EASTER -EG Containing overl IV2/zIbm. of pure candy, Easter'.EUgs-An attractive and colorful assÈort-. ment--priced at SPRIING 1$ IN THE AIR-4HOP HERE ANI>-MAKZ EVERY MOMENT COUNT' Once aanthe great outdoors beckons. Household cares -Planning ineals,:shopping, beconne irksoine. A telephone COUi t6 us will bÏrhijeverything to your door. No vailuable time wasted, in stopping at the store, carryat bundies home.. Everything wiII be sent to you. Priceés are attrac- tive., Deliveries are promptad eible. SMALL SIFTED EARLY JUNE PEAUS Two m ore weeks of Lenten dishes-Pbéas are most accept- able with ail manner of seca foods-fresh or tinned.ý DOZ.-1.i65 T NS. ANMLARSHALOWS Light and fluïffy. E'verY package bas a Jig Saw Puzzle. TWO SnOZ. 16. PKGS. a DEVON EE2R MELBA TOAST Rccommended on nearly ail reducing diets- end mighty good whether you're dieting ornmot.' 2 fr 2 1 0 IAssoeti Che»-I $iveet and 'Voiïdýr- fully tender 2 Ibs. 2,50 Tommeos Fine for sa.Iads, bak- lng or trylng, Tender Staiks 21/2-1b. bunch 35e, Whole or half, bake it in eider or gingerale. 1b.1 . A genuine wrpped-61 import, individually portions. for 43e* Appetizers 3-oz. jars. A tempting variety, al equally tasty. WILMETTE 402 Lincien Ave. 718 EImn St. WhU,'etka 51 LAKE VIEW 3959 Broad~wy ROGERS, PI(. y Medium Picnic Tins. A handy size to keep on hand-So good for-lunch- eon- eitber in salads or on toast. 6 1for 850 15c, A new wrinkle in cracker base serv- ices for Hors d'Oeuvres. Attractive varieties. 48 to a box 29o I