1it ne 111 11, i . i.l & % .iat & Onsb AlApy s tatLSin*i5 l*St $16,100-00; onc of these per'niits was for' questions which I believe will arise ini at residence, at an estimiated cost or t $11,000.00; the others consisted. of tw,te ninds of the people of WMinette reniodellings and one garage. when.they become acquainted with G;arbage collection. - Two, hundred the. ternis of> the t ban., Since. the twenty-three and seve-tenths tons of Ameérican Legior1 is an obrganizatioti garbage-and combustible waste were col- o xsriemn tsesipr lected and disposed of during the month,' t. a icost, of-$1,077.38 or. $4.s2 per ton, tant that they take 'an active part ini ÀTwo, hundred tw,.enty-two and two- explaiing. the 'terms of the boan 10 tenths tons were collected last rnonth at the people and in stating the Legion's a cost. of $5.05 per tom. This differencee position. ini the cost is ,principally due to a redue- tion ln laborý costs at the incineratoir The duty of theý American Legýion plant.. is ail the, more clear when we con- There are 9,920 gar.bage cans in .u~esisder. that unless something is done in the Village. - Each can is npýtiedrot people wilI fpot findout that ex- 120 timies each Year, niaking 350,4011mot fýinptyings of garbiage cais,. Thi~r se rvie en have been given prefer-, ice, ln i 1932,ý cost the, taxpayers $10,500.00, ence until, after the work on' the va- or1 ap proximnately 3c each' tiie, th. ter plant is begun. Then. when solile garbage can was emptled,. or: an av- uepoe mni iet alt erage coÉt ef $3.59 per household fol" poedmni ~imte alt the, yearly service of collecting. th,, get work. simply because theyar not garbage. These figures are cost.ts(:f ex-service mnen, it wiII be more diffi-, <'oletin b te ontacor ani o otcuit for the American Legion to include the cost of the disposai. sap Non-cnitbtèe watýA total of ecaecricisti., 154 loads of mnaterial was eollected and Obviously, the public should be disposed of. On(- hundreti andi three, forewarnied of the terrns of the boan.1 kyads were hauleti to , the Glenviev dunp, and the balance at other pIaceý-i. For this reason, I amn takin.g the priv- Police departnient - This 'departinent ilege of sending a copy of this, letter madie 71 arrests tur-ing the month. 'to the Wr.TLETLiPrL 60 of these arrests were for violation *our vêry truly, of the rules of the road. Sixty-ive eutemaT.eiig of the 71 arýrests were taken to cour-t Hra .Rii and fineti; .7 were dismisseti, and 1 1521 Greenwood avenue. turned over to other authorities. The total fines collecteti were $235.00, 3 pensons weir1e btten, by dogs; 26i Cubs~, in Indiari Garb, transients were given anlght's 1lotigw IJJI Ta, nrrfb Sears, had boasted that they could beat i le table. for lunche 1on and the school team withi a 30-point handi'- Thursday of last week. cap. On, the contrary. the -alumni, bost wvthout*the use of a handicap. à Mrs. J. J. Large of M~ Arthur Cari-son ,as.captain of the left' Sundav after visiting alumni teamn.. Other' alumni . who got with ber, Son and family , ti into the gae included Richard. Holmes,' Larges of 1942 Thornwood i432 \Var- entertained 1bridge 0on [innea poli-, ig a -week the judson 1avenue.. r' "If Iwr Maple. avenue with an estinmated Ioss .of, 4,0000anti (2-? House at 1324 . abella with an estinmateti mý,ss f $3,000.00. Hlealth departmnent - There were i luirths and 13 d eaths during the nonth. There were 13 ca.ses - of contagion re- ported" 12 cases of chicketipox and onie case of typhoiti fever. The case of typiihoil fever w.4s the first reported i sinée 1927, aIl sources of origination in the 'Village have been ceke.andti w resatisfiedi that {hey. typhoiti origintt iii <aulide f tlw Village. corne <iressed as an Inlîan. Thne boys, unider thic leadership of their den chiefs, wlI arrive from various parts of the village. In order to make the occasion seem more like a real Indian p0W wow, the dens will be callcd "tribes." The object of their meeting wilI be to bury the war hatchet, according to Robert W. Town- Iey, director of physical. education at Ds* thyou would flud me autending couius in the scbool of business of saumod- ern and progressive universite. though acting onthe advice of Mr. Tral - ý-g"