local Bishop Xaldorf is a résident of Wilmette. 11eÀ s a graduate of Syr a-ý cuse University and wvas ordained to thue Methodist ninistry iî 1900. After holding s everal -smaller pastorat es,: lie became minister of the Centenary M-Aetho* dist. church-at S Yracuse iii'l1907. Fouryv1ears .later lie was appointed to: Plyinloth M Netbodist church, Buffalo, N.Y., and i11 1915, becaine pastor of the ýFirst Methodist' church, .Cleve- land. Vrom '1920, to 1924 lie ivas a .Methodist bisbop in charge of the states.of Kansas, Oklaàonia, '1e.-ýas and ,Louisiania. - In 1924 I)r. XVadorf becanie bishop of, the Kansas, City' area of the Mletlîodist church, coverii the states of Kansas, Okahomna, Teas, Louisi- ania,., Ark aisas and Missouri. , He as appointecI to the, Chicago :area this year. nnu ater. noon. Those'iii charge-of the drive for funds continue to 'urige the People .o>f the community to help, if possible. ini financing the campaign against tui- berculosis, which appears té be %0 threateninig.at the p resent time. The sumn that, is collected here is only a small portion- of what the Chicàgo Tuberculosis inistitute is spendinîi the -village to' carry on the, tubercu- losis and comMun ity welfareý work. according -to Mrs. Inez, Bljss. the in- stitute's nurse-here. The public is invited to visit the WVilmette Health center, which is iffi - liated with.th e Chicago Tuberculosis insitute, and to see- how the moneï from the Christmas seals i .s1 spent to. take care of the people in the conu- iuirnti. Appoint Captiains i Welfare Fund Carnpaign Cide rsn Captains hiave been appointed iîn iChristmas Carol" tw() of the four sections . Into whîlch A dramnatization of Dickens' Kenilwortlî lias been divided for the -'Christînas Carol" was presented by putrpos.ýe of expediting the Flmer- è ighth grade pupils of the Xihnette -1 - efr fn rie10Wiipublic sehools this veek. GonTuîes- progress in that village. John Car- day night a cast coniposed of eighth petiter beads o)ne section: and Mar- graders at the Howard sclîool pres- shiah Davies, thec other. A. captain ented the play at the J-loard build- for- ecdi ofthe other. tt\") sectl*)ions iu On W .r ýfutI..i,... ýý- 4L, owners tors were prop-' on , Keilwortlî avenue and Elmwood avenue, two of, thé streets ýover which itý was pro- posèëd-to> mii the bus. Their.coniteni- tions were that the operation -of the bus line would 'endanger the lives of children and cause a depreciation iii the, value of propert y along. the route. A petition sign.ed by sixteen oecoswas fil.ec with the, board of local improvements. James E. Osborn, 6243 N. Clark street, Chicago, - who operates a bu.4 line on Granville avenue, Chicago,. from thé,elevated station a hiaîf block east of Broadway to Kedzie avenue, is the person, vho has requested :a permîitý to. run buses on a reg ular Propoed Route The proposed ropte.fromn theNortlu Western railway station is nortlî on Manstreet to Elmwood avenue. west on Elinwood to Ridge road. north on Ridge road to Kenilvorvh avenue, ,west on Kenilm-orth avenue to Locust road, south on Locust ihrough the Indian Hi Estates to Lake avenue, east on Lake to Ridge road, southi on Ridge to Wilmette avenle, east onuXVilnette to Prairie avenue, southe-ast on. Prairie avenue Great care hias been takeà to have each ev-en t. measure to the- spirit of th.e Christmas, thought. Special mu- sic will .be edrd ya ugmented chotirus choôir under the leadership of MNiss Marie, BrieL. Impressive light- ing, effects appropriate to the occa- sion- are being arranged,, and a series.q of -outstanding .aàdresses .will :be delivered by the nMinister, Dr. Oscar Thomas Oison. From thie classic tower of, the chucat ,4:45 o'clock. Sat'urday aftrnon a. group of trumpetersil usher in the approach of Christmas day with a series 'of. medieval carols of aIl nations, which will, recail. the "WMegenlieder" of Cermany,' the "Noels" of *rance- and the ýcarols of early Englanid. Aînong, the latter will be such carols as the famous "Conie Res~t You, Merry Cenflelitn," which bas been sung in England for. centuries, and "Hark, the Herald -A"'els Sing," by Charles Wesley, whýi'ich sis perhaps the most noted of aIl carols. Carol Service Foflows *At the conclusion of the "tower, service," there will lie held in the church, which will be illumninated by candlelight, a "Meclieval Carol Serv- ice," during which the choir will sing carols. and Dr. Oison will deliver an * hnrad Isseceta-trasuer. Stolp schools the presentation of thielof Elmivood andl Kenilworth avenues play %vas precèded by the siiig of or he b i e, it ivas suggested at Librr to, Be Closed hita aosb h s.ad the hearing Tuesday nighit thatthe aY irls' glee clubs of fie Wiliette bus use Lake avenue west front Maini for Holiday on Monday gchools, under thé direction <;,f Mr street to RidIge road. 'l'lie WX inîette public lîhrarv ,-jîî Agnles Clark. Miss Mfildredl Flask- The board of local improvemients clo:e at 0 o'clock *Intetd of 9 olock ered liad charge of rehiearsals, fortetokhe atrunradsee. Sattirdlav îighit of tis wcek (hit play. lTle drainatization followed lila> eve, Miss Amie L. Wh'Iitnmac, cioey h soy1sto( ies' Action on the request for a permit to operate the b)uses was deferred tintil librarian, annouinces. l3ccause of thec book. __________*alae te fact that Christmias faîls on Suna thî.,year, the. library also %vill lie Deerfield-Wilmette closed on Mfonday, Deceînber.2,a n*;n AdN d On Sunday,I December 25, at Il o'clock, Dr. Oison will deliver a ser- ýmonî on ý"The Eternal Good iI" The choir ivill render 1It Camne upon the Midnight Clear,", by Parker, and "The Birthday of a King," by Neid- inge r. The "Pageant of.the Holy Grail" will be presented at 5 o'clock Sun- day afternoon by a cast of twenty- two young people. This will be a pantomnime craniatization of rare Wilmnette' public schools. The ilil returu to their classes on day, january 3. es- IL Note: Ece ducted by ti Wilmette. Pr vCutier. chairman. )n omy Shop is con- Pie Woman's Club of oceeds go to charity. the charge was clianged to p'assing a stop sign. Miss Burrows pleaded 'guilty.aind paid the'fine.