acLivities oi various etiairmn xandl cominittees. Iii this capacity the mieinîberslip chairman. finance chairmati. the chair- pianx of rooxqs, social chairman. ind Iîuspitality :chairmali coine in dîiect contact with the.greatest nu.t1uber, of Parents. Thle fi nanice chairini and iiiexuhier- 4hip chairman are the ofles %whIo ifor- * nislit hefutds iwith wýhiclh W carrv on ixot alone for our own iürganizatit ii but for the 'state and national m-ork throughi the dues p aved that childreji and locaities,; less tortunate thia! ourselves nav derive'hegiefits,.ut l'. T.A. work. Below 'are Jisted sônie of the- wa.vs iii which our funds.are spent.. If von j read this pleast. cali attention of your frienids to this and look for the annqual report of,,the treaSurer in t' next ýP. T. A. News. fl'.natiomm: Til Sunday .Eveiiinag club $19.00,U~ Ti> Wilrnette Ilevreatiîîrîboar d 10.00 T.> mis 4(réen for éharitable work .. . . . .1 19: 50 T.) Miss Green for eye iîg apparatus . .1.1 Fo)r basketball suits i).0I 4 'hroistmas gift to Mrs. [itutt 5.4)o MtmbeshipNational sarfty iouncil .5.30 aftypoles . .J unior j, 1. I30 Nt1w books foi (-hooIlibrary "I >0 T, .science teai-her:s fm i ir i»J)> 0 > 1P. T. A. sent i book 5. 1) Statii>nery .5. 6 0 I 'aro of echildreîj il ring Il. 'T. A. meetings . 7,25 . eaki rS ..:1)» PrintFng. 10 duFî ers 6.N iriJn, jVLtienin, a, %vW4ier. e heat- tends Lebigh university' to spend bis Easter :.vacation ivitl i ls faxnily. He and a. group of classînates who litée ini Chicago are miotoring home: Elsieý Paterson of, 1625 Central ave- nuereturned this week from 'the Ev-. anston hospital where she under went an eniergenc% operaiioti for ap-. îendicitis. Mrs. Alfred McDougal, 325 Abbots-, ford road, Kenilworthi, left Friday for Peoria where she wNvill visit..ber brother. Mr. and Mrs. Henry- Zander, Jr.,. 736 Cumniings avenue. Kenikrorth. entertained their bridge club at diii- ner Tuesday. Miss Barbara Brunson of Los Ai- geles is the houseguest of the Fred- erîck Broughtons' of 928 Ashlalldl avenue. -o- Robert 0. Berger, jr., 306 Ken- ilworth avenue, Kenilworth, returited Friday from Lawrenceville to spend his spring vacation with his famnilv. ARIMAND'S TAILORS ANVD FLTRRIERS ]Ladies,' Taller Maiess Suits andlConet... ... Brown Building Lobby 1159 WILMETTE AVENUE 1PHONE WU- 1 T ART FURNfJ1tE CO. W. Boive iTounr motbProblem wltb RESISTAL 338 LNDEN As vol lb., shirts UV EL. q~u L UEPfI .Ad~O 1rm.. u - -I W H. 44b nu Like Il Sprrvice. 8c Dilculit iCaril ln lUar 3Ei I Pmnir7 SpecialS&*dwbe PANTUT Enjy DckPin Bowling New BiRowN RLDG, IlUSWIImotte Av*e. 6: Ra ihop EXPERËT RADIO SERVICE 1131 CENTRAL AV. Phone WL ai. SIUWNEETMLOIS FURRIERS Total . . ...*8.2jReaý litn addition to the above more dûcs1 feel anuîî or uise a-, nee-na.. the items carefillv don't voti nionev is wefl expended ' Il. - .1 I DZI rriuKuFu#rUKVC PHONE KENILWORTH 3532 J. A. WARBD FURRIER AND TAÎLOR New Suits and ail kinds of *Remodeling ini Fur and Cloth. - .Very reasonable. Phsge WLMEuM 9 WIMETE FOOD SHOP We .Çbecialize in HOME MADE.CAKES TELEPHONE WIL. 998 SaSmain st. P wns' 1, 415 MAIN STREBP Phea.t: WILMETTE 1105 --JL- >ýl, Uý1llýeevemle1,1j NEW