BORIS KARLOFF- ZITA JOHANIN * News FRIDAY and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY'24.25 THAT TO-MILE- A-MINUTE i~I ID so in, di tii at Dc th to 1; 10:00 "mi SAMUEL. GOLDWYN Producion of RONALD COLMAN )evil Is Driving," V-ý-rar-sity 'theater ray. P.Iurepreentd tis hurdayand The picture . which stars, Wilii am, 'auepeete hsTurdya Powell, is 'take, from the novel by Dickie Moore. little son oi Glea- iMax'Trk- Cityasbrnan eae dow byoneofthecar~aew YrkCt, and knows ,tve D4, is run n a s f how-orw ast Side characters, with which. the ieye S, resultinginaso-w. ither rnembers' of the talented -icast etoyde1, ronaculonat.m clue lanDiehatLoi \îlsnexperience. His .story abouinds h11 unn Willniams ad Wnneoisbison, vivid, throbbing drama with politicai On~~~ ~~ FrdyadStud1at intrigue and shyster tricks, in the at- ,ons of thislweek, north shore chl- mshreo hchrssanhn en wll b h awyer, who takes delight in smashing agam co-nînced tathe ring anid defendighsou onesýneyer cease at the Varsity ienders To erias-a lot of -excite- people. ýent 'for one afternoon '-will thriil Clive Brook ls Sleuth ea omaic FiayadSau- Sheriock Holmes," master sleutli eac tfinal chiapternof "The of ail tue, iscoming Saturday, Feb- çvil Horse" wili be shown, and tiien -ur 5, to the flmtethar ie frstepiodeof "laiév of where he ivili soive the probieni coi e irt piod o "iacyofthe deaig ih American racketeers a> ounted." Yes, al. this in, addition welasg Vdtimy "orarthe regular features. CwieBasoh-s arh e e t "iartv» Edward Robinson, as the geniai, and Miriamn Jordan, Englisis-stage ýsceptible Yates Martin, politician beauty, appears in the ieading feni- ýtrordnar oftheeary mnin imine role.- Ernest Torrence cniacts traorinar of.the arlyminig the role of the fiendish Moiat -s of Colorado, has a role made to Boxing. wvrestiing, skiinig, football sorder 'in "Silver Dollar," a flot- basebali and racing-all these sjports.. -be-missed drama at the Varsity wt hi hiln cin r ei ea2,Sauý and Th * ,feb- ii "The, Sport Parade,", showing ai ary 25nd2. Te picture fo.loVs the Wilmiette theater Sundav, Fehru- ,a historical trends, and Robinson's ary 96., ith Joei M.\cCrea, XVlliarn rformance fily mneasures up to tle Graannd'\rai lshn ed eme of the fgilm-.ranMrsî nied .4,, -- - niz roles. ovietone .News nd FRIDAY, MARCH 1-2-3 "Tonight Nà Ours" On Monday, Tuesday and Wedncs- day, February- 27, 28 and March 1, the Varsity presents Fredric March and. Claudette Colbert in "Tonight Is Ours,". distinguished. by the ouit- standinglyý deft work of the stars.and hy the skillfui blendinig of highi ro- mance, dainty. charni and just enough alla college, anu l agirl. Hereys idGoona-Goona" East of Java, on the Island i.o Balil. the dark skinned natives hiave a love powder, or drîxg. that cnters into the plots of mnany of their traditional leg- ends and songs. This potion is known as goona-goona.. being so po- tent that they named it twice, The love powder of the beautifil! Balinese- serves as an important fac- 'g- Jlong tinie and will continue to amutse Ilight club and Pent-house party lUfe dfor nany days-if one may judge by and p'ortrays the love of three men, >pr the enthusiastjc response this feature for one girl who, in turn, lovesa lias -gaine(1 at north shore- theaters. man î she cannot have. ,,Start,.4Fi WEDNESDAY ilie, w6viit, ç iui arama, , - - e pu-w r ;i