Among the citations which com- Mis. U. S. Grant will preside at prised the Jesson-semnwstefl the january 22 meetingwhich 'is to îwngsomterBible:"th ercy, be n te ntue o a onetion be 0! Lord, is -in the heavens. and thy twcen business mn, a lawycr, a faithfunsrahe nttecods baner ad n coomst Te usl- For wtith tbee is. the fountainl, of life: ness mn' will be Charles S. Dewey, inth litsa ig" vice - president, Colgate - Pal molivye'- (Psals 36.5, 9). Peet company,: Chicago; William B. Telsonsmn asoicue Hjale of Wilson and Mcllvainie, Chi- the following pass ages fom th cago, will represent the legal pro- Christian Science textbook, "Science fesin;Wirt Wright,> presidet and flealth with Key to the Scrip- State Ban-c and Trust company, Ev- 'turcs,"< by Mary Baker Eddy- "Life antnwl lcsoksin o hels iiePrinciple, Mind, Soul, Spirit; l)ankers, and Prof. lames Washing- j ie swîthout beginning and'with- ton Bell, School of Commerce, North-- out* end. Eternity, .flot turne, ex- westernf university, wil 'bee presses -the thoug>ht of Life, and tirne economnist, on the program. s 'noprofte The discussion wvjlI enconîpass the niy1p 6) following Eooi and finânei al aspéec-ts -Is Nature and origin of war debtsý. Thiý revision good business? vpresent problem: to exkact. payment; to (a> sacrifices involved. rev4se-; to eancel. (b) possible' béèetW: effects of de- *Ethical and financial aspects-the ca- fault and repudiations; effect on pacity to pay: foreign trade; effeet on domnestic (a) the debtors' interests: the. In- business and industry. creased burden of the' debt: the Restatement of the relation of repar- tax problem-balancing the bud- ations to war debts. * get; the transfer problem. - 'The particular bearing of armiaments (b) the creditors' interests: abilitY to and of tariffs to the question of war receive; effect on foreign trade. .debt revision. ing theniselves better to fit into, flic busi- ness world of tomorrow.. The fields of study open to them in- cludeacontgarrîsgbses law, economics, finance, insurance, jour- nalismn, real estate, marketing, merchan- dising, salesmanship, foreign tradei,psy-e chologv. public utilities, transportation, a Says Illusiratra ore thieaccurate :hermýometeua Chôtei from uquu lutg g.' uhction. sndoor gall. and desk instrumentsa vbove. oui- door bracqest type shotvn below. is i store ior ltin, .iflri om yér," Which will, run for the next Saturdays in the Goodman. M.and. Mrs. D. M 635 Hill roadi,Winnetka, their dinner bidgke club nieht of tbis week. entertained Wednesday mg matoday" FRED "I woua1d supplemelit my practical business xperience if possible~, with evening courm in a modem university college of commerce . lot Nortb Wabamsh Ave. l vaut Jacksou 0 0IAO oui..' 18 Bsetb LaSafh St