Itfl Miss Moose. Tnose loxîng for.. ward ýto ýbaptisai at Easter time are enoldin this clasa for instruction lni the meaning of:éhurch rnembershlp. - The Young :People's smociety wiil rucet a t 5 :30 for a mýeeing in charge of the service commIssion, 'Paul WilIlim di- rector. (halene 'lght Service Sundahy evening, thé union evening service wlI hoý held'.at the .Congrega- tionai ehurch. Remiember, it is your opportUnlty to ask your neighbors and others who are neot ini the habit of au. tending church to corne with you-! United choirs *iII again sing.. The ervice wiIl begln at 7; :, Dr. Hubert Carleton being the speaker. The lasi ln our seriesof four Fel. l>wsýhi.p suppers will. be held Wednes- day,, Apnil 5. The program ls to be presented by the Young people. and wi-il b+ý an Eate play, "'Reeas4e." The. ine- bers of the Senior choir are, assisting in its producation. several acting aý: <'onrittee chairmen. Those ln the east, are: Dick Johnson, Walter Raats, Jr., David Haam. Lee Blaylock, Fred Le-a- son, Ross Blaylock, Joan Guthnidge, Jatne Blaylock. senior choir' members. Supper will ho served at 6:30 promptly. The Young people received an invita- tiiin last Sundav to join with the Con-. *gr4eg.tti<hntI ynung people in an Easter- suiinrîse comniunion service in their- vIhurch. For the past cigbt years lie had been a resident' of Wilmette. He is survived by one son, James MNerrili Cram, Jr., one daughter, Mrs. Ma1-rion Hill :of Evanston, and three grand- children. He was a bohri-a of Mrs. D. E. Bull cf imette. The funeral services were held last Saturday,, and burial took: place at Mfound cemetery, Racine, Ais. WINS HAT Tom Siading. 627 Warwick avenue, a fresbman at Dartm outh, is speidý- ing bis spring vaca&idn witi.b is rooin- mate 'at bis 1b. L ein ,Yonjkers. 'N. Y. Iwia recent letter to bisparents. Tomi tells, of a bat be won for guessing the ýexact number of bats of a certain make in a shop window. Mr.' and Mrs. Atur- onnet. 157 Robsart place, Kenilwort.h, will enter- tain .twenity-.four guests at a buffet -bridgedinner aturda%- inihonor o Mr. Bonnets sister. Miss Mvlrile Bonnset of Lanark, Ill.. who is mal,- in.-her home in Chicago. M rs. place, bridgrei Arthur Kenilwcl IRonnet, 157 Robsart ýrthi, entertained bei luncheon Tuesdav. SPECiALS FOR THURS.,, FR1. & SAT. CHICKENS MiDi F.4, For Roasting l'O 612 RIIHeJ Prime ItIb ioa»«Rfo t Ne boune or waste, eut from unative beef, Ml,. ..... LEGS of LAMB. LEGS OF VEAL. Cut fîuu. Sprirnt. Spe. peIL 3 aw II.civs PORK LOIN ROAST. pe lb ......... SmalLeanI-oùsjý'SpeçÎ&I Swoet- . lb . ... ..........breads. be.. 3 5 Cird. Ches;nut , Brad, Su"ll Car.<. WhoIe or Rall, ibA UF7ZW Center Cut Slices. ib. 17c i fl( Bible classes at 9 :45, and HolN* C'ommlunion knd sermion at Il a. ni. Next Sunday-, being the first Sunday' iu the month wiil be ('orporate (Crn fnunion Sunday for, both the, Boys' andl thte Gir]l;' Commn-union leagues. The joint Lenten services of tho ohurches ocoperating in the United Lenten campaien wili be held next Sun, day evenitig et 7 :30 o'clock in the Con- gregationai church with the rector of St. Augustine*s as preacher. 4 andaDeluetouu ' Prompt Service ,de Lowest Prices.! LUNCHEON W EK-SIW OPVEKI Franik& Milwaukee Smoked Liver, Suxnmer, it Salami, Or Veal Bo1ogna Sausage, lb . .... I c SHOP & SAVE 'Fruit and Vi ~ST4 1