PAINTS Mnd other aimeable itec» by orderiuug TODAY- *Phono W IILIUTTM 3060:: ORDER THESE ITEMS. You Need Them NOW PALACE GREEN or SHADY LAWN SEED, Iag ...................... $Z os PARKWAY GRASS SEED, 5-lb0-t........ 95c VIGORO or LOMAà, 100-lb. kag... ll...... $4*0O 50-1Ib. Iag ............ ....... $2.50, SO1L-fPP Huus n*Fenlltoe, t-ib a ~ PEAT MOSS, large bale.o.............. $4a00 BONEMEAL, SHEEP MANURE, SULPHATE of AMMONIA and otiior Garden Supplies CYCLONE LAWN FENCING FLOWER WIRE Rememl'er tha- old deys uhenlt/e kids tused b z hoopl, t .P because the circus u'as coPnIIPYttg tou'n! Hfere's good, sieu's for bot/t yolinq * ad old. Dr. Harlan Tarbeli, ca/led t/he u'rld's greatesi mystifier by thte fate Houdini, 4ill be ipt Wileitte o0 thte *aiter>oo i ad ei'enipig of *April 2Z.. T/he pe rformatce w/Ibc /teld in the )Maso;iie temple, unpder t/he auspices of the Mlen's club of t/he First Con gregalional church of Wilmette. T/he pro-ceeds are to 1e iised fp0 i 11w ,aanainen'ce of te c/turc/a choir fund. D)r. Tarbeil cones direct froin New rork to make this appearance. Kniownx .hroughout Anierica as a maker of magîcians, a creator of soine of the ilest illusions known to niagic, Tar- 'cil, it is promised, will periorm mys- eries that will thrill the youngsters and )affle the srewd and experiencedi. "No one in America can speak on. this subject with greater aUthorityý than Mr. Jung," announcement s read. "His 'organization was formed sixteen, years ago for-the purpose of gatbering, and dissemihnatig information -of the plans and work of individuals and so- cieties striving to undermifle and de'- stroy this government. During that, time he bas cooperated with practically- evýery department of the government, and is so cooperating today. Thorougb-. ly farnîliar witb bis subject, he pre- sents it in a force fui and. convincing' manner that is botb iînstructive- and entertainin9." It is announced that, Mr. Jung will also speak. concerning the present sit-; uation ini Germany. Special musical niumbers have been arranged for the meeting. There will ýas ea, eentâtiôn of th~ eolors and a re-cledication to 01ld Glory," it is explained.. The program committee is extending an invitationi to ail citizens, and espe- ciaflyte miinisters and anembers of chtircbes. Miss :a ia GARDEN TOOLS Pratt & Lambert Products iany ,, the, leggierto ,and IýotII S -uriena Dance." Both girls are students of Frances Anderson of Winnetka. mous menIIlI-teVSlUisio, someiCUIIÇ L4iVU - Ieyeless vision, wberein Dr. Tarbell, after being securety bliindfblded, witn Mrs. Jay A. Colvin. 116 Robsart his eyes plastered down with adhesive raKnl~teietie e tape goes through the audience reading bridge club at luncheon Mondav. with his finger-tips the various obj ects placed before hirn. 0f mental television, seeinag fingertips mlakes me dotibt the