There wiIl also be a prograni of songs by the A Cappella choir of Northwestern university. TIhe exhibitioni, which is under di-. rection of ýMrs, Charles If Dennis, pro mises to surpass in size and beauty those of the ,last three years. There wil l be a greatý deal of stained glass f rohm the finest glas s akers' in the country, includfing. Thomasý O'Shaugh- * nessy, Eugene, Grob and Louis Orsten- cldorf. Dr. T. DeVries .of Evanston is lend-. in1g the club, bis -rare collection ofod mnasters which include several Italian .,paiitings of the sixteenth and seven- teenth century.- Two of Wellington J. Reynold's famous paintings, "The Intombment of. Christ" and "Ave Maria" will be shown. Joseph..Birren's "Benledictine," Anna L. Stacey's "Old Lyme Church" and "May Moonligbt," Loutfi Jacques' "A ~Reigions Finae," Oskar Grass' "The Refugees," Charles P. Kilgore's "Tasco," Davenport Grif- fen's "The Clan" and Hazel Crow Ewell's "Madonna Sans Enfant" wilI be among the many well-known relig- ious paintings shown. Several pieces of sculpture by Elizabeth Tuttle Hoîsman and Eugene Deutsch will be included. The exhibit will continue on view for several weeks. Ilw0 7A . tI eighth grade inclusive are 'playing sQft bail this month. AIl boys in these grades are taking part in the sport. During their regular gym- nasium periods they receive instruc- tion in how to hold their bats and how to play the game. Most of the actual playing is done after school, according ýto Robert W. Townley, director of physical education at Jo- - Mrs. Fred S. White, 234 Woodt avenue, entertained two tables luncheon and bridge Iast FridaY., *1 I SensatMonWUq Prfred! ýSherman,