To Our Patrons. SHtpe -Ss and 'à genc rous imeasui-C OfP.r os perit y upo m e; you ail.- May ypur every -desirc bceful filkŽdi. e; NIDER-CAZEL. Ri DRUG COMPANY Swilniette and CnrlAv C-S..1l>iiw'e l.400-401 R; IDGE AVENUE PHARMACY Ridge anid Lake A\es. lhm iIltnictte31 ,,1 ~ 's> g ALBRICHT BEAUTY. SHOP 116,7 WilmefFe Avc. Pho.e ilrette,451 7 Af Itapiîr rî 1 r. e;' 24-1 lotir Su'-lie u 1 Ilolidiays S732i vItS.IloeWI ) * Al,' ' 4 * .7 v 'v l For moreYeir