Julia IL'Word of ticularly interested. ,Mrs. Paul Ritten- Symposiumn bou0se. executive secretary of the liii i- ~HsReliglous Edu!cation for the Younig hoisLeaue f Woen otes, wll e Kept Pace with Progress in noi s eague ofWmnVtrw e ' Secular Educatio)n?". th paer. .Fron! the Reforrn Point of >View. Mrs. ittenouse has 'served, the state.............M.M..Itrhbî' league in many caeacities. She was Luncheon, at 12 noon first drawn ýinto -leaglueé wérk w~hile liv-, Sp'eakers at thé. Luncheon Tàt- ing in Minneapolis and acted as treas-'-Mrs.- Hannah G.. Solornon, mrs. i. W tirer for the Minnesota league. Coniing.llàdr Mr. B.rr Meyt.r llkn tChcgo to livec, she continued lierý league work as one of the, secretaries Froni the Conservative Point'of View fo heNtonllague, oigorgan-..i........ ........Rtabbi,' Julimîs Siegel wZn ork over a *.territory o of. seven ionSectn.. rOcar (2hànsow% Accomnpanied by Pansy Jaeob Leiberfar.b ýtatcs. WVhen Mrs.. James~ W. Morris- t'roni the Orthodox Point of Ve.. wo ~as presidento.f the Illinois leagUi, ..............M%rs-. Anna.L. Salzînati * M~Nrs. Rittenhouse was lier. assisat but ndito. ...r.lg:Le ei %vas obliged tW resign, becàtise <>i ili ~rs.. Harry L. Canmanuii of Raviniia healh. he eptberleaue OflleC is cçhailrman of the day;. Mrs. Julia *tion, hovvever, throuigh mernhcrship nu Wise is co-ichairm an;t rs Arthur the board of the Lake Shore Ieague: lmtsceay r.EwnRm rCturning to a staff position ini Febru- herg, timekeeper. and, Mrs. Abrahami ary of Las teavi% M-es. Ritttithoutse -ias Wei.ss represents the resoutitîn commi~t- been a student of governimeîît for mnan), tee. ycars, f llowing closely the wo-rk of the Ainerican Academy of Political'Arts and Ctafts Show' Science and other .groups of a sitmilar! pnt N rhSo' character. The Driver's Licen,,e bill is one of universal intcrest at present' An Arts and Crafts exhibit for and will he included in the dlicussionol.' the ivhole nôrth shore area wiIl 'bc Res'ervations for the hincheon wîîî be' leld at the Xinnetka Woman's rteeeîved hy Mrs. W. S. Hedges until clb, nMrh7 rr liite S110011 Of Saturday, February 25. i mnornîng until 7 at night. Mrs C.L. lare.preidet o tîie Ship)'s models, silver and peWter r ender, Milk-Fed Chicken f rom the- Country, --perfectly 'cooked to your, individuel taste. Why flot try orne *of our :special1 chicken diti- ners? Saturdays we festure stewed chioken with fluffy dumpliags-Wedneuday rosi chioken Chow Mcmn with-water chestnuta,, bean aprouts and Chinose noodles-Thùrsdày.roat cbîcken with doudcous dressinig. IWIe use auly strictly f rush vugetablus, cooked tg your order. You wilf bu delighied wiMtk leir fine,, succulent fihîor, thusr I naturai f rush-colyw.r Ver ~eOwen 501 Davis $trect,,Evan-ton Miss ifs g<oe 4e _____ opetrating thse ____ Davis Street Bhop * rot later than 2:15o'l0ck. lijnited to one paintin~g. The luncheon for the reguilar Febru- Sirilar exhibits, conducted by the cilmeieng of the Cook Couiîty coun-! club in former years, have aroused clledat State. headquarters, will' e the keenest interest arnong people NserVed by Mrs., WV. S. Hedges, social ýof the community, who enjoy a cern- cdairrnani and her committee of Mrs.aiso of their own accomplish- C. P Evns, rs.J. . Ber. rs.ments with those of nieighbors work- Hlermnan T. Reiling, Mrs. Murdo Ross,' iîg along simiiar lines. "It is stimu- and Mrs. C. L. Clarke. . These lunch- lating;" the club announces, "to find eonis are prepared and donated by in among amateurs se înany withi the dividual leagues in Coo, County in'eveloped skill of the professional. thcir turn. To Ihose nnt exhihitinzr examnies of E±.ucaion on Pe bruary 23, Evanstôàn. afternoon, men *was assisti Gorby of0 Fisher, Mrs. H., Anna Brautigam. ,dig, and 10à Nortm is-souti sall8~e St.