Our First of Hîgh QualtySIlLKS at 98Cyar PRINTED FILAT C -REPE, &H silà, gay new patterns on grounds of gray@ tan, brown, green, hyacinthm blué.,navy. 39 inches wilde. 9UMNG lOY" pure Jye fiaf crepei àabout fifty popular sotid shades for every purpose. 39 inches wde. Super- FLAT CREPE, 'extra heavy < ,weight, avaIl- able in a gçood selection of solid col- ors. The value is. unsurpassed, weO know. PU RE DYE FLAT C REPE, another extra- ordinauy value. Complote selection of PopuIar seRi toloqs. 11 inches Wie. VOGUE, BUTTERICK and SIMPLICITY PATTERNS AT LORD'S $1 CUTTING AND PINNING SERVICE $1 In the cDaylight Fabrie Section-LORDS-First Floor LEARN k, 3 les- tien folliwed 6, 50c, 3 for $ 1. G. H. WHALEY, Ofrector LORD'S-,---Seco;id Floor, East Roone» $3-95 This new tissus is a dull surface end drapes with a great deal of chic into snug-fitting littIe hats.; Hiîgh celer.. LORD'S-Second IFIoôr Two-Way Stretch QUALJTY. FOUNTAIN SQUARE WiIm.ff. 3700 i I *lats?. WitII iubular face. LORD'S Bouement Store ASX ANY EMPLOYEE MATTRESS $14*9 SIMMONS-MÀDEI' lomr éMI conitrucÈlotie Imudoudy com- ' iUfà :lit uathir. Soi Sodif, $16.95. LORD'S--ý'-Third Floor BOYS 'RANGER SUITS K I Dy aesu$ sons for vised game. Now! n