and Iced wIt; lleou marshmallewandi long tr:cau îge ,mise29c Pumpkin Pies. Deep, rleh, IIky crust i .well Iied' with rieh29 Coffee Cake. Bleu Daaish mix. FIlled witii peeanm. al- moflds or fruit.,, 23 Large sise .... . caei23 Faey Brrenqi. Toasteqi or for S anad4. wlehes. CID- 1W' namon, Date Nat or Wbole Raisin White, Plain or l iredi....... ......loaf A12c W:are. priîril.g.d t. FIRST CHOICE of m«ets sudpoultry. No- *«ào a lu this Là departmseu . wIIl mo sarinc oa.rpuitatios t. 'Met tlicm cmb.maton rices. SMITHFIELD MELATSARE CERTI FIED ýAND WILL RiL or lois .ands, 3. te m Prim RôundStealk, or 8*18s. Th tender and 'Juîcy ...............l1b. i Sc ~Prime Short Bib Beef. Tender and li Juley .......................Mlb. Calves' Sweet »rendis. Genuine.lb35 Fresh diilly........... M35 iROASTING CHICKENS. You« a l. ~fresh T be 'enuiàe oniy,, eut te oruier,35 Bee IL 1v e r. Slired to or- der ' 4),,j tender a n d uiy 19C der, lm icure& ?r... wltli Hmer Cia Balk.d te*a GoishuBrown. Wh or Hait .......ii.24e Slcd.. .l.29C MutLrfflmu Chop Su"y Maîd frea. Choie. Meat. mam Fr"oliV.e"Jil.. TA1k of Northm Shoe.. Rtice Fre.. . . P 9e Q55c Chicioems, each..... New York Herklu.r . .. ..2Ibo. Apples. P a ek, crisy F ... 4lhbs. t. ,Texas 8eed e ....... .& or Frcskh Snmokc< JaMbe F illet . . . . . . . . . . . . . Forlk Sausage. Box ........a«ch Ja 7%; Brick or Mild Ameicau, WisconsimnPFu Creana....... 1b. THE CUSTOMER MUST BE [»t*e.s.