99 c MATIRESS COVERS..éavy mûs lin, full si».. RUS RITE Plolishing Clotho, 10 yds. in ackgev.ry soft for fine 29C MRON ING, BOARD PADS and Cover, 75c vlue.. 49C CLOTI-ES HAMPERS, large site bauket with hing.d cover, fancy design. eaçh 99C PANEL. CURTAINS of Scranton Lace* filet, a most unusual value.. Economy Sale, panel Peppereil Bed Sheets .I 19 M and 72x" 1 each, 19e Peppereil PiIIow Cases 3 45x36 and 42x36, sither size, 'pairc Bed Spreads.$,1 Tufted» Candlewick or Fancy Srip.d Fabric, each The NEW 4 SY L-O-F ROCK, Siifon, wrap it (:45 And the~ prce around $1.00 MEN'S SHIRTS Coller atched,. made of fine broadcloth, Sanforized shrunk. ECONOMY SALE MEN'S SWEATERS AIl woot, sleeveIess style, white> and ceem.- IGQNQMY UAI£ 51.25 MEN'S SHIRTS, SHORTS The welI knoww. Wilson Short U..onoge sets and ruffied style, New Mornoing, DRES FICROML PATtRNSI SE S BUITERICK PATTERNS w 1