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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Feb 1933, p. 13

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or ttii~ * The Si,-th. division wil ileet Tue.,daY, F-ebruairY 28,at the honte of Ms Elinor ýDavies, 721 Maclean, road, Kefilworth. Mrs. J. R. Davils wllI be the wisisting 11ostess. The meeting 'wIl start. at .1 o'tcock wvith "dessert." -The Friendly é1rcle wlll have a happyr si.cia. tue atits meotlng Tuesday eeIi:-iiig at 8 .cok lostesses: Mes- lai nes 1.'ay 1,undberg, Orville Joues and Mri luti. AUlwomnenk of the churcli are 'l7Ie following divisions <iof the Wui an's Aid 'siciety wilI nin*et today. .(Thursdàay) :First-12 :30 . p. i., lunch- <on. Mrs. Clifford Older, 1026 Elitiwood. avexaun-. Sécond - 10 :30 a. nM.. Nors. George Hoffman. 66 Warwiek avenue, Winnetka. Third-1 :30 P. nM., 111-. -M. '17honscon. 225 Sixtéenth street. Fifth - 12 :00 noon, at -the church. businiess meinand sewinig after ilunchoz. * The Queen Estber-Stafldard Bearérà will inîet Friday (tomorrow). at the. liofie of Mrs. Louis K. Gilison; 706 Fqor- e-ýst vnue, . Mr. ummnern1an frtbin .N;orthwestern universlty 'wift speal(011 lis experiences with the indianis of tIie west. A social hour will follov. 'ýII high sehool girls are urged to attend. Ani Indian program will be prcent--d Io% Pi'incess Tsianina and -Chief Ever- * ren Tree in the AssemibIy hall Sat- iirday night, 'March 4. T4ihe prograin is pîisrdby thé Qneeh Estlier-Stafld- .:rdIearers. '11 Rcw id Cross sewing. continue-, eaclh i'.sRyat 10 o'clock at the claurch. 'l'lie )ooniafl'sAid society ,vill nîeet. 1, H.Hopkins of C'JilUg(> >1%111 I >stiUCt Nl inorities and Tlioe S irutiy :s t7 ::',0 i h ~~ Q Fwirst Presbyterian Wvoman's club roonvs Teuth street at Greenlelif aveqlin pu nies lT. envkiasen, nihister. Peruvian Andes.. nîs suo)Ject ueîng, iBy Air to Ifica Ln. This is at 7.30 The Spolies tof the Woaua«,n's SOcieéty W11 meet as follows onu Tuesday,, Feb- ruary 28: No. 2 witli Mrs. Charles D«ivis, 615 Laurel_ aveniue at 1 o'ciock;, No. 6 wlth Mr#s. N. P. Linde, 1638 Cen- tral a'venue' at 1 :30 o'clock ; No. 8 ýwlth- bfrs. P. C.. Dlerks; 123 Nlnth street at 1 o'cl ock - No. 10,with M.%rs. John Saville, 216 FIOUrth street at, 1 o'clock ; No. il With -Mrs. Raymond Srnith, 131.4 En- Wood avenute an ail, day imeeting.' Our mld*eek meeting will be held on Wednesday evénlng at 8S oe.lock .at-the Womnan's club roonis. IVe will ,study Psaim 46, "The Song of the, Rofugees." We Invite you to join us.; The Preshyteria-n (olege of Christian Education will welcoine our peopfle at 'I tea on Sunday fteuo'n.February26 froin 3 to 5 o'ciock. The World Day i)f Pi axetr groptt will meet on Friday. .Marh a, at 2 ociock at the Congreg.itionual ehureh. Ail th(- women are invited to attend. Auxliary menbrsiuip. ini the Olivet Institute may 1)' e vtared durin'g the month of Mar'ch through 'Mrs. W%. H. Ellis, 823 Gen dav-en ne. The Chicago Christian, Industria1 gi5 iiý4l Juttierai i II. ini t- ii iiin nin iv-~ ning services I>ginnui ng Sindav evenlng, Marchi 5, at dt.t Baptist churiicl at 7:,10 o'clock., These union serviues are being sponsored by variéans groups in each churcli, ail undeî' tlit supervisioin of .the WVin1nlttf'Mflser'unimin We corcialvy invite you to joinî us ini4,the special Lentten servies, whost. object is to stimulate and encoiiraa ge. t li, spli tuai life of W'limiette and t.) bu of hellp in tryin.g times. M ANY of the. garments jus+ rmcelved for our Y Spring Offering were bought with smrn0 idivduael custorner i mind. Mrs. Ledford and Miss Nordlerg, our -saleswomen, -heIped in fMi buy'igservice. W l. Fel Sure You WiII Be* PIeased -With -Ou'r. Slections EVENING GOWNS With jackets Thesi con also b. used $ i15 as dinner dresses. From I SPRING I-fATS ný the now malinish- THE. SPORTS SHOP, Of HUBBARP WOODS 976 Lind.n Avenue Tolephone Winnetka 55 Ili 1 ' III. ii1i li1111 A way ai' making womnen look as stim as awillow and as smart, as Pâris. They're wear-Ký- and * Ouri. Bible classes rneet at 9 :45, on,' for womien, onie for Young wo.flen, and TO CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY oile for men. We invite 'you to jil us- Doris Janie; daughter of Mr. and Junior church, in charge' of'MrS. Sta- rs. Conirad Frykman, 1045 Asiand ley Peterson, wlll care for thie chlldren 1avenue, will entertain twelve girls at - ùing the mornlnig worship service. dinradaesStdy ihor The Christian Endeavor goclety wîil of ber thirteeinth birthday. I6~4Om~t4oON v NUS $350ü

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