WILMETTI LIVIE or all three papers: Wedneriday .9 P rM ort WINNETIKA TALK and:Tbursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. IteIephoneàB: Wilmette 4300. Wlnnetka 2000. Greepleaf 4300 or, Sheldrake 5687 8LOsT ANO PC«UND LEO.9T: MALE .SCOTTIE:I'UPPY; 6 months old; children's' pet. Return to 570 Longwood Ave., Glencoe and re- celvre.reward. Cali Glencoe- 337. 2Lý33- RI) LOST- DIAMOND OBLONG WHIST watch-aeross froim North Shore st.a- tion in Glencoe. Reward. Ph. Gien- coe 18.2LTN33-ltc Personal Greeting Caris ss 'ôOur beuttifutisamPles Of engraved cards. Individual Prlnted cards made to order. Lloyd Hollister Ilc. 1232 Centrai Ave. wiilnette. 561 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 2A-1,TN29-tfe 9 BUSINESS SERVICE P, J. 1 21-A CLOCI< REPAIUENO CL:OCK EXP2ERT, CHIME HLL untIque doôck repaîrlng. Learned trade ln Europe. '(Forinerly wlth Tiffany and Fleld's.) W111 eall. Free estimate. David Johansson, Ph. Diver- sey 2041. 21A-LTN29-6tp fa MUSICAL M1iUUMNTS LYON k- HEALY BANJOUKE AND ce.Perfect condition, cost $15, $8. I h. %Vilnîette 1075. 22,'LT N33- 1t p $85 B FLAT CORNET FOR LESS- thau hlai price. 711 Sheridan Rld.. Winnetka 1538. 22L33-ltp 22-A PIAN~O TUNINS * EXPERT~ PIANO TUNING, $3 Uprlght or grand; also repair; work guar.; 16 yrs. Steinway, N. Y.; Hl. C. Thomas. Park Ridge 877-W. 22A-LTN30-5tp 26 PETS LOR1NGS BEAUTIFUL ES healthy Christmas puppies, ages. and colore: Select nc and deliver Xinas. River o f Irving Pairk. Frankçlin i VVt conitionl, *euru.,' l imette 525. FOR SALE < FiNEST AMERICAN mlnk cape, 1011 Anches deep, $40. .711 Sheridan Rd.. Wlnnetka' 1538. e3L33-ltp <'IlEST 0F DRIAWNERS, $15; 3 ME-N' oVecoa1.size 4Ô, reamonable. Ail good condition. Ph. Wilmette29. 33LTN33-1tp- 30 LOANS 'Loans- on Automobiles Rates Supervised by State of Illinois LOCAL COMPANY OGNZIDBY LOCAL MEN TO ACCOMMODATE, LOCAL PEOPLE EXCLUSIIVELY .MOTOR.LOAN 1CO., State Bank Bldg., Evanston Gre. 3200 38LTN27-tfc INSTALLMENT LOANS, $100 TO 41,000 on securitie.. schocIl and local tax warrants, also signature loans. EYANSON.SEI IT FINANCE CORPORATION 628 Grove St. ýUnlversity 0252 38L.T231-4tc 41 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE DOMESTIC HELP No Charge to Employer Efficieîit Service for North Shore loit.ii, We Inv*etigate IRefeirýet.s SPECIAL NURSE DEL>T. Pati1ine's Ernp: Agencies 52'l Center St. \Vinn4tka 266-1 P'art timne or steady. nefs. Glencoe 1160.421,34-1tp FILIPINO,, EXPER. COOK CHAUF- feur, butler, housemùan.2 Chicago an(C Detroit referenaces. Cali Delphin Guz- man, Delaware 0537., 42LTN32-2tp 44 tLp WÀNTED-eFEMALt __ POSITIONS OPEN for donestie. help. Starting after Jan. 1s't. WageW $10 to $15 week, ,<Cet your flame onl ouî file nôw. .Pauline's Ernp., Ageiicies 522 Center, St. linta YoUjNc. wiITE GIRL, F011 2ND work and asslst with 4-crodhild. Must hiave good rets. ('nilll î. -77.ý 44LTN33-l1tc 46 tNELP WTD.-IMALE AND FIEMALE: COUPLES WANTED) Stnrt after Jan. lst, eclperienced offlN lieud apply. Patffine's Emlp. Ag-eilcies,- 522 Center St. Wtnnetka si FOR, RENT-ROOIMS EAST WOODED SEC., NIZ. LAKE, golf. Beautiful, quiet, large, wvarni front or cozy snialler rin. for geiitie- men guets. . 2 bath, new vo brick residenice. Linden ,i "1," N. S. station, 2 blks., 5 min. walk.I leasojia bI. Breafasto)>. l'. Wlmete 12 97. ICING-8 IN. .SIZE 75c, LARIGE $1 .Cocker Spaniei puppy, male, 4 uîaiHatÏî->' also catering. Cali Wlniette 38.04, ask PLAIN SqUNiýlJNE ICED î0e old, perfect health. Excellent p)edigr4ee -for Mrs. Rzeibolil. ___41!TN:32 îfp'l ANGEL FOOD)TO ORDER Price $30. 520 Metdow BdCV M IIE IIL 'WANTS G(.1N 11 XILMETTE 3407 netka 24)20. no1".- p ok,10laindry,, go h,,îne or stay 9A-TN3i-Fe OL' AEBAI ~ s F' nîglits. Phi. NWilinttt 101-1. r rier, and Coc(ker Sp:aniel pi)Lps. l>i*som ___________-1 IiiTN 31 - 1 t 1 il DRESSMAKING aîble. 1000 lUd(ge Ild. P h. W iL5001. FXIIIIIJ1. WIE<uLFU C COLLETTE SER-R 2A1Et ____________ 6 L T N'.12,-11) eral iho Lse work. N. ' S. ruf. 1hon Gowns. Suite, Coats, Wraps made to 1, E 1D1 Il EE ,D BSO 'TIU<Q1!3 I L:ý:,, n order. IRestyled or altervd. Cutting, ,nonthis 01(, bteitttiflvxrw< ittOLRI)G U.WI l ISP~U *basting, fitting service. Henîstitchînig.. carq, good disposition. $,7. W il. '1, ortine or'we' ok 14 1hn ror,1 blk: froin transp-rtation. Il 01Z,2 L(W. FU1T. IIMS.. NU. AA, gar.spac. Aeeptteachers' opos W\i'lietto 125..511 LTN33:-1 tp ROO'M FOR RE'NT - NEAR TRANS- portat, on. Winnetka 3379. ""YO'UR OFFBRINGS ARE SOLD WHEN PROSPECTS ARE TOI.D"