the latest honor * uiiy rIienaeson myrtie ÂVYIloCItwaA~y, ]Richard, Krause, Bernice Modine, Phyliis. Wheelock, Eleanor Morrison, Elaine Rotbei-m'el, Shirley Scaàrrett, Bud Stilàianand Ruth Streed. Seveinth grade - Margar-et. Boozer, Ruth Sprenger and PatriciaGrover, Eighthý grade -Charlene Driver, Margaret:Gifford. F4ith Gillett, Jane Krause, jeanette Robertson, Bill Sal- *isbury, Burton Smith and Donald Stilinian. * While, the, honor Society is for pu-ý puls with "E' averages in the Sixth, seventh and eighth grades only, the honor, roll is for ,pupils. f rom the third to the eighth g9rades .inclusive who have a grade of "E," in, effort. Listed on -the latest joseph Sears honor roll are the folloýwing: Third grad(-s-lýtji Boo' rman. Walter Blv.Yl- Berellice Fleischnian, l<atherine Fbx, 'o4)ii Ketcharnti. F'siafl XtchaikT l>atsy Law, uyRayniOnd, neee * Ryan. NailvY Bouch a rd, Alicýe Bradley, Jini- muny Bra>sert, Tomniy <'afoytWrdl ];rivin, .Ierry Finnigan. (Charles GÙd(l- *branson, Polly Kuby. Martha, Lodwlck, Billy 'Maeklll, Dudley Orvis, Donald Raggio. Rtenee Snmall, Nancy Starrett, Catherine Tideinan. Robert Wetterer. Fourth gù.adçes-Glenn Andersen, Jini- mY Blackwe.ll, Louis Bouchard, ('aril Brigs.3 Bert Buehler. Nancy Claar. Airs. Toa P. Mlehiho p of Glencoe is depicted hcre. as Cora Linn l» "Crecatures flereBeo', a neu' play of th' MidWdlc West, by Baker Bromicll and Robert Per- shall ,hî'h is Io l'e /resented by tihe Threshold Pla vers o f Glencoe, Fridovy, Febrary 3,.in thetherter of the National0 Col/ceof Educa- tio;z. (Photo bv ïI at J. Pfeiffer.) GIVING DANCE Phylli s, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Augustus Hollands of 107 Robsart road, Keni1wcorth, wil ntertain for- ty-eight guests at 'a Valentine supper dance in thé recreation room of their home Friday, February 10. eat interest thle Isc ke iii this and other ~th boos aw pro- Mrs. F.dward Geithier. 1601 Tenth street, entertained ber, bridge Club at luncheon Monday. 'PCIAL, DOUBLE RICH MALTED MILK and a TOASTED SANDWICH LUNCHEON 11-2 WILMETTE CONFECTIONERY 1204 Central Ave. at. Lss l TIRail Wee offering Our com- plete stock of fixtures B'at this r e a 1 - money-saving price preparatory to mov- ing to our new quarters at 1165, Central Avenue on or about March 15th. Now is the 'time. to pu rchase that odd fixture, that you have wanted, at 'zthe normal value. Evry7tki**g Rk:etricdi R1ANDLEV'S Fornserly Danwuemark EIectri Co.. 1151 Wilaoette Ave. Phone Wihmette 214 bara W~alKeley. ilIIy Vv rIgbL. Fifth grades - Audrey -Aveyard, Bar- bara Bell Edward Claffey, Johin Con- nor, Bietty Jordan, Paul KllJoain Kilnier, IS4obel Mathiiesen. Mimi Streed, * Dorothy' Wilson. Wendell Clark, Kenneth ('rocker. Bet- ty Faulstjck. D)orothy edicsn C'harles de La C-haipelle, Mary Lidecker, Peggy Ma.rch, Nanc. 14clod Robert' Osteriann, Gero'e Pthjermel lia -o- The H and NV club of Wilmette ivili meet for dinner and bridge next T'uesdav wIýth -Mr. and M-Nrs. J. G. \Vra'Y of Glencoe. mon, Natalie Sinith, Virginia Sowers, Bud Stillîman, Ruth Streed, Elaine Vaught, Phillis Wheelock. Seventh grade -. Helen Colegrove, ON CURDB SERSVIC 1800 1210 RIDGE ROAD I235