the Uînited States froin the, carliest trnes. 'Thie treatmient là strictly lais- torleal, and factual. Thomas-Wbat's the Matter witb New York.' *»New York presents tk an exaggeeat-. ed degree problemas that are uriiversal, 'for' this reason the book shoiuld be In a machine-age democracy," andi of more, than WoalI nterest. Dis- eusse1s-omMè romedies. De Kruif-Men Against ýDeath., A wortby 8uccesoor to Microbe Hunt- ers. Gardner-Understanding the Arts. An admirable book concerned witb art principlei;.. Covers buÙilding, gar- dening. CitY ,Planning, .sculpture, Painting, bookrmaking, waigand* pottery. Beach-Twentieth Century Novel. A Êtiady: ot the changing technique of the novel from thec lSth, century to the present moment, f rom Field- Ing to Dospassos. it conitributes mucwh on chi~g wldeals ds oci 8çal cari set Sullivan- Pioneer Davs in Arizona. nely interesting blstory of ,om the Spanish occupation iood. Begins wlth the al background and has n Spanishi cavaliers, mission inters and trappers,' Amien- 'S. etc. tir Timnes: The \Var De- 1914. ri the verge of the war with iyhoanalysiis, poetry and e n-,'. Luonar ay s>c~iais. ,xoon pI4Lce W lunlch on Dollar Day and every Day.' Gotb -am. Gold Stripe Hostery "will miake an ideal valentine -gkf t" ani Dollar Day is. a good time to get 'cm, declares Fraces Taubert, 1183 Wil- mette, avenue. North 1iiown Fruit Market, 1111 Central avenue, offers 12 quarts of pale dry ginger'aie among its ýout- standing- Dollar bargain this WVed- 1 esday and Thiursday. Wlmette Caf., 1181 \Vilniette ave- une, says.: "whten you feel the need of a tasty Sandwich or a' delicioits luncheon during your Dollar Day shopping caîl on us." *Mestjian, Bros, hIcé., 511 Main street, declares "here's your biggest Dollar'.s worth: a 9x12 idoinestic rug cleaned for One Dollar. Also, Dollar, 1Day .hargains 'in .amupeug. Two pounds of candy for Qne Dol- lar is the special Dollar value offered by Dutch Mil Caidy, 1 187 W\i miette avenue. Duteh Oven, 1129 Central avenue, appears with: its customnary, thoughi unusuially attractive Dollar Day specials whiclm include "surprise layer cakes, including ice box cake" terined as a, trceindous ,pecial.*' Millen Hardware compaayl,. 1718 MVinette avenue, offers, in addition té its numecrous Dollar Day specials, a. upiqué, eature,.designated as -aa "thrift table" where the shopper miay realize. as mnuch as a 60 percent, sav- ing. Houisehold, utensils at special Dollar Daày prices. Taylor's, the family store at 1123- 27 Central avenue, assures. us that, "'our bat-gains for Dollar Davs, as usual-qualit-y and depenidabie nmer- chandise," More than a, score of* special. values listed tol justify the truth of that stateuxent.' Dependlable AUti-Supplies Station,* 1909 Lake avenue,ivte Dollar *Day. shoppers' to ins§pect Xu-Etinel for which that firmn is the exclusive- Mil- mette cdealer.- is the timely advice for mnilady volun- teered by Ikenneckar's Drug Comanay at Wilmette anid Central avenues. -D)eep eut prices- will be the order, of the day on lDollar Dav s. "Super values-fresh stock-quali-ý ty goods," is the Dollar Day pledge- of the Wilmette ýGrocery and Market, 1144-48 Central avenue. A large ad- vertiseimei4Utells the storv of bar- gains iii a ivide range of items iii- Through the Shadows- Alington.: "Comnedy of errors staged ai a bowme- party given l.ulnhonor of an Americani girl by ber Etr'glish sultor. Delicately handled and thoroughly msn" Buried Alive -Bennett. "D]elicious comedy of manners,. relatilg. With un-, expected turns of plot how> a ý grfat, En»glisb painter, abnormally.sby, nmade use of the death of bis valet to es-ý cape society's lion-huntinu.' Aunt Jane of Kentucky-Hall. "!Aunt Jane possesses a keen interest tri humnan 'nature and a healthy philosophy."1 Wlintergreen:- Laing. ý "A Scottish qpinster, gentlewoman, and redoubtable housewife, eludes an Importunate suitor by taking. a position as a cook-houqe- keeper and assuming the haame of,,Vîn-, Araàminta;-Snalth. "Delicious coffed y of a beautifui featherbrained girl who wa calied 'Goose, because she was so silly !' ioned romance, the love of a mid of low degree for, a duke. Delightful and alnost probable. Happy Hawkins-Wason. A philoso- phical, loyal-hearted cowboy .plays prov- idence ini the love affairs of bls eni- pioyers detughter., Humorous diaiect story. l 4eênnf Macauley-The Sha<low . Flics, This book of the 'l7th century, with Robert Herrick and other real per- sons as characters, will give pleasue to literary ninded readers. Olivier-Mr. Chilvester's l>aiglters. Artiese and cornpelling story of a cathedral close and a father devot- ed to his bouse deslgned by ('bris-, topher Wren. Paterson'-Never Ask the End. ceptuonal Qpportnlty ti hiousehiold andI, apparel a great saving. . Schiultz and Nord Cleaners, 1152 Central nounices: "here is Greatest Offer-any g. ticle cleaned Frec Ii with a garmient ora regullar price. -Thie adv, i-bliii, the liii in d-fn to stock 'Uj) onl 1nceessities at 'mc., Village avenue, an- Dollar Days' ,arment or ar- ii comibiiiation article at our vertiseinent ex- other specials, a tea table and tra-Y to match, beautifuilly hand painted. N. A. Hanna, Inc., 952 Spanishi court, includes in Dollar Day. specials hats,' scarf s and costume jewelry at Que Dollar; also dresses at sa-s;_ tionally redtuced price. Miss McMalion, at Worthen's 11481 \Vilmiette avenue, offers "uinbeatab)le' Dollar Day bargaitis" iii inany varie-i ranr ,n an enfant Cv,, ,u.v v.n..,auon vo Molly, i.s taken. into her confidence and Friends of Mr. Sweeney-Davis. '"The story of -t down-trodden assistant editor who captures robber, rescues hf s boss1, froxri a nost compromising position, and generally has bis say onail situations."- South Wind-7Douglas. "Social .4atire based upon the scandailxnongering, Nvit and futility of A little society of Eng- lish and. Italians on 'an Island in the %Iediterranar.. I Butler, jorrbis xiovel, aThevW Weigall-Sappho of of a Vie-. outstanding ales in meats, eggsand thee: r durlrg ie oher items of interest.arn le famous tarn f AIl Flesb. Luncheon at 25 cents on Dollar Winn s.Days is the unusual offer of' the L-B the C c. S.u*f*445ttc in cuargu s. Lloyd, A. Faxon a committee member Almichapter. of U.iri ,Scout of schools in N Highland Par tpin or irom thre rrnetkai Glencoe and