recent advancement in ranks of inaùy, Wihnette and Winnetka scouts. Spe- ci)recognition goes to Gordon Schu- brfor receiving 'Star rank in' ooi> 4, to Robert Fletcher ini Troop 2 who is gett'ng Life rank, and to scout- master Weidon Codv. Troopjl1. St. Francis churcb, Who is receiving the highest rank in scouting-that 0f .EagIe scout. This, wiIl be awarded at :the Wilmette Scout Hobby' show at the Howard school this Saturday, Apri 1. Scoutmaster Arthur Pearson'. Troop 1,bas earàed five meit jBadge 'awards bevond, bis Eag1e rank and is to re- ceive the Bronze paini to wcar OU his Eagle badge.- Here are the awards listed byý froops. Homo, Be.ya of Troop 1. 'froop 1- Second tls- Bert Simons; first class: jack Harvey; Star: Gordon Schuher; Bronze palm: Arthur Pearson; neint badges: Bob Anderson, carpentry; Ed An- drews, surveying; jarvis Brown, cy- dling. .woodworking; Stanley Cochrait. scholarship * Jack Har!vey, carpentry; James McIlrath, cookîng, carpentry,1 Arthuir Pearson, seamanship, foundry ( AATIQNAL COMM iÇSIJ4I. ofr BOY SCOUTS oAMEktCA YAIOAAL DOARD ofH0NOR, EARL 1 0wi/èh OtWL flE 0& d0'rf 9tz4bf do <W/,t »Xe £'L 19 10 (X w. r"s\~ ~ planning on getting1 the Lincoln .Memorial badge. To get the badge. thescouts mnust do two'things: first, read "Boy Scout Life- of Lincoln". and write a 200 to 300-word report; second,. walk from Old. Salem Park to Springfield, a distance of 21 miles. The scout also bas;.to be second class., .Thefollowing te n scouts whô wish. ttake the hike are listed: John Brons, James Thale, Ray. Spies. Bill Krippes, Jimt Rowan, Charles and, Richard Kent, John- Schopen, jack Coyie. and Jack -Hanley. Our scou t- master, Weldon Cody,, bas a small, bus and he is goiî to drive the sco uts down,.and back. They plan to leave Wilmette April 13, walk the, 21, miles on the. l4th and 'return on the I5th. The scouts are to go to Springfield, .sleep #lere wvertiglit drive to 014 Salem in the morning and walk back te Springfield, sleep in Spningfie Id again and leave for hoine in the morning.. The ,purpose of this hike is to have the scouts follow in Lincolni's foot- steps. As you walk you are to learn somé of the sayings of Lincoln. At certain places along the way, a card is to he signed by various persons. aid 1 animal aid, first aidt dail, scbolatsl - - _ ------ -- __ 1 - is iii arive ismai apairyiente rjoiipigai ire apessiie o cnn t.)ee rssattintmpt .totep get g thth her; menit badges: James Years young. His wvork is one of. the reasons why $coutin g oL's inio ils Lin coln Memoriàl badge.-H a r o 1 d -st aid to animais. first twenî y-f ourthi vear witi the, prospect of beconing a inore po-wcrffi factor U-uebner, Tfroop Il reponter, St. Fran- Fletcher, first aid, first tik7prerÙ& buildiag air elert, vigorous Aeimerican býovhood. cis parish, Wilmette. ils;, Howard Fogg, first - . -________ to animaIs; Frank RanScu Cor itn [up; Jack Randaîl schol- LAKE FORES',OT WINS Wilmette ExhibitionSc tCortoStn p 3 Advaacement Right to Enter Régional S« Scout Is Saturday Event Judgment for Troop 16 -Tenderfoot: wlii Swimming Meet to Bc HeId inChi. One of the year's big events fr Troop 16 is operating under a new: n systeni expected to bring excellent ,d Curry, Richard Tay- cago April 13 Wilmette scouts and their friends and r-illtq-'ru.. h------- cvisitons, Mr. iu, f rom -cout, 1ette.- vc scouts m rst-aidtnain