to De Ineaded io eveil. greater suc- cess than its two predecessors. The Charity bail made its first en- trance into 'Northwestern's social evens treeyears ago anidlrmty fogdits way to the top of'the so- Scial. calendar. In addition, no other collegiate dance bas such a worthy purpose. as the. Charity 'bail. The lives, of over .1,200, children of the Northweste'rn Settiement are im- I)roVed -trug erviceable use of the funds received from the-dance. The students themgelves, the co'm- mittee,> in 'fact all those connected witb the hall* with the exception of the, Stttlement, receive no financial remuneration f romý the Charity bail. It is- essentially-as stated, a Chaërty ball, the whole jpurpose being to oh- tain as large 'a fund as possible to aid lthie children of the Northwestern, ùniversity Settlement. This year the organization. needs, aid as never before. The students ini their coninection with the settle- menit work. have corne to realize this more and more. Therefore, the%. are expending every effort to miake this Charity bail a compflete success. Out- standing stage, screen, and radio~ stars are being enlisted for the cause, and February 17 will find themi ail at the Aragon doing théir bit to aid a very, worthwhilr--eenterp)rise. \Vith the committee headed bv. Bill as the "nation's outstanding col- legiate social event." The Charity b all committee bas established an office in Room 204 of the Carlson building, Evanston. Any member of the committee may be reached by calling Greenleaf 0001 anY afternoon between the hours of 1 and 6. GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS is a speakelr of outstanding ability, whose addresses are.always.of tre- mendous interest. Tickets for the lecture mnav be ob-ý tained. frôm Mrs. Simon Ruwitch, 340- Moraine road, Highlanid Park, or at the temple office. T.HE EDCEWIA.TER BEACH, HOT.EL. On Lake Miclgaln 5300 BLOCK.- 1SHERIDAN ROAD: h M HAVE YOU SEEN AN EDGAR A. STEVENS' 11933 DOLLAR? Just in case you haven't, here's a nice big picture of one and you can see for yourself what a REMARKABLE piece of money1 really is. Saw and i GOES PLACES and DOES THINGS SURPRISING FASCI NATI NG sCOODI nuimber of wee in St. Petersbui the South àboî CHLICAGO I mlas When Edigar A. Stevens says snything is