax, or dirnishint*, with Its softer moods. Fine snhoî ation marked the presentation. So mov- Ing was Mrs. Broad'-. zinterpret.ilt,n that applause .could corne only after a moment of silence. Children were In the audience Fridar- aý, guests of the club, for the ýe(-ond part of the program was given 1)y those of their own generation, pupil'. lowest paigsions of men'.'; with thge purt- ]y materialistic .concept of the Soviet *government 'excluding entirely the Ifoly Spirit whlch le ln mank'ind." Poverty and unhappinesin old and youngr alike were other fizures in h.er picture of Rus»la of today. stalking 'The Russian people who are always. hungry and ragged" and have no clothes. In It too, making an IntrIcate. mond Cook, of Evanston, pianist, as a trio played the "Prelude" frotu Adamowsky trio, by Lloratio Parker-, the Menidelssohn trio in D minor, and four Christmas carols, English. .French, Gertuan, and Italian. î.Miss Marian Knoblauch, piarlist, played three intermezzi and rhap- sodie of the Brahms Opus 119, and "Noel" by Gardner. The singing of, Christmas carols nounceci that Mr5ýý G! Wal UIL had been asked'to serve asi uaoigoke, Club Luncheon ling secretary for the remalr for nderradu tesyear to succeed Mirs. W. a who has found it necessarý -A luncheon meeting i honor of her oMie; t Il undergraduates at homne for the holu- OfMrs Wiliamot r, a. meî days wîil be held at the College club Mierr- ;WillaOten, aren in Chicago Saturday, Deiferber 31. books revlewed at the .reett study cla." nt the home of! at 1 oclock by the ChiCago -Mount ç3herwin, and read tities of H-olyoke club. Julia Drake, Phyllis omminded for Christmas1 Burnell. Martha Quisenberry. and, Frank Thale reported on illace ,Mn< correApon lnder of t J. ICenn of the on the o! the *Harry okq-rec- on, bJiI ration icpro nig of the : Dwame cal :nias.