KO-RADIO PICTIJRB odiced by Van Benureu Corp Frank ,ck'a& Animial Picture -h . . Strans e As Il Seuems . . tu#.3Mitine First Dru wjItgr t27-28-29 and S,'aturday of this week. Pat O'Brien, Gloria Stuart and Lilian Bond are aiso f'eatured in this 'tbrilling film which shows. something of the hard-. shiips,,terrors, courage and devotion ini the, flying of Uncle, Sani's extra-fare mail. Raipli Bellamy is seeti as the. air rpt superintendent, and.-Pat «'Brie' as the daredlevilstunter. Will Rogers will appear at the Var-' sity theater- on: Monday and Tuesday, Deceinber 26 and 27, in 'ïToo Busy to W\ork." .In addition to heing hum- self, Will Rogers, contributes some, fine dramlatic moments to ýth.is;iinteresting. story. Marian Nixon shares starring hotors. "A Bill of. Divorcemetit," to be s how:î at die Varsity theater on.XNed- nesday and Thursday, December 28 and 29, bas this critic momentarily spped-Iie~s somewitat dared byi the responsibility of having to find enough superlatives te describe this niighty rnotion-picture event. Anyway, the critic cani joit out à fewv reasons why the film mrust not be mis se(l by aduits: Katharine Hepburn, considered by some as thie greatest screen find since Greta Garbo, is in- troduced to talking picture, audiences: 1Kate Smith baves AI Smith's Walkçs Kate Smith, 217-pound Swanee songstress featured with Stuart Er- win, Leila Hyamfs, Bing Crosby and a, cast of other radio favorites in "The Big, Broadcast," does lier shop- pig in twice-yearly spurts, the Jazy thing. She buys 25 dresses, a dozen hats, quantities of shoes and other Lecember Zà, art 4DVIcock, on the stage of the Wilmette theater. "Cabin in the ýCotto.n,",starring Richard Barthelrness,. Dorothy Jor- danand Bette Davis, will be the Vil- mette feature attraction. Sunday and Monday, December 25 and .26. There, w:l be amatine both ,,days. The, South growvn-up and n.iioderi-' ized, bt stili adhering to its old romanitic color 'and. living %vith. its gallaànt' traditions, is the, backgrotind for the epic story 'of "Çabin ini the Cotton." Thic class distinction,, vhich is said to be stili such a *vital part of Southern. tradition, is' shown ini theý love of the young "poor White," playt- ed by Barthelmess for the. two girls, one a poor ýwhite like hiniseli, and, the other a pia.nter's daughiter. You'II See Cohan Twice On. Friday and Saturday of tis 'wek-9the, Wtlette thwater pr'escits George -M. (flag waving). Cohian in his first talking picture, "The Phian- tom President." The versatile MNr. Cohan lias a dual role-that of a bank president and thiat of a mari who believes that more pep and per- sonality should be injected into American politics. Whlat a plot, what miusic, and t%,iat personalities ! With two Mr. Cohians running for n1resident of the UTniteud Stzates. wdth real enterta:flment wth " plenty of big-tinie dazzle, clash and rhythm. Ruth Chatterton Triuunphs Ruth Chatterton and lier new real- life huisband, George Brent, star ïn "'ihe Crashi," powerful draina at the Wilmette- theater on Tuesday and WedncsDlecenmbe'r 27 and 28. l'le showing of "Thie Crash" %vilI be especially interesting from thrce standpoints: first, it présents Ruth F 1rancis have been teamed, to i wnner, .and fl:mselt the authior of delight of their thousands of ad- more, than forty plays -about the er:s ail over the countrY. jSouth. CLARK -GABLE. and JEAN HARLOW "oN. A. FRIDAY HANNA. FASHION PARADE". AND'SATURDAY. DECEMÉR.23-24 lp~in f I>SqbuIlit Angly ('Iii TUESDAY,1 --ý» ffl wjýfflo-9% 9 , OW 'i