men have represented the United States ini the OlYmIpic gaines at ene time or another and ail have cap- tained a championship slimhluing or for the Purpie'dur- ing their undergraduate -years. Trhe, N. U. swimniing teami will! be practically the sanie as Iast year and IviII include, Art Highlajd, Hub Mur- fflh3, Bob Kerber, -Pauil Trou.p -and Edward Lennox. Eist, of the events and the -en- trants is as follýws: 200-yard relay-Troup. Diaùiond, Mur- Phy,. Ha-hn,, Debenhaili. floll ingter, Cor- rigan, Highland. 200-yard breast-11liii, , etng>x, Hoi- lin-;, Taylor. 50-yard free Troup. llghltiand, 'Di- th)ond,'Rolliriger. 1150-yard> back Ktvrlbui- Murffll, Jiosen, Hahn. 100-yard fe lglid orgn Troup, Rolinger. Par)ct' dtîng-Willar. W VIkle; ie rvig. 22-ynrd free-I<erIbér, Mil l*r, Tayljor, Diamiond, McManus. 300-yard MiedleY -Nurp)hy, Lennox. Debenharn, Rosen, H1ahn, (ot'rigan. 'Water polo(-Aluimni: Janiels, ôe, Puost, ('orhett. Sch-wartz, 0.Mlir Peterson, Springer, Bre.ver, Roberts; 'Varsity: Deberihani, Hliglanttd, Rosen, %T4eManus, Tro4up. lfan, Kerber, 14en-ý nox, Richards, Diamoiindl, Corrigan, Roi- linger, Miller, Bernstein, 'Murphy, ,ax-ks. Asllaiîd avenue. Mrs. FI. E. Holdo- way ,vas chairmian of the part',.and iler assistants were, Mrs. Mvron West, 'Mrs. Harry Wilbur, 'Mrs. Le- intuel Owven, and Mrs. R.M.on- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peterseri; -10' WVariwick road, Kenilworth, mwere week-end guests of the M. V. Rev- nolds. at a house part-,, at tlipir hg-ui,.( Chicago and' elsewhere. The, Produc- tion of the "The Seaguli" was greet-ý ed with .interest and ienthusiasm which thoroughly justifies thethea ter i'the presentation of "another and more significant play of Chekov." The- settings, designed, by Virgiinia Mfore Roediger, are iuost interesting in that. one sees action in more than one1 roomn of the bouse at the same time. Costumes: and sce nery ar1e, authentic reproductions, of, the period of. the play., In,ýiteMasons, Friends, to Bridge Tournaniments A bridge tournarnent is beiigý con-, ducted by' Wilmette *odge 931, A. F. and A. M. everv third Thursday i the 'rnopth. The., second se,-.ioi will be held February 16 in 'the lounge of the Masonic temiple. The tournainent is open to ail mem.- bers of the. Iodge and their 'Masonic friends. Richard Hosking and F. A. Bren e tr lie d the highest score the ol)etlîng night. Twvo prizes are being give'î] to the highest scoriîîg individtials on each tournament nighit in addition to the grand prize , vhich will bej James C. Anderson. Orvilie G. Dailv is ini charge of ail entertaininient at thé Io(lge, including the fouinamntt or %vhich there is no entry fee. AID BUILDING FUND The Apron circle of the Ladies;' -\id and «Missionary societv of et. john's. Lutheran church Will holda luncheon todav (Thursdayv' at 1 A nnouaces THE TENTH ANNUAL MOTOR SALON, fb b. Iid in the. Poaggio, and East Léung * January 27th to Februauy Sth, [933 Thi$s attractive di play includes modeli of variows sftndard Maies of auto. !moiiI.s, and in addition, a Special Exhibit of ýPïeciuion 7Machiney and. Motors.,by the Packard Motor Car Company of Dotroit. MOTOR CAR DEALERS 0F UPTOWN CHICAGO and EDGEWATER.BEACH HOTEL 5300 BLOCK-SHERIDAN ROAD, ENROLL NOW ai at Northwestern Univeruity School of Com- merce closès on Saturday, February 4. ClassMi begin on Tuesday, February 7. Make yeur spare time count by consul:ing the Educational Adviser about courses off ered in these fields: bStudo Bdg, 1718 Shernin Ave.l jPATRONIZE OU. A D VER'TI.SERSý CHICAGO