.tityfresi.. On. ight, ont dark layer, iced. and £led wth delicious chocolate. Fudge. iâbir. Lmrwe ize. achi . PURITY COUNTRY ROLLS. M ad e f ro m p u re pasteurized creani packed under strict favorable çonditiom»: te insure perfect purity aud flavor, lb. 19c .....2I'3 e ISMITHIEL D MEATS Pii Beef CHUCK ROAST. Flavory, tender and juicy.ILb 14c C. .Pure with $2.OeIorder INvyork State. Fineet growu; .-forý mue*,.l bo.>29C DROCCOLI. Young £wv ed.Pre. -ae sain, e a CAKE. ýr offered. Rib or loin s. 3 to 3%k lbo..&ver- w.ight ........ Lb. t choice, crisp and 4 25 Box Texas seediess, heavy balla 59 jlLiic% do . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4-a Pari. joues, Pari. Lna.lb. 2WcItnder. LGOr LAM Pure c«-. lawag A.