It may be toany may be concerned to learn that the old courage and -spirit of former. years has not died out at New Trier. Last Friday a *ýmighty hattle. was fougît out upon one of the hockey, fields, and the resuits. are now history. it al started iii a seniôr boye' ad- vrisory room. A group of protesters led by, the noted reformer, Bill Mof- fat, caused such a,,turmnoil ini their, complaining about the misuse of power by. Chuck Pick and Tom Smith, that. their. kindly adviser sugges ted that such personial'affronts bie settled out-, side of school ,heurs. The suggestion was heartily endorsed, and the' boys took entire, responsibility for the af- f air on their nianly shoulders. *A medicine baIl was phaced ini the center of a hoekey fiê-1d, and at thre signal. of command both forces, which lad been stationed at the opposite goals rusled for the baIl. The objeci was to center the baIl between the oppon- *ents' goal, 'witl no rule5 as to conduct established. After an hour of combat on a muddy field, tle forces of Pick proved their superiority by centering the baIl five times. As the survivors trudged homeward, -C fl- - - -Pý 1- K. It6 porters of the Pick cause, seemed to have absorbed a~ good portion ýbf the -mud on the field. On the loser's side, John Lauritson and March Edinger looked like different men, while your correspondent received an eye whiclh only urgent measures prevented f rom changing its natural color. No one escaped without some traces of the A new study hall has been estali- lished both for the boys and the girls. This group is knowný as thel honor study hall. -The> requirements for admission are ýthat the 'stude nt lie recommtrended by the adviser on the- basis of dependability, fairly good grades, and, in.the case of the girl, a erfect record of nio tard- slips or discipline notes. The group meets ini tIetwo club roomns. Among the privileges accord- ed these students are reading on the sofas ýor talking .quietly anxong themselves.* The' following senior boys are at- tending, the honor' study ,hall:-, Clin- ton Demmon, Dick IIoffman, Bill Bremmer, Eric- Lindahl, Normani Modine, Jim Wilson, Sam: Luensman, lritig~ Sioati;, Dwight Green, Chjiarlegj Brown, Lester Bratton, Ed Schil- berg, Bill Clover, Bill Grant U'1il- lianm Sorsen, Sidney Date, Dick Johnson, Dick Cullen, Bob Fletcher, AýIrt Heind ichis, Shelley Minor and: Al Rossmnan. Boys Elect Their "Committee of 13"90 The pme'mhership of the "('gomittee man, Stanton Schuman and Bob Seîier. Juniors-Charles Dostal, Dick Pres- ton, jack Sinding and Bud Thackery. Sophomores - Paul Dempsey and Dave Miller. Fresmen-hilDostal. Any boy in sclool was eligible for thils honor. Nominations- were- made in adviser rooms and that iist voted WorId's Fair tickets trom the stu- dents, 10 percent of yoùr money will be.,used to put a.deserving Newv Trier student through college? The scholarship fund must be kePt up this year. Yiu cat ihelp US.. If 'you buy. these tcesf rom eihrthe Tri-Ship or. the ýGirls' club you ýwill.flot only sWell our funds.but save yourself money. Sobiz GirlsOrganize Drama tic Study Club* The -girls of the sophomore class have f ormed, a new, organizatîin. the Dramatic Study club.1't, is an ,out.- growth of the sophom-ore plays the girls have been giving during adviser' period for the past seVe rai montlîs. Th e object of the club ib to learn st agecrait and also do Walking re- hevarsals of 'one-act plays. T[le first meetinîg was devotcd 10 the election of, the officers, who are: president, Eleaîî- or Williams,; vice-president. Aima Katz ; secrctary, H1elen Born, and treasurer, Priscilla H-awley. Besides thé officers, each adviser room has a representative; these girls comprise the board. Between the officers and the' read some one-act plays. For the, next. three meetings, walking relearsals will lie given and also %vill lie directed by girls ini the club. . Faculty menibers %vill attend these sessions and after al the plays have been given, they wifl vote for tle best one, and the direc- tors of tlat play will plan to give it for tle whole sophomore class. The. sponsor of tle club is Miss 'rThe girls' i nter-class basketball games will lie played off thig week. ending the basketball for this. seasoln except for one game after spring va- cation betweeni two adviser rooms play-, ing ýoff a tie. The. class 'teamns have been chosent and were posted at the -beginhfing of the week. ýOn the 'senior first, teatm are the followiniggirls: AliceNod jane Xaidner, Rita Offnier, 'Frances El]lis, .jean Stout. and -jean. McConniel L T'le senior second teamù is cpmposed of Helen, Shepard, Virginia Smith, Kath- erine Reynolds,, june, Kell, Genevieve Johnson and Mary Lepmnan. The following girls. are on the. jun- irfirst teani; IreneChristenson,. Rose-: Mary :Karn'opp,, Ann Komaen, Else. vonReinsperg.> Dorothy J ane Jacob-, Esther Jansson and Jane Scrimgeour. On the juni0r second teain are jante Bryson, BettY Bailcy. Alice Hollfoway. Mary Robinson, lizab)eth Barden,. iMary iFaymo:id and Katherine Rounds. The sophomiore first tcams consists (À Burpee. Boerr, ';tetison, Banning, E. Gordon and WVaish. On the sopho- more second are Bergli, F. Haskins. Hallquist. N. Gordon, Richards and J. Weston. On the f reshman first teamn are Coul- ton, Oison. N. Waidner, McCoy, Spinncy and Sawhill. The f reshrnan second team is composed of Bryson. Neeves, Herhon, Pettibone, Cutler, Hearnie, and Peg 1Iuchinson.. Ail Aboard for Journey to the Nation's Capital! By the' time that these imniortal words are being scanined by the more acsthetic members of the New Trier studènt body, a group of lucky Tre-. verians will be on the, point of depar- titre on the annual Washington trip. Reservations closed last week;. andi the happy travelers have beèn anxious- ly~ awaiting the word of command eve weelcs, a t du list of those 18 s .t tnusiasm nas neeti arousea fcontest, for the winner 'w a silver cup. rècéiv INew Trie the time, i8 at 110;