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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Jan 1933, p. 18

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Elinore sat for he afternoon ini m( cacher might open ead its contents. Homneand Studio. and Architectural' Photography. 1e ?ND FLOOR WILMETTE THEATRE SLDG. 1122 CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE WILMETrfl2326S e envelope She was in luck, bowevier, becauise Mrs..Summers left for'home, unmind- fui of the note in t he desk. That evening afte difinner, vhile if. waàsstili dusk, Elinore calledý Dan Newton. on'the phone and asked bim to, run over; she had something im- portant to tei him. He met Elinore a few blDcks down the street. She hurriedý to meet -hlm to save time. Blushing, she told hin about, the note, whicb she e xplained wvas the most, sentimentalthing she bad ever written and added, "'Dan, (lear. l'Il simiplye die if. Mrs. Suminer reads it. l neyýer bc able to look bier iii the. face again. 1 just won't go to school tonxorrow if shie reads that niote." '*ân"she pleacfrd with an hysterical sob, "we niust get that note toitt l'Il go with you to the schioolhiotsc!" she added, resting lier tremhbling i hiand on bis shoulder. "Don't worry, Elinore, dear! l'il do niy best to get it, but 1 wouldni't think of letting you go over to the sehool .%itl iIle. NYoU kno1m.w wat woiild bappen if they caugit ius sneakiiug into the bilidinig after dark. 1in the m-orning? They'd blame me,!" gruffly explained the janitor, puýt1119 b ýis. rougbh and on Dani's shou1del as if t take him. away. "No-sir-ce! You'll have to take it ùp: with the teacher in the morning, but . tonight vou'l bave, to teillit to the sergeant !" Dan was- horror stricken at the thought of arrest.- Did john actually mean to take him tfo jalil? With a fresh, spurt ofý courage lie. restrained the big ,formn that, towered, oVer him and cried, "Please, John! You've got to hielp me,! If y ou report. this 1'il1 be expelled from school! Llonest-to- goodniess, I didn't mean to do any- thing wrong! 1 did it, only to protect a girl-to spare ber feelings! I-oniest John, li do anytintg you ask, ifyou, will only help nie' this time !" Dan had poked his. rigbit baud iiîto bis trousers pocket; it came in coni- 'tact 'witËh ýs"gold kniufe. Si1ver Coins clin.ked against the knife. He noticed John prick up bis ears at the souudi and show, a new interest. "Would John accept my knife and i money? Why, that would be brib- ery 1" thougbt Dan. It wvould be adding one offense to another. 1 not oniy broke into the schoolhouse, and was caugbit corniitting a robbery. and shall I now make niatters worse Each week IvMr. Hurst publishies one or more 1ettees written by, readers of the "ýDeeds: of D)an" in %response to the question: "'Cbildren. what M'ould you do ýif you were Dan? This "Deeds, of Dan" serial is pub- Ilshed every. week.' Every child is in- vited tô -Write in each week and an- swer, thée quéeion. A one dollar awa rd is given for every letter pub-, fiisied. j ust a wvor( l)aouit the, rules- In addition to the, address, cach letter shoùld, give the name. and age. of the child. trying for the prize. Letters nmust reach WILmimTE [.iFE by the first Tuesday following the **Deeds of Dan" story. Letters about thé- story ini this issue should reach WII.METTE I.IFE on or before Tuesday, Jatiuary 31., Jack McConnell's prize-wviningiiý lete'r .rea4s as.,folUows: 152.5 1ighland avenue, January 23,' 193:,. l)ear Mr. HurSt: Sin'ce Dan was press-ed for tine, 1 tblnk he was ln an aw.ful lix. If 1 were he, I think 1 would cail up the presi- dient of the ExPlorer's club and ask the, club for a loan for three months at C pet-cent interest. 1 would ilsto)be open and above board with Sami Sharp. Lay- ing .my. cards on the table. 1 would tel hlm 'all about rny troubles. 1 ain~ sure li would be unf air to the high grade work we have given the North Shore for years to say that. "THRIFT" service is our best cleaning. W. don't' pretend that the "'THRIFT" service obtains the finished artistry of our "STAND. ARD" service. for fresh air. You skip on home anid H huli f -oedpedig l'Il cbiase right over," said Dan, on thm oughe of. Elned teedi bacingawa, a th sane iiie gv-barrassment tbis whole affair would ing Eliniore a getie shove as' if to cause bier, She would hate hierseif' huirry ber.' for baving brought' trouble and dis- Dan ran ail the %vay to schiool. grace upon bun. She might tbink It was easy for hlmii to miake bis bim a bungling fool' to get caughit. way through' tthe window and the Then came the thougbts of his hall to the rooin wwhere 'the niote %vas mother and father and their devoted left by Mrs. Summners. Hievas ini teacb<ngs; bis mother's pride over niV oviuielise. Jack cnmel DINNER GUESTS MIr. and Mrs. Harrv Weese, 141ý Kemilwortli avenue. Kenilworthi. en" tertaimed Henry Jackson, Gibsonl Waller:, and Gaylord Browvn and Mr. Browu's niother, Mrs. J. Maiilev' Clark, of Freeport, Ill., at d1inni1- Sunday. Vie men were the guest rhôIneE 1AI8U' I 3400 let me go! It's 'the first time ii'my jE life I've ever dloue anything ike this, et and it was only to protect the rep- s ce method for l standards 18 IIt calls for ,se con- ton of mned ln on the ry sincerely l'ours, 8. R. Logan.

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