ulalut --Before meeting Oak Park, how- f ever, New Trier muast dispose of' Deerfield. The Deerfield,-gaiine wvill be played Friday nighit of, this iveek at the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium 'in Winnbetka. On. the basis of comparative scores the Newv Trier and Deerfield heavy- weights are evenly matched. New Trier won f rom Morton, 22. to 18, and Deer-field -nosed out .the Cicero school, 18 to 17. The Newý Trier lightweights, who have, been kicked a.round by ail of their ýopponent-s this season. have plenty to worrv about this week.! ,Deerfield.i.on froni Oak Park, 25,t 19, last. Friday. and( lost to Morton,I last year's. champions. 34 .to 20. thel previous week. * Amotizer One-Point Victory i * In an overtiime gane, at Mlayoo0d, last Friday, the Newv Trier heavies, for the~ second time this~ seasion, won j, f romn Proviso l>y a one point miargin. j The' final score ,vas 19 to 18. Newv Trier elliiniated Proviso froin thei' University of Chicago., Cliristinasi \\eek tournanient. 2() to.25« At the end of the regulation period ini last. Fhidav*s gaie the score wvas tied. 17 to 17. New Trier held a 10 to 8 lead at the hiaif and was ahiead thrce p)ointsý 17. to 14, as the third quarter e.nided. Then, :while New r*aiquiz cnas - .5uag -&àu New Trier.* won the gamne ini the plaoff period,. when Halquist, play- 1ing 'guard, saulk a field goal. The best Proviso could do Nvas a free throwv by Barsemia. Ail of New Trier's first teain regu- lars broke into the scoring columnn except' Preston. Clayton, forwvard. got six points, Hallquist. collected a total of five, and Sinding, forward, and Scott, center, got four each.1 "Keépirn4 initouch wjth BillY at 8oo01,has Lecome a hahit. has become a habit. It's quite closing exercises -on be in charge of the Marchant. inexpe .nsive, too. e.William A